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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:12 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
今年 1 月 7 日,是傅园慧 20 岁生日,她在微博上曾有这样的一段「快乐自白」:
「人生哪都那么短暂,更何况当运动员的时候。想笑就笑吧,想哭就哭吧。并没有那么多人在看著你,不用给自己那么多压力和束缚。哪怕你变成了天仙美少女,看你不顺眼的人还是觉得你是坨粑粑嘛。所以有什么关系呢,要�... See more 还原「傅园慧精神」
今年 1 月 7 日,是傅园慧 20 岁生日,她在微博上曾有这样的一段「快乐自白」:
谁想到半年后,这位不过摘下银牌的 20 岁小姑娘,凭著「会游泳的表情包 (Emoji)」一夜「网红」。输了金牌,却赢了全球掌声。
- 作者: 邓明仪 《立場新聞》13/8/2016
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David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:12 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum Cultural display in Chinese Olympics cyclists gears | Aug 15, 2016 |
Thanks for the amended information. It's obviously Peking opera masks, not Chinese dolls as reported by Reuters.
I heard local TV commentators here (London) describe the "decorated helmets" of the Chinese cycling athletes without naming the origin though.
I guess no one did research or spoke to the staff of the Chinese delegations about the unique cultural presentation of their game uniform.
Too bad. | | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:12 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum The sweetest moment | Aug 15, 2016 |
中国跳水选手何姿今天在奥运女子跳水 3 公尺跳板项目镀银,负予师妹施延懋仅得银牌。
上周在男子双人 3 公尺跳板赢得铜牌的秦凯,在电视观众直播下向何姿求婚。何姿当场说「我愿意」,并戴上戒指,她之后受访表示:「我们俩在一起快 6 年了,但没想到他今天跟我求婚。」
- 原载《立场新闻》15/8/2016 | |
Fargoer Canada Local time: 20:12 English to Chinese
David Lin wrote:
今年 1 月 7 日,是傅园慧 20 岁生日,她在微博上曾有这样的一段「快乐自白」:
「 ……但我再次声明我不是个逗比。我是个哲学家。我只是比较快乐而已。……」
中国的爷们,有几个敢这样说话? | | |
QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:12 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
他说那个可怜中国来的小学生在学校上体操课换衣服时,被老师看到身上,尤其肩膀及脊椎附近部位 ”遍体鳞伤“,圆圆红的一块,黑一块。
洋老师看到,大惊失色,马上报警,救伤�... See more 这是几年前的事了。
他说那个可怜中国来的小学生在学校上体操课换衣服时,被老师看到身上,尤其肩膀及脊椎附近部位 ”遍体鳞伤“,圆圆红的一块,黑一块。
洋老师看到,大惊失色,马上报警,救伤车把小童送到附近医院 “疗伤”。
在这种情形下,我也只好照译如仪,对警察说: “The child was given cupping treatment for his illness by a Chinese doctor. ”
当时我看到那个警察一脸茫然,好像不懂我在说甚么 cupping。
于是我马上说:Cupping is a kind of alternative Chinese traditional medicinal treatment that would leave bruise marks on the back of a patient.
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Fargoer Canada Local time: 20:12 English to Chinese
Fargoer Canada Local time: 20:12 English to Chinese
David Lin wrote:
他说那个可怜中国来的小学生在学校上体操课换衣服时,被老师看到身上,尤其肩膀及脊椎附近部位 ”遍体鳞伤“,圆圆红的一块,黑一块。
洋老师看到,大惊失色,马上报警,救伤车把小童送到附近医院 “疗伤”。
在这种情形下,我也只好照译如仪,对警察说: “The child was given cupping treatment for his illness by a Chinese doctor. ”
当时我看到那个警察一脸茫然,好像不懂我在说甚么 cupping。
于是我马上说:Cupping is a kind of alternative Chinese traditional medicinal treatment that would leave bruise marks on the back of a patient.
您说的这事儿让我想起梁家辉、蒋雯丽主演的电影《刮痧》。 | | |
QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
ysun United States Local time: 21:12 English to Chinese + ... |
wherestip United States Local time: 21:12 Chinese to English + ... The McLaughlin Group | Aug 21, 2016 |

Sad to see with the passing of the respected TV show host Dr. McLaughlin, the end of an era where people could still have a civilized and intelligent discussion on politics and social issues, albeit frequently heated, without ever resorting to name-calling and bickering.
Roberts observed that McLaughlin’s run beginning in 1982 makes him TV’s longest-serving single host of a talk show in TV history. McLaughlin surpassed by a few months the mark previously held by Buckley with his 34 years on “Firing Line.”
“Given how rapidly the world is changing, I’m not sure that’s something that anyone will be able to accomplish again,” Roberts said.
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wherestip United States Local time: 21:12 Chinese to English + ... Chinese women's volleyball team wins gold | Aug 21, 2016 |
I was wondering who that was. I watched the Pool B match between China and the U.S. where the U.S. prevailed 3:1. The coach was sitting there mostly sulking, but who can blame her.
Too bad NBC didn't air the match for gold between China and Serbia. It was scheduled to air last night; I kept waiting but it never happened. | | |
QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER R.I.P. John McLaughlin | Aug 21, 2016 |
wherestip wrote: The McLaughlin Group

Sad to see with the passing of the respected TV show host Dr. McLaughlin, the end of an era where people could still have a civilized and intelligent discussion on politics and social issues, albeit frequently heated, without ever resorting to name-calling and bickering.
The McLaughlin Group
From the nation's capital, The McLaughlin Group, an unrehearsed weekly television program bringing you inside opinions and predictions on the major issues of the day.
—Original opening announcement
Long Runners: "For over three decades, the sharpest minds, best sources, hardest talk."
Catchphrase: John McLaughlin has plenty of them. For example:
• "Issue one!"
— The first words he speaks on each program.
• "On a scale of 0 to 10, 0 meaning zero probability and 10 meaning metaphysical certitude..."
— A typical introduction to exit questions.
• "Wrong!"
— Typically spoken in response to an opinion McLaughlin disagreed with.
• "Out of time!"
— Sometimes used if the program cuts things too close timewise.
• "Bye-bye!"
— His typical closing phrase.
Vanity Plate: The Oliver Productions logo at the end of each episode shows a caricature of John's pet dog Oliver, framed by the company name in green, barking.
[Edited at 2016-08-21 18:45 GMT]
[Edited at 2016-08-21 23:49 GMT] | | |
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