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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
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To bee ;-) Apr 29, 2016

wherestip wrote:
Baret's Alvearie that may have belonged to Shakespeare

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穿越 Apr 29, 2016

David Lin wrote: 穿越時代、超越時間、蕴涵永恒

QHE wrote: 穿越

David Lin wrote:

今年的 四月廿三日 [今日]是莎士比亚逝世 400 周年。

其实他是神。没有他,好些英文字句根本不会出现,如 the course of true love never did run smooth、fair play、naked truth、break the ice 等; 没有他,世上根本没有 Jessica 这个名字; 没有他,佛洛依德可能从来没有发现意识这回事;没有他,可能没有黑人演员,再拉远点更可况是美国黑人总统的出现;又或者,没有他不会到处是骷髅头,Damien Hirst 可能不会做出那个钻石骷髅头 “For the Love of God”。所以说他是神,在四百多年前他创造了不单只留传后世的剧作,还可以在历史时间的演变中留传至今 。

大英博物馆内有一张 George Romney 的 “Shakespeare Attended by Nature and the Passions”,画内那个幼婴是莎士比亚,画的配句是 「幼儿莎士比亚被自然之母及热情所环抱」,然后再加以引申 "Nature is represented with her face unveiled to her favourite Child, who is placed between Joy and Sorrow. On the right of Nature are Love, Hatred & Jealousy; on her left hand, Anger, Envy, & Fear." 他是大地之母最爱的孩子,在喜乐与伤悲之间。画中的幼儿莎士比亚被放在正中,光线都集中在他身上,身旁就是被大地之母,喜、怒、哀、乐、恐惧等各种人性包围,这张画让我想了起 Correggio 的 “The Birth of Christ” ,那种神圣降生尘世的感觉。所以说莎士比亚是神,是莎神。确实,他在生时已经是非常著名的诗人及剧作家,死后更是被崇拜的大文豪。他呼风唤雨,要你快乐便快乐,伤悲便伤悲。要你死时怎也逃不过。

莎士比亚的剧作就是两种:悲剧与喜剧,但足以包含所有人性的各种,而当中除了爱情就是暴力,爱与恨总是双生儿。在莎剧中的死亡个案有 74 宗,死因是: 毒死、斩头、高处堕下、分尸、刀捅死、黑熊追杀、烧死甚至被焗成饀批,被焗成批的就是 “Titus Andronicus” 内的 Demetrius 及 Chiron,非常惨情可怕。总觉得死亡是莎剧引人入胜的原因之,悲剧从来造就英雄,而要成为悲剧英雄都是没有好下场。而当中那种哀伤是混集了人性黑暗的各种,假如在莎剧中的英狂没有死去,就不会是英雄。消失在人间的时空中,才是一种「穿越」,才成就英雄。而莎士比亚剧作的「穿越」不是在英雄角色,也穿越时代。


- AV (原载立场新闻)

这位作者对 William Shakespeare 之所以为“神”的推理和缘由罗列,读后令人叹气再三。



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MIT Global Shakespeares

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
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感情的穿越 Apr 29, 2016

QHE wrote: 穿越

David Lin wrote: 穿越時代、超越時間、蕴涵永恒

QHE wrote: 穿越

David Lin wrote:

今年的 四月廿三日 [今日]是莎士比亚逝世 400 周年。

其实他是神。没有他,好些英文字句根本不会出现,如 the course of true love never did run smooth、fair play、naked truth、break the ice 等; 没有他,世上根本没有 Jessica 这个名字; 没有他,佛洛依德可能从来没有发现意识这回事;没有他,可能没有黑人演员,再拉远点更可况是美国黑人总统的出现;又或者,没有他不会到处是骷髅头,Damien Hirst 可能不会做出那个钻石骷髅头 “For the Love of God”。所以说他是神,在四百多年前他创造了不单只留传后世的剧作,还可以在历史时间的演变中留传至今 。

大英博物馆内有一张 George Romney 的 “Shakespeare Attended by Nature and the Passions”,画内那个幼婴是莎士比亚,画的配句是 「幼儿莎士比亚被自然之母及热情所环抱」,然后再加以引申 "Nature is represented with her face unveiled to her favourite Child, who is placed between Joy and Sorrow. On the right of Nature are Love, Hatred & Jealousy; on her left hand, Anger, Envy, & Fear." 他是大地之母最爱的孩子,在喜乐与伤悲之间。画中的幼儿莎士比亚被放在正中,光线都集中在他身上,身旁就是被大地之母,喜、怒、哀、乐、恐惧等各种人性包围,这张画让我想了起 Correggio 的 “The Birth of Christ” ,那种神圣降生尘世的感觉。所以说莎士比亚是神,是莎神。确实,他在生时已经是非常著名的诗人及剧作家,死后更是被崇拜的大文豪。他呼风唤雨,要你快乐便快乐,伤悲便伤悲。要你死时怎也逃不过。

