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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:19
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来点节奏 Sep 9, 2017

QHE wrote:
David, 你前面那个“戏译”虽然没法唱,当山东快书说不知中不中:


当哩咯当 …
噹噹噹, 噹噹噹 …
武松打死一只虎, 留下美名天下扬。
Oh, no , got mixed up!



某男回国带回“伤筋虎骨膏”,上有“武松打虎”招贴画,过海关时老美问:"What is that?"
某男: "That is a tiger bone pad for joint pain."
老美: "Say it again."
某男: "A tiger bone patch for aches and pains.
老美: "So it has tiger bone in its ingredients?"
某男: "Yes, and it works very good."
老美: "Sir, you are going to have to either dump it or pay a $1,000 fine."
某男: "What? ..."
老美: "We can dump it for you, but you still have to pay $1,000 fine."
某男: "Wait? ...It says tiger bone but actually it only has dog bones in it!"
老美: "Oh, that will be a $2,000 fine!"

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
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Punishment for lying to an officer at the border Sep 9, 2017

David Shen wrote:

某男: "Wait? ...It says tiger bone but actually it only has dog bones in it!"
老美: "Oh, that will be a $2,000 fine!"

The officer: "You'll have to pay the $2,000 fine for lying to a customs officer, and you will be barred from entering the United States for lifetime!"
Is lying to an officer at the border enough to make me inadmissible to the United States for life?

The answer to this question is a nuanced YES.

Section 212 (a)(6)(C) states:

(i) In general.-Any alien who, by fraud or willfully misrepresenting a material fact, seeks to procure (or has sought to procure or has procured) a visa, other documentation, or admission into the United States or other benefit provided under this Act is inadmissible.

The inadmissibility that results from this violation of immigration law is a lifetime bar to entry.

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:19
English to Chinese
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Say it again! Sep 10, 2017

ysun wrote:
Punishment for lying to an officer at the border


是啊,在美国人家叫你:“Say it again!”的时候,你的牙齿要排排齐,因为 "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."(米兰达警告)。





ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
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耍小聪明吃大亏 Sep 10, 2017

David Shen wrote:

ysun wrote:
Punishment for lying to an officer at the border


是啊,在美国人家叫你:“Say it again!”的时候,你的牙齿要排排齐,因为 "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."(米兰达警告)。





入境美国海关答话失实 华人女子遭原机遣返

华人男旅客入境美国遭遣返 因亲属关系说谎



[Edited at 2017-09-11 02:35 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
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I declare Sep 11, 2017

[Edited at 2017-09-11 14:32 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
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In Memoriam Sep 11, 2017

United States
Local time: 18:19
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張國榮的歌 Sep 12, 2017

LeslieCheung張國榮 - 有心人

張國榮 - 有誰共鳴

張國榮 - 春夏秋冬

《 春夏秋冬》

秋天該很好 你若尚在場 
秋風即使帶涼 亦漂亮
就像落葉飛 輕敲我窗

冬天該很好 你若尚在場
天空多灰 我們亦放亮
漠視外間低溫 這樣唱

能同途偶遇在這星球上 燃亮飄渺人生 我多麼夠運
無人如你逗留我思潮上 從沒再疑問 這個世界好得很

暑天該很好 你若尚在場 
燒得肌膚如情 痕極又癢 
滴著汗的一雙 笑著唱

能同途偶遇在這星球上 是某種緣份 我多麼慶幸
如離別你亦長處心靈上 寧願有遺憾 亦願和你遠亦近

春天該很好 你若尚在場 
初春中的你 撩動我幻想 

Leslie Cheung (張國榮)

[Edited at 2017-09-12 23:59 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
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The Magnificent Seven Sep 14, 2017

据不完全统计,以下是某些最热门话题迄今为止的点击量 (Views):

1. 唱歌吧 (4,420,817 since 2005)唱歌吧sing_sing_a_song.html
... See more
据不完全统计,以下是某些最热门话题迄今为止的点击量 (Views):

1. 唱歌吧 (4,420,817 since 2005)唱歌吧sing_sing_a_song.html

2. 茶馆 (1,586,390 since 2003)"2608020851320393520130340"3580539064.html

3. 翻译与美食 (928,577 since 2006)翻译与美食_translation_and_gourmet_food.html

4. 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿Times (868,351 since 2014)泰晤士times四合院儿.html

5. 不翻译时聊电影 (332,024 since 2007)不翻译时聊电影translations_and_movies.html

6. 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing (268,983 since 2008)

7. 旅游见闻 (113,987 since 2006)旅游见闻_travel_broadens_ones_mind.html

论坛参与者的兴趣爱好,由此可见一斑。以上话题中,《泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿》是后起之秀。仅三年多,其点击量即高达 868,351。相比之下,某些讨论翻译问题的专题,其点击量却并不高。其中不少讨论往往以激烈争论的结局而收场。其原因也许如 David Shen 所说,“谈吐太较真”。

[Edited at 2017-09-15 14:40 GMT]

United States
Local time: 18:19
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一目了然 Sep 16, 2017

ysun wrote: The Magnificent Seven

PKChan 先生主持的摩天歌楼当然是首屈一指!

p.s. 现在才发现中文论坛帖子的数量挺浩瀚的;来了这么久,好多还没看过呢。

United States
Local time: 18:19
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The Great Chinese Balm Sep 16, 2017

- Seinfeld -

KRAMER: Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry, my burn is gone, look.

