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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
ysun  Identity Verified
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考证 Jul 27, 2015




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Wang Daoyuan's Admonishment Jul 29, 2015

《吾师王任》 作者:刘春声


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[Edited at 2015-07-29 01:52 GMT]

David Lin
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圣经的翻译 Jul 29, 2015

pkchan wrote: 網上找到的翻譯

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


― Martin Luther King Jr.



该碑文源自《旧约圣经》 Old Testament 的阿摩司书 Amos 5 章 24 节。

民权领袖马丁路德。金博士 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 生前是美国基督教联合卫理公会牧师,引用圣经道理,其来有自。

阿摩司书 5:24 在 New King James Version 圣经译本的英文翻译如下:

5:24 But let justice run down like water,
And righteousness like a mighty stream.

《中文圣经和合本》于 1919 年的翻译如下:

”惟 愿 公 平 如 大 水 滚 滚 , 使 公 义 如 江 河 滔 滔 。 “

近期的《圣经和合本修订版》 (2010 出版)稍为修改如下:

”惟 愿 公 平 如 大 水 滚 滚 , 公 义 如 江 河 滔 滔 。“ 




同意 Steve 认为 “righteousness" 应译成 ”公义“ 才对。

网上尝试译成 ”仁义“ 恐怕有歧义,下帖再谈。


[Edited at 2015-07-29 20:18 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 16:47
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北京四中训诫碑 Jul 29, 2015

QHE wrote:


DSC04365 copy

ysun  Identity Verified
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祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏 Jul 29, 2015



ysun  Identity Verified
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即使是他哥,虱子也照样咬 Jul 29, 2015




[Edited at 2015-07-29 23:40 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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吴礼义 先生安息 Jul 30, 2015

ysun wrote:



吴礼义先生 生前是我父母的好友,到英国留学前他们一齐在青木关受训, 后来他又是他们在一起打桥牌的其中一员。 我当时经常是坐在我父亲后面观战,因此对 吴伯伯和其他几位伯伯都很熟悉。 他一口湖北话,确实是非常风趣且平易近人的。


[Edited at 2015-07-30 01:11 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 16:47
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忍辱忍痛克己为公 Jul 30, 2015



[Edited at 2015-07-30 12:41 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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The ellipsis preceding the quote shouldn't be neglected Jul 30, 2015

David Lin wrote:

pkchan wrote: 網上找到的翻譯

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


― Martin Luther King Jr.



该碑文源自《旧约圣经》 Old Testament 的阿摩司书 Amos 5 章 24 节。

民权领袖马丁路德。金博士 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 生前是美国基督教联合卫理公会牧师,引用圣经道理,其来有自。

阿摩司书 5:24 在 New King James Version 圣经译本的英文翻译如下:

5:24 But let justice run down like water,
And righteousness like a mighty stream.

《中文圣经和合本》于 1919 年的翻译如下:

”惟 愿 公 平 如 大 水 滚 滚 , 使 公 义 如 江 河 滔 滔 。 “

近期的《圣经和合本修订版》 (2010 出版)稍为修改如下:

”惟 愿 公 平 如 大 水 滚 滚 , 公 义 如 江 河 滔 滔 。“ 




同意 Steve 认为 “righteousness" 应译成 ”公义“ 才对。

网上尝试译成 ”仁义“ 恐怕有歧义,下帖再谈。


Thanks, David.

I think it's important to put the partial sentence of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s quotation of this verse from the Bible in the context of his famous "I Have a Dream" speech ...

There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. *We cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: "For Whites Only."* We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."

As I mentioned before, it is probably much more powerful to maintain the free-verse oratorical style of the original; thus it might be better not to artificially have two fragments in exact pairing and juxtaposition as in a Chinese couplet(上下联对仗), which IMO unnecessarily changes the dynamic of his speech.

Instead, a more prose-like translation might work better in capturing its spirit. For example:

...... 直至公平如溪水般源源流淌、正义如江河一样浪潮汹涌

or 势不可当、 汹涌澎拜 etc.

