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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
United States
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Ad libitum :) Jul 22, 2014

Consequences ( a parlour game)

David Lin wrote:

Talking about myths, I came across this website called "Quote Investigator". It has a different idea about the source of the joke.
The role of the character initiating the proposal in this anecdote has been assigned to George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, W.C. Fields, Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells, Woodrow Wilson and others. However, the earliest example of this basic story found by QI did not spotlight any of the persons just listed. In addition, the punch line was phrased differently.

[Edited at 2014-07-22 02:02 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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Great minds think alike :) Jul 22, 2014

ysun wrote:

David Lin wrote:

Talking about myths, I came across this website called "Quote Investigator". It has a different idea about the source of the joke.

The role of the character initiating the proposal in this anecdote has been assigned to George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, W.C. Fields, Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells, Woodrow Wilson and others. However, the earliest example of this basic story found by QI did not spotlight any of the persons just listed. In addition, the punch line was phrased differently.


Thanks for providing the link and the quote. The link you provided is exactly the same as what I provided when I made my post.

The source of the joke doesn't matter so much. A joke is just a joke except when it becomes a reality.

Agreed. In this case the joke reflects an age-old reality.

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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Exactly, we've just played it - online rather than in a parlour :) Jul 22, 2014

QHE wrote:

Consequences ( a parlour game)

David Lin wrote:

Talking about myths, I came across this website called "Quote Investigator". It has a different idea about the source of the joke.
The role of the character initiating the proposal in this anecdote has been assigned to George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, W.C. Fields, Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells, Woodrow Wilson and others. However, the earliest example of this basic story found by QI did not spotlight any of the persons just listed. In addition, the punch line was phrased differently.

[Edited at 2014-07-22 02:02 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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雲吞麵的來源 Jul 24, 2014


Yuntun noodle

記得曾經招待從美國來的朋友,一次帶他們去香港的雲呑麵店吃正宗的 wenton noodles 。吃完都讚不絕口,說和美國唐人街的有點不一樣。

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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乌克兰 - 上篇 Jul 24, 2014

网上突然跳出一段即时新闻报导,说马航一架飞机在乌克兰东部坠毁,我当时以为 MH370 被找到了,它没有在澳洲西岸人间蒸发,竟然会飞到东欧那么远,心中正疑惑重重。不久,新闻报导了班机号码,原来是 MH17,是马航的另一班机出事了。


... See more
网上突然跳出一段即时新闻报导,说马航一架飞机在乌克兰东部坠毁,我当时以为 MH370 被找到了,它没有在澳洲西岸人间蒸发,竟然会飞到东欧那么远,心中正疑惑重重。不久,新闻报导了班机号码,原来是 MH17,是马航的另一班机出事了。




Ukraine International

【 图片说明 】:乌克兰国际航空的飞机。刚拍完这张照片,旁边的地勤人员挥手说这是禁区不能拍照。我说我是游客只想拍来留念,他仍不断摇头说机场是禁区。心想如果是其他西方国家,他们还怕游客不拍照,会影响旅游生意。况且,这是民用机场,内外都没有指示牌禁止拍照。

Ying Wang
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古董 Jul 24, 2014


Zhoudan  Identity Verified
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CCTV2《一锤定音》... Jul 24, 2014


Ying Wang wrote:


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ANTIQUES Jul 25, 2014

Zhoudan wrote:


Ying Wang wrote:


They say that the best book to learn antiques from is the checkbook.

BTW, I do enjoy watching the Antiques Roadshow on PBS every now and then.

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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爱不释手 Jul 26, 2014

Ying Wang wrote:


可能對人也適用,好像 “老” 婆、“老” 公。


一位婚姻辅导心理学家给一个客户建议,説:“把你的多年伴侣看成一件古董,那么你就会 “爱不释手”,所有问题都会很快迎刃而解。”




David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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乌克兰 - 中篇之出門遇貴人 Jul 27, 2014

飞机降落首都基辅已经是下午时分,我的目的地是敖德萨 (Odessa),乌克兰东南部黑海西北岸一个美丽的港湾历史古城。

基辅机场外表没有什么特别, 跟许多东欧及中亚国家差不多,充满苏维埃色彩;里面也和其他国际机场一样,等候办理入境手续的人龙此起彼落。由于需要转内陆机,我想空姐应该有所宣布,或者地勤人员会告诉乘客有关行李的转运安排。 但是左看�
... See more
飞机降落首都基辅已经是下午时分,我的目的地是敖德萨 (Odessa),乌克兰东南部黑海西北岸一个美丽的港湾历史古城。

基辅机场外表没有什么特别, 跟许多东欧及中亚国家差不多,充满苏维埃色彩;里面也和其他国际机场一样,等候办理入境手续的人龙此起彼落。由于需要转内陆机,我想空姐应该有所宣布,或者地勤人员会告诉乘客有关行李的转运安排。 但是左看看、右看看、听广播,都没有发现任何告示牌或信息方面的协助,无奈之下,只好借助一点旅游经验及直觉,走到行李输送带附近看看一同乘搭班机的其他乘客他们的行李出来了没有,或者机场人员迟一些会宣布一下他们的安排也说不定。