JERRY: What do you mean?

KRAMER: Well I put that Chinese balm on that the Maestro gave me. And look, it healed it.


KRAMER: So? My lawsuit. I'm finished.

JERRY: I thought they wanted to settle.

KRAMER: Well what happens if they want to see it?

JERRY: Then you're in a lot of trouble.

KRAMER: Yeah!!


Seinfeld -- Kramer sues Java World

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
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中文论坛宝库 Sep 17, 2017

QHE wrote:


是的。中文论坛所积累的大量帖子,就像一部浩瀚的典籍,是无数翻译人员的智慧结晶。无论新手、老手,均可从中受益。如果利用页首的 Search 功能(只能用英文 key words)或 Google 的 Search 功能(中、英文 key words + "Proz"),往往可以快捷地找到相关的讨论。对于很多 Frequently Asked Questions,也可迅速地找到答案。

在八、九年前,一个帖子出来,往往几分钟内就有人回应,就像是大家正在进行一场即时的讨论,也似乎是我们天天都在举行 Powwow。总体而言,讨论气氛相当融洽,大家就像是好朋友。俱往矣!也许是天下无不散的筵席吧!


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
Chinese to English
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on the bright side ... Sep 17, 2017

ysun wrote:

QHE wrote:


是的。中文论坛所积累的大量帖子,就像一部浩瀚的典籍,是无数翻译人员的智慧结晶。无论新手、老手,均可从中受益。如果利用页首的 Search 功能(只能用英文 key words)或 Google 的 Search 功能(中、英文 key words + "Proz"),往往可以快捷地找到相关的讨论。对于很多 Frequently Asked Questions,也可迅速地找到答案。

在八、九年前,一个帖子出来,往往几分钟内就有人回应,就像是大家正在进行一场即时的讨论,也似乎是我们天天都在举行 Powwow。总体而言,讨论气氛相当融洽,大家就像是好朋友。俱往矣!也许是天下无不散的筵席吧!


论坛精简了, IMHO  

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
Chinese to English
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FaceTime Sep 17, 2017


I wanted to ask you: do you have any problems signing onto FaceTime?

I have a total of 8 Apple devices, but the FaceTime app works on none of them. A couple of months ago, I noticed getting an error message when incidentally trying to log onto FaceTime. I know it's not a setup issue on any of my devices, because I recently remounted macOS Sierra on my iMac and yet the same error occurs.

I've changed my AppleID password to no avail either. I know I
... See more

I wanted to ask you: do you have any problems signing onto FaceTime?

I have a total of 8 Apple devices, but the FaceTime app works on none of them. A couple of months ago, I noticed getting an error message when incidentally trying to log onto FaceTime. I know it's not a setup issue on any of my devices, because I recently remounted macOS Sierra on my iMac and yet the same error occurs.

I've changed my AppleID password to no avail either. I know I can get another AppleID but that's a bit of a hassle IMO.

It's not a big deal really. The only time I use it is when FaceTiming with you. Are you on WeChat by any chance?

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
English to Chinese
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FaceTime Sep 17, 2017

wherestip wrote:


I wanted to ask you: do you have any problems signing onto FaceTime?


I have no problem signing onto FaceTime. However, I tried to call you by FaceTime a few minutes ago, but failed. I left a brief message on your iPhone. Talk to you later.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:19
Chinese to English
+ ...
FaceTime Sep 17, 2017

ysun wrote:

wherestip wrote:


I wanted to ask you: do you have any problems signing onto FaceTime?


I have no problem signing onto FaceTime. However, I tried to call you by FaceTime a few minutes ago, but failed. I left a brief message on your iPhone. Talk to you later.

Thanks, Yueyin.

I missed your call 'cause I was busy on the phone with Apple Support.

I thought the problem would automatically resolve itself, but after 2 or 3 months time no such luck.  

Turned out my Apple Messages and FaceTime got blocked. I normally don't even use these two apps; so some hacker must have caused it to happen. The Apple Support guy who helped me had to put my Apple account into what they call an "escalation mode", so that the engineering staff could investigate and have the two functions unblocked for me.

[Edited at 2017-09-17 16:18 GMT]

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