Anyway, it's just a thought of mine. I'm sure there are many better translations; plus mine is probably not all that good to begin with. But I'm mainly talking about the issue of preserving the style and intonation of King's original speech. To put this partial sentence in the form of a Chinese couplet IMO just doesn't quite carry the right tone.

[Edited at 2015-07-31 13:54 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 16:47
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Justice Jul 30, 2015
(1) [justice]∶公正的、正当的道理
(2) [exact implication]∶正确的含义,古时多用做书名,如《五经正义》
(3) [just]∶公道的、有利于人民的
... See more
(1) [justice]∶公正的、正当的道理
(2) [exact implication]∶正确的含义,古时多用做书名,如《五经正义》
(3) [just]∶公道的、有利于人民的
(1) [kindheartedness and justice]∶宽厚正直
(2) [gentle]〈方〉∶性情温顺,通达事理
亦作“ 公议 ”。 1.公正的义理。《荀子·修身》:“怒不过夺,喜不过予,是法胜私也。《书》曰:‘无有作好,遵王之道。无有作恶,遵王之路。’此言君子之以公义胜私欲也。” 汉 荀悦 《汉纪·武帝纪二》:“圣人以天下为度者也,不以私怒伤天下公议。” 宋 秦观 《白敏中论》:“夫公义私恩适不两全,犹当以道,权其轻重,奈何无故而废之哉。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·死地》:“历史上所记的关于改革的事,总是先仆后继者,大部分自然是由于公义。”
2.公众的议论,舆论。《后汉书·袁术传》:“ 绍 议欲立 刘虞 为帝, 术 好放纵,惮立长君,託以公义不肯同,积此,衅隙遂成。” 唐 韩愈 《顺宗实录五》:“﹝ 执谊 ﹞既而为 叔文 所引用,初不敢负 叔文 ,迫公议,时时有异同。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十二:“ 晦翁 错问了事,公议不平,沸腾喧嚷。”

我觉得 Justice 在这个语境中翻成 "正义" 是比较恰当的。 "仁义" 一般多指个人或局部的团体;"正义"、"公正" 则更适于形容整个的社会和体制。

Like I said, this is only my feel for these Chinese terms; it's not necessarily correct.

[Edited at 2015-07-30 21:50 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:47
Chinese to English
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Once in a blue moon Jul 30, 2015

Rare blue moon comes Friday
By Jareen Imam, CNN

(CNN)If anything unusual happens to you Friday, you'll be right to say it was "once in a blue moon."

The July 31 appearance of the month's second full moon will be the first such occurrence in the Americas since August 2012. Every month has a full moon, but because the lunar cycle and the calendar year aren't perfectly synched, about every three years we wind up with two in the same calendar month.

Once In A Very Blue Moon (Nanci Griffith)

I found your letter in my mailbox today
You were just checking if I was okay
And if I miss you, well you know what they say
Just once in a very blue moon
Just once in a very blue moon
Just once in a very blue moon
And I feel one coming on soon

No need to tell me you'd like to be friends
And help me get back on my feet again
And if I miss you, well it's just now and then
Just once in a very blue moon
Just once in a very blue moon
Just once in a very blue moon
And I feel one coming on soon

There's a blue moon shining
When I am reminded of all we've been through
Such a blue moon shining
Does it ever shine down on you?

You act as if it never hurt you at all
Like I'm the only one who's getting up from a fall
Don't you remember, can't you recall
Just once in a very blue moon
Just once in a very blue moon?
Just once in a very blue moon
And I feel one coming on soon
Just once in a very blue moon


[Edited at 2015-07-31 00:23 GMT]

United States
Local time: 17:47
English to Chinese
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Blue Moon Jul 31, 2015

wherestip wrote: Once in a blue moon

Blue Moon

- Heidi Feek

- Nat King Cole

- Billie Holiday

- July Night Sky

[Edited at 2015-07-31 02:46 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:47
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Oops Aug 1, 2015

wherestip wrote:

