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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 21:57 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
Loise wrote:
David Lin wrote:
Loise wrote:
當學生時,我也經常拜讀John O'Keefe教授的大作,特別是“The hippocampal and parietal foundations of spatial cognition“、 “The hippocampus as a cognitive map”及他對海馬回的研究都很值得一讀。今日獲此殊榮,真是實至名歸。
John O'Keefe是研究海馬回跟空間認知的翹楚,但卓越傑出的神經學家不在少數,各個認知科學和神經領域都有卓越的科學家,很難說哪一位大師的成就比哪一位大師高。我想,諾貝爾獎是一個象徵性的獎項,它指出了目前醫學研究的重要潮流,但不代表其他未得獎的神經學大師的研究成果就比較遜色。
但總的來說,是後者 - 為人類帶來的改變 (to make a difference to human kind) - 較前者 - 反映趨勢 - 來得重要。
曾經有機會參觀位於瑞典首都斯徳哥爾摩的諾貝爾博物館。深深體會諾貝爾基金的原本精神是環繞著個人創意 creativity 加上對全人類的貢獻。
[Edited at 2014-10-18 19:41 GMT] | | |
Loise France Local time: 22:57 French to Chinese + ...
David Lin wrote:
Loise wrote:
David Lin wrote:
Loise wrote:
當學生時,我也經常拜讀John O'Keefe教授的大作,特別是“The hippocampal and parietal foundations of spatial cognition“、 “The hippocampus as a cognitive map”及他對海馬回的研究都很值得一讀。今日獲此殊榮,真是實至名歸。
John O'Keefe是研究海馬回跟空間認知的翹楚,但卓越傑出的神經學家不在少數,各個認知科學和神經領域都有卓越的科學家,很難說哪一位大師的成就比哪一位大師高。我想,諾貝爾獎是一個象徵性的獎項,它指出了目前醫學研究的重要潮流,但不代表其他未得獎的神經學大師的研究成果就比較遜色。
但總的來說,是後者 - 為人類帶來的改變 (to make a difference to human kind) - 較前者 - 反映趨勢 - 來得重要。
曾經有機會參觀位於瑞典首都斯徳哥爾摩的諾貝爾博物館。深深體會諾貝爾基金的原本精神是環繞著個人創意 creativity 加上對全人類的貢獻。[Edited at 2014-10-18 19:41 GMT]
得到诺贝尔奖的确是个重要的成就,意义深远。 | | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 21:57 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
Loise wrote:
David Lin wrote:
但總的來說,是後者 - 為人類帶來的改變 (to make a difference to human kind) - 較前者 - 反映趨勢 - 來得重要。
曾經有機會參觀位於瑞典首都斯徳哥爾摩的諾貝爾博物館。深深體會諾貝爾基金的原本精神是環繞著個人創意 creativity 加上對全人類的貢獻。[Edited at 2014-10-18 19:41 GMT]
不过,拿到这个奖项的人,也不必预备个人履历了,只需在名人榜 Who's Who 影印一份就足够。 | | |
Loise France Local time: 22:57 French to Chinese + ...
David Lin wrote:
Loise wrote:
David Lin wrote:
但總的來說,是後者 - 為人類帶來的改變 (to make a difference to human kind) - 較前者 - 反映趨勢 - 來得重要。
曾經有機會參觀位於瑞典首都斯徳哥爾摩的諾貝爾博物館。深深體會諾貝爾基金的原本精神是環繞著個人創意 creativity 加上對全人類的貢獻。[Edited at 2014-10-18 19:41 GMT]
不过,拿到这个奖项的人,也不必预备个人履历了,只需在名人榜 Who's Who 影印一份就足够。
从写CV upgrade到Who's Who,不必写CV的确很省事,呵呵~
[Edited at 2014-10-20 14:41 GMT] | |
wherestip United States Local time: 16:57 Chinese to English + ... |
QHE United States Local time: 17:57 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER Smell the Apple Air 2 | Oct 22, 2014 |
wherestip wrote: "Change is in the Air"
I was just over at Apple's website browsing their ad for the iPad Air 2, 'cause I was thinking of getting one.
I found these apples too while browsing the web. I'm thinking to get one basket of McIntosh, ‘cause Mac is considered "all-purpose"; then I’ll have Mac Air2 - 苹果气息! 

