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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
United States
Local time: 20:56
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“eternity” 和 “永恒” Aug 6, 2016

Fargoer wrote:

QHE wrote:

 我觉得 “eternity” 直接译为“永恒”也很好。 


你译得还是很成功的。虽然后来大家一起做了些修改,但我觉得你的第一个版本就已经体现出 Saint Augustine 原句中潜在的寓意了。

Fargoer wrote:
中文的“永恒”,与英文的 “eternal” 和 “eternity” 在词义上对应相当完整。但用法上则有些微妙差别。

虽然“永恒” 是 “eternity” 的直译,但是不同的人对这两个字的理解会不同,甚至差别会很大。具体到这段话,我觉得“永恒”或是“泥洹”所要传达的内涵其实已经被限定在前面几个短句中了;除此之外的境界,可能属于道可道非恒道了。

Wherefore he resolved to have a moving image of eternity, and when he set in order the heaven, he made this image eternal but moving according to number, while eternity itself rests in unity; and this image we call time.

这里的 “eternity”, 与 Saint Augustine 所说的确实非常相近。
[The Demiurge] brought into being the Sun, the Moon, and five other stars, for the begetting of time. These are called “wanderers” [planêta], and they stand guard over the numbers of time. … And so people are all but ignorant of the fact that time really is the wanderings of these bodies.
Plato clearly says that time is the wanderings of these bodies - their movement - and not a kind of number that measures such movement. Abstracting time from motion was an innovation of Aristotle’s. For Plato, time just is celestial motion.

Note that time applies, strictly speaking, only to the realm of becoming. About the Forms, which are everlasting, we say “is, and was, and will be,” but, strictly speaking, only “is” is appropriate (38a). That is, the ‘is’ we use about the Forms is a tenseless ‘is’; the Forms themselves are, strictly speaking, outside of time.

[Edited at 2016-08-06 15:35 GMT]

Local time: 18:56
English to Chinese
说明一下 Aug 6, 2016

Fargoer wrote:
圣奥古斯丁是中世纪的经院哲学家,但从哲学传承关系上,他应该算是柏拉图的传人。他笔下的 “eternity” 离开柏拉图的概念不会太远。 

圣奥古斯丁本人生活在古罗马时期(公元 354-430)。但在西方哲学史上,一般认为他是中世纪经院哲学的思想鼻祖,把他算作中世纪经院哲学家。但从历史学的角度讲,中世纪通常是指公元5世纪至文艺复兴之前。所以,“圣奥古斯丁是中世纪的经院哲学家”的说法似有不妥。也许应该说“圣奥古斯丁是生活在古罗马后期的中世纪经院哲学家”?这里面有些纠缠,我脑子也有些糊涂。抱歉。


[修改时间: 2016-08-06 18:05 GMT]

[修改时间: 2016-08-06 21:40 GMT]

United States
Local time: 20:56
English to Chinese
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skywalk Aug 8, 2016

China's cliff-clinging glass skywalk opens to public

Getty Images

Can world's longest glass bridge withstand sledgehammer blow?

p.s., 太悬了,我可不敢去。

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:56
English to Chinese
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Skywalk Aug 8, 2016


孩子上学路! 难于上青天?

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:56
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ill-informed Aug 8, 2016

QHE wrote:

China's cliff-clinging glass skywalk opens to public

CCTV America is the American division of CCTV News, the English-language news channel run by Chinese state broadcaster China Central Television. It is based in Washington, DC and manages bureaus across North and South America. The service employs a mix of American, international and Chinese journalists and produces Americas-based programming with a focus on Asia for CCTV News.[1]

CCTV America is led by director general Ma Jing with veteran Asia journalist Jim Laurie as executive consultant.[2] It began broadcasting on February 6, 2012.

From the CCTV America website:

"Our Mission: to provide English-speaking viewers everywhere a different way to see the world by simply covering more of it.

CCTV America broadcasts news and talk programming from in its production facilities in Washington D.C., joining our headquarters in Beijing – and our sister broadcast center in Nairobi, Kenya – in providing a comprehensive as well as balanced view of the world in which we live."


Hmm, I didn't know that there was such a thing as "CCTV America" until I watched this clip you posted. I would have known sooner if I'd subscribed to some kind of cable or satellite TV service.