(1) [justice]∶公正的、正当的道理
(2) [exact implication]∶正确的含义,古时多用做书名,如《五经正义》
(3) [just]∶公道的、有利于人民的
(1) [kindheartedness and justice]∶宽厚正直
(2) [gentle]〈方〉∶性情温顺,通达事理
亦作“ 公议 ”。 1.公正的义理。《荀子·修身》:“怒不过夺,喜不过予,是法胜私也。《书》曰:‘无有作好,遵王之道。无有作恶,遵王之路。’此言君子之以公义胜私欲也。” 汉 荀悦 《汉纪·武帝纪二》:“圣人以天下为度者也,不以私怒伤天下公议。” 宋 秦观 《白敏中论》:“夫公义私恩适不两全,犹当以道,权其轻重,奈何无故而废之哉。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·死地》:“历史上所记的关于改革的事,总是先仆后继者,大部分自然是由于公义。”
2.公众的议论,舆论。《后汉书·袁术传》:“ 绍 议欲立 刘虞 为帝, 术 好放纵,惮立长君,託以公义不肯同,积此,衅隙遂成。” 唐 韩愈 《顺宗实录五》:“﹝ 执谊 ﹞既而为 叔文 所引用,初不敢负 叔文 ,迫公议,时时有异同。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十二:“ 晦翁 错问了事,公议不平,沸腾喧嚷。”

我觉得 Justice 在这个语境中翻成 "正义" 是比较恰当的。 "仁义" 一般多指个人或局部的团体;"正义"、"公正" 则更适于形容整个的社会和体制。

Like I said, this is only my feel for these Chinese terms; it's not necessarily correct.

I just now noticed that I accidentally got the terms "justice" and "righteousness" mixed up and was discussing the wrong term. I should have been looking at what the more accurate translation for "righteousness" was instead. I'm sorry about that.


[Edited at 2015-08-01 11:26 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:47
Chinese to English
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Righteousness Aug 1, 2015

I personally still think the Chinese term "正义" is still the best fit for the word "righteousness" in the context of this quote.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:47
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GT for reference Aug 1, 2015

Normally I wouldn't deign to use the English->Chinese feature of Google Translate to justify a translation, but since I'm not that familiar with the available online E->C resources that are relatively authoritative, for this once I wouldn't mind lowering the bar solely for demonstration purposes ...

Definitions of righteousness
the quality of being morally right or justifiable.
   we had little doubt about the righteousness of our cause

Translations of righteousness
义         justice, righteousness, affiliation, association, bond, connection
正义      justice, righteousness, right

Definitions of justice
just behavior or treatment.
   a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people
   synonyms: fairness, justness, fair play, fair-mindedness, equity, evenhandedness, impartiality, objectivity, neutrality, disinterestedness, honesty, righteousness, morals, morality

a judge or magistrate, in particular a judge of the supreme court of a country or state.
   It is, therefore, a matter of public interest who becomes judges of the lower courts and justices of the Supreme Court.
   synonyms: judge, magistrate, jurist

Translations of justice
正义      justice, righteousness, right
义         justice, righteousness, affiliation, association, bond, connection
公道      justice
欣赏      appreciation, justice

Since I'm only plugging in isolated English words(into the lookup column), Google Translate might actually suffice in accuracy ... or at least it wouldn't do much harm.

You guys could also see why these two terms could easily get mixed up in discussion(like I did by not constantly referring back to the source). The way Martin Luther King, Jr. used them in his speech, they practically mean the same thing. But "waters" are many and smaller in size, while a "mighty stream" is much larger and more powerful; there therefore is the hint of a growing process. In this sense, the seemingly extraneous character "使" in the 1919 version Bible translation (that David referred to previously) is actually not all that farfetched.
 "惟 愿 公 平 如 大 水 滚 滚 , 使 公 义 如 江 河 滔 滔 。"

BTW, looking at the list of Chinese terms suggested by GT for "justice", "公道" might be a better choice than "公平", 'cause "公平" leans more towards "fairness". Actually, I was thinking "公正" a few pages of discussion back, but 公正 and 正义 sounds a bit repetitive, which I know that many folks frown upon in Chinese.

[Edited at 2015-08-01 15:11 GMT]

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