莎士比亚的剧作就是两种:悲剧与喜剧,但足以包含所有人性的各种,而当中除了爱情就是暴力,爱与恨总是双生儿。在莎剧中的死亡个案有 74 宗,死因是: 毒死、斩头、高处堕下、分尸、刀捅死、黑熊追杀、烧死甚至被焗成饀批,被焗成批的就是 “Titus Andronicus” 内的 Demetrius 及 Chiron,非常惨情可怕。总觉得死亡是莎剧引人入胜的原因之,悲剧从来造就英雄,而要成为悲剧英雄都是没有好下场。而当中那种哀伤是混集了人性黑暗的各种,假如在莎剧中的英狂没有死去,就不会是英雄。消失在人间的时空中,才是一种「穿越」,才成就英雄。而莎士比亚剧作的「穿越」不是在英雄角色,也穿越时代。


- AV (原载立场新闻)

这位作者对 William Shakespeare 之所以为“神”的推理和缘由罗列,读后令人叹气再三。



*** ***
MIT Global Shakespeares



我所认知的 “神” 应该是不死的。

Local time: 18:56
English to Chinese
这个很时髦 Apr 30, 2016

David Lin wrote:





Local time: 18:56
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歌很美 Apr 30, 2016

David Lin wrote:


April, come she will--
When streams are ripe and swelled with rain.

May, she will stay--
Resting in my arms again.

June, she'll change her tune--
In restless walks she'll prowl the night.

July, she will fly--
And give no warning to her flight.

August, die she must--
The autumn winds blow chilly and Cold

September, I'll remember--
A love once new has now grown old.

- Simon and Art Garfunkel


[修改时间: 2016-04-30 02:34 GMT]

Local time: 18:56
English to Chinese
四月 Apr 30, 2016

David Lin wrote:

趁 4 月还未过去,......




[修改时间: 2016-04-30 02:58 GMT]

[修改时间: 2016-04-30 17:04 GMT]

pkchan  Identity Verified
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你是人间的四月天 Apr 30, 2016


... See more




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ZAZ May 1, 2016

wherestip wrote:
Château de Villandry Garden, France

"Paris sera toujours Paris"

"Sous le ciel de Paris"

[Edited at 2016-05-01 14:39 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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待不住的众 ‘神’ May 1, 2016

Fargoer wrote: 这个很时髦



对啊,应该还有更多其他 “神”,例如:

- 厨艺高超却目中无人的烹饪大师周星驰叫 “食神”。

- 在赌场逢赌必赢,赌术出神入化(电影情节)的周润发叫 “赌神”。

- 热中高速赛车并有赵薇为其女朋友的赛车高手叫 “车神”。

- 得奖无数,迷倒万千歌迷的性格歌手张学友叫 “歌神”。

- 身手敏捷,动作灵活,力挽狂澜于不倒的足球守门员叫 “门神”。

- 每年财政预算案都能照顾贫穷阶层及社会大众,甚得民心的财政首长叫 “财神(爷)“。

- 一個围绕生命和爱这两个永恒的主题展开的舞台剧 《孔雀》的优美配乐叫 “雀神”。

- 同时,一个令許多玩家玩的很開心由东方人发明的电脑麻将游戏叫东方 “雀神”。

- 数千年来令不少文人雅士勾起无限幻想遐思的《洛神赋》所描述的绝色美女,河洛之神宓妃叫 ”洛神“。

越写可以越多,快要满天 “神” 佛了!

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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Immortality May 1, 2016

Fargoer wrote:


- Celine Dion and the Bee Gees

So this is who I am,
And this is all I know,
And I must choose to live,
For all that I can give,
The spark that makes the power grow

And I will stand for my dream if I can,
Symbol of my faith in who I am,
But you are my only,
And I must follow on the road that lies ahead,
And I won't let my heart control my head,
But you are my only
And we don't say goodbye,
And I know what I've got to be

I make my journey through eternity
I keep the memory of you and me inside

Fulfill your destiny,
Is there within the child,
My storm will never end,
My fate is on the wind,
The king of hearts, the joker's wild,
But we don't say goodbye,
I'll make them all remember me

Cos I have found a dream that must come true,
Every ounce of me must see it though,
But you are my only
I'm sorry I don't have a role for love to play,
Hand over my heart I'll find my way,
I will make them give to me

There is a vision and a fire in me
I keep the memory of you and me, inside
And we don't say goodbye
We don't say goodbye
With all my love for you
And what else we may do
We don't say, goodbye