可是等了差不多半小时,看到其他乘客的行李已经差不多被认领了七七八八,也没有什么指示或宣布。正在犹疑踌躇之际,一个人走过来,微笑著问我是否从伦敦过来。 原来他和我搭同一班机从伦敦飞来,也在等著自己行李。他的目的地是顿涅茨克 (Donesk),一个乌克兰东部的主要城市,现正战火滔天,当时却是和平稳定,是一个很多人喜欢去的文化及体育城市。





在以后的四个小时等候转机中,我们聊到天南地北。从他口中我认识了基辅、顿涅茨克和敖德萨,以及他在顿涅茨克的所见所闻。他说顿涅茨克郊区的公路充满陷阱 -大大小小的地洞,他开车需要像跑障碍赛一样避开所有地洞,不然连四驱车的轮子掉进去也会转动不出来。 他并提醒我,其他地区也差不多,要小心。后来,我在敖德萨及郊区的公路印证了他的说法(见下图)。




uneven road

【 图片说明 】:敖德萨市中心的崎岖路面。当时正值雨季,当汽车走过时,闪避不及,即被水花溅湿满身。在乌克兰 - 下篇我将介绍更多敖德萨市这个黑海渡假胜地的所见所闻。

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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10 things money can't buy Jul 29, 2014

#1 Respect 尊重
#2 Common Sense 常识
#3 Integrity 品德
#4 Peace of Mind 安心
#5 Patience 忍耐

#6 Happiness 幸福
#7 Wisdom 智慧
#8 Faith 信心
#9 Humility 谦卑
#10 Hope 盼望

United States
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That’s so true Jul 29, 2014

David Lin wrote: 10 things money can't buy

#1 Respect 尊重
#2 Common Sense 常识
#3 Integrity 品德
#4 Peace of Mind 安心
#5 Patience 忍耐

#6 Happiness 幸福
#7 Wisdom 智慧
#8 Faith 信心
#9 Humility 谦卑
#10 Hope 盼望

I agree with you, David.

These are priceless treasures in life. I would like to add “Health”, good health, to the list.

BTW, that creation story behind the Wonton Noodles is “delicious”, I'm craving for the dish too.

But right now, my only choice is to boil tortellini with Angel hair. (:

[Edited at 2014-07-29 23:39 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-07-30 01:16 GMT]

Local time: 20:04
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听听 Jobs 怎么说 Jul 30, 2014


我曾經叱吒商界,無往不勝,在別人眼裡, 我的人生當然是成功的典範。但是除了工作,我的樂趣並不多,到後來,財富於我已經變成一種習慣的事實,正如我肥胖的身體——都是多餘的東西組成。

此刻,在病 床上,我頻繁地回憶起我自己的 一生,發現曾經讓我感到無限得意的所有社會名譽和財富,在即將到來的死亡�
... See more

我曾經叱吒商界,無往不勝,在別人眼裡, 我的人生當然是成功的典範。但是除了工作,我的樂趣並不多,到後來,財富於我已經變成一種習慣的事實,正如我肥胖的身體——都是多餘的東西組成。

此刻,在病 床上,我頻繁地回憶起我自己的 一生,發現曾經讓我感到無限得意的所有社會名譽和財富,在即將到來的死亡面前已全部變得暗淡無光,毫無意義了。










United States
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The Future Workforce Aug 2, 2014

Benoit Cezard, a French freelance photographer, his conceptual photography work "China 2050" has become popular on Internet recently.

Photo by Benoit Cezard

[Edited at 2014-08-02 01:28 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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健康 = 财富 Aug 2, 2014

QHE wrote:

David Lin wrote: 10 things money can't buy

#1 Respect 尊重
#2 Common Sense 常识
#3 Integrity 品德
#4 Peace of Mind 安心
#5 Patience 忍耐

#6 Happiness 幸福
#7 Wisdom 智慧
#8 Faith 信心
#9 Humility 谦卑
#10 Hope 盼望

I agree with you, David.

These are priceless treasures in life. I would like to add “Health”, good health, to the list.

BTW, that creation story behind the Wonton Noodles is “delicious”, I'm craving for the dish too.

But right now, my only choice is to boil tortellini with Angel hair. (:

[Edited at 2014-07-29 23:39 GMT]

非常赞成。难怪我们有 “健康就是财富” 的谚语。

其实,“养生” 成为现代人注重的生活主题,已有颇长的一段时间。个人蛮喜欢赵之心老师在山东电视台 “养生” 节目深入浅出且有趣味兼好玩的教导。



至于意大利 “云呑” 真的不能和正宗的香港 “云呑” 比较。估计马可·孛罗除了将面食从中国输入意大利,变成意大利粉,也将云呑改成意大利口味的馄饨,流传至今。

不知道美国唐人街有没有售卖图片介绍的云呑原料,如果有,有空的时候不如自己试试炮制 “云呑”, 应该不难。

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