[Edited at 2014-10-22 01:23 GMT]
[Edited at 2014-10-22 03:37 GMT] | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 16:57 Chinese to English + ... IBM divests its chip foundry business | Oct 22, 2014 |
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wherestip United States Local time: 16:57 Chinese to English + ... 听听 Facebook CEO 讲中文 | Oct 23, 2014 |
Zuckerberg, in all-Chinese Q&A, says Facebook has '11 mobile users'
By David Goldman and Sophia Yan
October 23, 2014
Well, he certainly gets an "A" for effort. He got his point across to the audience, even if his command of the language was fairly basic.
But his accent was so bad that he was hard to understand at times. Mandarin is a tonal language, meaning that the pitch you speak in can alter the meaning of a word.
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QHE United States Local time: 17:57 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
wherestip United States Local time: 16:57 Chinese to English + ... |
QHE United States Local time: 17:57 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
jyuan_us United States Local time: 17:57 Member (2005) English to Chinese + ... 你有朋友在諾貝爾奨里当评选? | Oct 25, 2014 |
那下一年都找你推荐吧,中标率一定会高。 | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 21:57 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum Do you agree? | Oct 25, 2014 |
Translation is a skill, in the same way that writing is a skill, rather than a profession. The ability to write is the mark of the educated person. The ability to translate is the mark of the educated bilingual. Translating is just the fifth macro skill, alongside speaking, listening, reading and writing. | | |
QHE United States Local time: 17:57 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
David Lin wrote: eye contact and smilies
Speaking of "facial expression", what do you think about the
dark green "laughing" smilie  ?
I would like to call it : 广告式渲染形环保大笑 
BTW, the stock market here uses "RED" to indicate price going “↓” , and "GREEN" for going "↑". However, that's not the case in China. 
wherestip wrote:
Hmm, that never occurred to me. Actually, the green color doesn't bother me.
青面獠牙 can keep the doctor away! 
*** *** *** *** ***
古文有“青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝的说法... 语出《荀子·劝学》:“青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。”这里的青,实际上指的是一种介于蓝和紫之间的颜色,如“群青”、“青莲”二色,常人通常会归为紫色,但实际上它是单独一个色系。另部分地区方言中的“青色”指的是黑色。
青色是我国特有的一种颜色,在我国古文化中有生命的含义,也是春季的象征,在五行学说中,青色是木的一种在古文荀子《劝学》:“青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝”中,青色也是黑色的意思,在纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》载:“二三月间,田苗已长,商家以钱给农户,俟熟收粮,谓之买青” 中的青是指没有成熟的庄稼。在我国古代社会中青色具有极其重要的意义。它象征着坚强、希望、古朴和庄重,这也是传统的器物和服饰常常采用青色的原因。

Chinese Masks and Color Meanings
The origins of Chinese masks are rooted in ancient religious shamanism. Over the centuries and many generations, artists refined the use of colors on Chinese masks. Today, color continues to be used to indicate emotions or give clues about the identity of a character.
Types of Chinese Masks
There are several types of Chinese masks: dancer's masks, masks for festive occasions, masks for newborns, masks designed to keep homes safe and theatrical masks. When used on the stage, masks help viewers determine, at a glance, the attributes of a theatrical character. Masks are usually made from wood. However, Chinese opera masks, possibly the style that is best known in the west, are actually painted on actors' faces.
Color Meanings
Many colors are used in any given Chinese mask, but the dominant colors impart specific characteristics.
Red used on masks indicates a positive character. Red can also mean prosperity, loyalty, courage and heroism. Red shows intelligence and bravery.
Purple is sometimes used as a substitute for red. In its own right, purple can represent justice and sophistication.
Black means that the character is neutral. Black also indicates impartiality and integrity.
Blue faces are also an indication of neutrality. In addition, blue can show stubbornness, astuteness and fierceness.
Green shows that the character is violent, impulsive and lacks restraint.
Yellow tells the audience that the character is cruel. Yellow can also mean evil, hypocritical, ambitious or sly.
White faces indicate that the character is evil and hypocritical.
Gold and silver show the audience that the character is a god or a demon. The character also may be a ghost or a spirit. Gold and silver symbolize mystery.
[Edited at 2014-10-26 17:45 GMT] | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 16:57 Chinese to English + ... Land of the Dragon | Oct 26, 2014 |
QHE wrote:
Incidentally, just the other day I watched an episode of "Land of the Dragon" on PBS that was about Peking Opera. It touched on some of the masks and what their color signified, e.g., 关公(红)、曹操(白)、包青天(黑), etc. | | |
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