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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五月天 May 1, 2016

pkchan wrote:


- 五月天的 《我不愿让你一个人》 I Won't Let You Be Lonely

你说呢 明知你不在 还是会问
空气 却不能代替你 出声
习惯 像永不癒合 的固执伤痕

把相片 让你能保存 多洗一本
毛衣 也为你准备多 一层
但是 你孤单时刻 安慰的体温

我不愿让你一个人 一个人在人海浮沉
我不愿你独自走过 风雨的 时分
我不愿让你一个人 承受这世界的残忍
我不愿眼泪陪你到 永恒

你走后 爱情的遗迹 像是空城
遗落你杯子手套和 笑声
最后 你只带走你 脆弱和单纯

也许未来 你会找到 懂你疼你 更好的人
下段旅程 你一定要 更幸福丰盛

我不愿让你一个人 一个人在人海浮沉
我不愿你独自走过 风雨的 时分
我不愿让你一个人 承受这世界的残忍
我不愿眼泪陪你到 永恒

你说呢 明知你不在 还是会问
只因 习惯你满足的 眼神
只是 我最后一个 奢求的可能

只求命运 带你去一段 全新的旅程
请忘了我还 一个人

Local time: 18:56
English to Chinese
不朽 May 1, 2016

David Lin wrote:

西方人追求永恒和不朽,中国人心中其实没有不朽。所以我们喊 “万岁!万万岁!”




[修改时间: 2016-05-01 22:24 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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比翼鸟、连理枝 May 4, 2016

Fargoer wrote: 不朽

David Lin wrote:

西方人追求永恒和不朽,中国人心中其实没有不朽。所以我们喊 “万岁!万万岁!”






我们心底里追求的 “永恒” 如天地之长久,渴望能够长相厮守,忠贞不渝,白居易的名句 - “在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝“ 已充分描述。

但我们往往都不可避免地必需回归到现实的限制 - ”天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期”。

这也可能构成中华儿女对 “时间”,对 “未来” 较务实的一片人生观吧。

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Hubble Space Telescope May 4, 2016


The Incredible Time Machine

[Edited at 2016-05-04 23:16 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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Brain's 'atlas' of words revealed May 5, 2016

Scientists in the US have mapped out how the brain organises language

Their "semantic atlas" shows how, for example, one region of the brain activates in response to words about clothing and appearance.

The researchers found that these maps were quite similar across the small number of individuals in the study, even down to minor details.

The work, by a team at the University of California, Berkeley, is published in the journal Nature.

... See more
Scientists in the US have mapped out how the brain organises language

Their "semantic atlas" shows how, for example, one region of the brain activates in response to words about clothing and appearance.

The researchers found that these maps were quite similar across the small number of individuals in the study, even down to minor details.

The work, by a team at the University of California, Berkeley, is published in the journal Nature.

It had previously been proposed that information about words' meaning was represented in a group of brain regions known as the semantic system.

But the new work uncovers the fine detail of this network, which is spread right across the outer layer of the human brain.

The results could eventually help those who are unable to speak, such as victims of stroke or brain damage, or motor neuron diseases.

Volunteers - including lead author Alex Huth - listened to more than two hours of stories from a US radio programme while remaining still inside a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner.

'Higher' functions

The team collected data on changes in blood flow and oxygenation - indicators of activity - in different areas of the cerebral cortex.

The cerebral cortex is the brain's outer layer of tissue, playing a key role in higher functions such as language and consciousness.

The brain imaging data were matched against time-coded transcriptions of the stories. The researchers then used a computer algorithm that scored words according to how closely they are related in terms of meaning.

The results were converted into a thesaurus-like map where the words were arranged on the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

They show that the semantic system is distributed broadly in more than 100 distinct areas across both halves - hemispheres - of the cortex and in intricate patterns that were consistent across individuals in the study.

The maps show that many areas of the human brain represent language describing people and social relations rather than abstract concepts.

But the same word could be repeated several times on different parts of the brain map. For example, the word "top" was represented in a part of the brain that responds to words about clothing and appearance, and also in a region that deals with numbers and measurements.

"Our semantic models are good at predicting responses to language in several big swaths of cortex," said Dr Huth.

"But we also get the fine-grained information that tells us what kind of information is represented in each brain area. That's why these maps are so exciting and hold so much potential."

Scientists could track the brain activity of patients who have difficulty communicating and then match that data to language maps to determine what their patients are trying to express.

"Although the maps are broadly consistent across individuals, there are also substantial individual differences," said the study's senior author Jack Gallant.

"We will need to conduct further studies across a larger, more diverse sample of people before we will be able to map these individual differences in detail."

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