[Edited at 2016-08-08 15:27 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:56
Chinese to English
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YouTube clips with some insane footage Aug 8, 2016

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:56
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Repost Aug 8, 2016

See more

Well, the first clip might not be 华山, but it's none the less scary 😱

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:56
Chinese to English
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Deadliest hike in the world Aug 8, 2016

... Mount Huashan, China

Local time: 18:56
English to Chinese
看得我又是一身冷汗! :) Aug 9, 2016

wherestip wrote:

... Mount Huashan, China


Local time: 18:56
English to Chinese
想哭 Aug 9, 2016

ysun wrote:


孩子上学路! 难于上青天?

再读“大渡桥横铁索寒” 的诗句,觉得特矫情。当年的泸定桥比这好太多了!走了一次,慷慨悲歌几十年。孩子们这条桥,天天走,“胜似闲庭信步”。那笑容却像锋刀利剑,直刺人心。 

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:56
Chinese to English
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An engineering marvel Aug 9, 2016

ysun wrote:

我没去过这些人准备去的 West Rim 大峡谷。我去的是 South Rim。去 West Rim 和去 South Rim 的人,就在此车祸发生的地方分道扬镳。我曾经打算去 West Rim,因为那里新建了一个玻璃的 skywalk。但后来得知那 skywalk 属于当地印第安人部落,去那里有很长一段路都是路况较差的土路。进那个 skywalk 还要排约两小时的队,而且自己不能照相,只能购买由工作人员照的相。好容易进了 skywalk,没过多久就会被人催着出来。因此,我们就改道去了 South Rim。


I agree with you. For me, this YouTube clip will do.

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:56
English to Chinese
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Grand Canyon West Rim Aug 9, 2016


Thanks for the link!

看了这段视频后,我更加觉得这地方不值得去,除了那个玻璃步道外,别的就光秃秃地没什么特色了。大峡谷 South Rim 的风景比 West Rim 要美丽壮观得多。每年去大峡谷的游客总计约500万,但去 West Rim 的游客只有约37万。去大峡谷的游客主要感兴趣的是自然景观,而不是人工建筑。那玻璃步道固然是个雄伟的建筑,但从另一方面讲,也破�
... See more

Thanks for the link!

看了这段视频后,我更加觉得这地方不值得去,除了那个玻璃步道外,别的就光秃秃地没什么特色了。大峡谷 South Rim 的风景比 West Rim 要美丽壮观得多。每年去大峡谷的游客总计约500万,但去 West Rim 的游客只有约37万。去大峡谷的游客主要感兴趣的是自然景观,而不是人工建筑。那玻璃步道固然是个雄伟的建筑,但从另一方面讲,也破坏了自然景观。

最近偶尔看到一条旧闻。今年4月21日,在同一地点、以同样方式发生了一场致命车祸。据此看来,如果中国大陆的驾驶员把他们在国内开车的坏习惯带到美国来,不仅自己将冒很大风险,对于自己车上的乘客及其他车上的旅行者也将构成很大危险。从93公路南向行车到 Pierce Ferry Road 左转,司机不可能看不见93公路北向的车辆以及那 Stop sign。再说,那里的交通并非十分繁忙,他们为什么连在 Stop sign 前停上几秒钟,最多只是几分钟的耐心也没有,却要拿自己及别人的生命来冒险呢?真是不可理解!

KINGMAN - A 67-year-old man was killed Thursday after the driver of the Toyota sedan he was a passenger in ran a stop sign on US 93 at Pierce Ferry Road.

Yaosen Jin, of Shanghai, China, died at the scene of the noontime crash. According to the Department of Public Safety, the driver was traveling south on the highway and turned onto Pierce Ferry Road, but failed to yield to northbound traffic when the Toyota Corolla was struck by a Toyota Tacoma pickup.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:56
Chinese to English
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Imperative to abide by the law Aug 9, 2016

ysun wrote:

最近偶尔看到一条旧闻。今年4月21日,在同一地点、以同样方式发生了一场致命车祸。据此看来,如果中国大陆的驾驶员把他们在国内开车的坏习惯带到美国来,不仅自己将冒很大风险,对于自己车上的乘客及其他车上的旅行者也将构成很大危险。从93公路南向行车到 Pierce Ferry Road 左转,司机不可能看不见93公路北向的车辆以及那 Stop sign。再说,那里的交通并非十分繁忙,他们为什么连在 Stop sign 前停上几秒钟,最多只是几分钟的耐心也没有,却要拿自己及别人的生命来冒险呢?真是不可理解!



ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:56
English to Chinese
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LAX 免税店店员被掌掴事件 Aug 9, 2016

wherestip wrote:




关于这一事件,CCTV(not CCTV-America )也作了报道:



ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:56
English to Chinese
+ ...
八达岭野生动物园事件 Aug 9, 2016




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