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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
QHE United States Local time: 22:04 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:04 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum |
QHE United States Local time: 22:04 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:04 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum Funny comments | Mar 3, 2016 |
Thanks Q.
Some funny comments by the then US journalists while covering Nixon's visit in Peking as follows:
-》 Long johns - Imagine, we wear long johns and work in those over-heated halls.
-》 No jokes - For example, I asked them (the Chinese), "Do you have jokes?"
-》 Tea - I asked for boiling water for my contact lenses, but they gave me tea.
-》 We all may die - I often woke up early to work on the footage and one day I w... See more Thanks Q.
Some funny comments by the then US journalists while covering Nixon's visit in Peking as follows:
-》 Long johns - Imagine, we wear long johns and work in those over-heated halls.
-》 No jokes - For example, I asked them (the Chinese), "Do you have jokes?"
-》 Tea - I asked for boiling water for my contact lenses, but they gave me tea.
-》 We all may die - I often woke up early to work on the footage and one day I woke up at 5:30, the Chinese minders came over and said, "If you keep on waking up this early, we will all die."
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David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:04 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:04 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum |
QHE United States Local time: 22:04 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER Leaning Towers | Mar 8, 2016 |
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ysun United States Local time: 21:04 English to Chinese + ...
Rotterdam, Cube House | | |
ysun United States Local time: 21:04 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 21:04 English to Chinese + ... 塔歪了倒不可怕 - Tiger Hill Pagoda | Mar 9, 2016 |
QHE wrote:
Leaning Towers
我有次回国去苏州旅游,因时间有限,就参加了某旅行社的一日游。据称,旅游日程包括虎丘塔,但等上了路导游才说,因虎丘塔倾斜得厉害,虎丘公园已经关闭。结果,他让司机在高速公路旁违章停了几分钟,让游客在车上远远眺望、照几张相就算完事。这还算不了什么。他还把大家带到苏州某工艺品商店。一位自称老总的人,出来忽悠了一番,说他爷爷曾参加驻缅远征军,后来就在缅甸开始从事翡翠玉石生意。他为了给他爷爷祈福,就给大家优惠价。当时我颇为他的孝心所感动,同时又想,回美国时总得给孩子们带些什么礼物,就买了些翡翠玉石之类的小饰件。当时,有位旅友一再悄悄地告诫我当心受骗。后经我亲戚鉴定,那些物件虽不是什么假货,但却属于所谓 B 货。难怪亲戚们说我们在国外丧失了“免疫力”。 
[Edited at 2016-03-10 01:58 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 21:04 English to Chinese + ... |
QHE United States Local time: 22:04 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER The Bouquet Residence | Mar 10, 2016 |
wherestip wrote: Hyacinth Bucket
That reminds me of one of the episodes of "Keeping up Appearances".
Hyacinth wants to put on airs by getting a place in the country, but all she and Richard could afford is an attic apartment in an old country mansion.

Hyacinth "Bouquet" making “old world bijou Tea” 
[Edited at 2016-03-10 02:00 GMT]
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David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:04 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum |
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