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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
Fargoer Canada Local time: 17:09 English to Chinese
QHE wrote:

哈哈哈哈! :D | | |
ysun United States Local time: 18:09 English to Chinese + ... |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 23:09 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
QHE wrote:
ysun wrote:
… 我只从历史(没敢从政治)角度去看那故事,但没想到这竟是一道包括数学等多学科的复合题。
看来 David 的 参与感测试题 难度在加大!元芳园方们要保持:耳聪,眼利,脑清晰.
Just relax!
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David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 23:09 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum Age shall not weary them | Nov 9, 2014 |
On Remembrance Day 国殇纪念日 (observed today 9 November) for those who died in the wars now and in the past
They shall grow not old
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
- From Laurence Binyon's poem For the Fallen, written in September 1914
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QHE United States Local time: 19:09 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
pkchan United States Local time: 19:09 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 18:09 English to Chinese + ...
David Lin wrote:
QHE wrote:
ysun wrote:
… 我只从历史(没敢从政治)角度去看那故事,但没想到这竟是一道包括数学等多学科的复合题。
看来 David 的 参与感测试题 难度在加大!元芳园方们要保持:耳聪,眼利,脑清晰.
Just relax!
Why do these numbers not add up to 100? A fairly good explanation could be that the compiler of the survey either failed his elementary math exam, or developed early symptoms of dementia. 
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ysun United States Local time: 18:09 English to Chinese + ...
QHE United States Local time: 19:09 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
David Lin wrote:
You're welcome. A laugh a day keeps the doctor away ... 
ysun wrote:
Why do these numbers not add up to 100?
三 笑 
[Edited at 2014-11-10 13:07 GMT] | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 18:09 Chinese to English + ... |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 23:09 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum A posting a day | Nov 10, 2014 |
QHE wrote: "SASEL"
David Lin wrote:
You're welcome. A laugh a day keeps the doctor away ...
Perhaps "A posting a day (at Chinese Forum) keeps depression away".
It can be therapeutic and help drive the Forum to a new high !  | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 23:09 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
昨早倫敦市中心的紀念儀式有電視現場直播。晚上重溫你的片段時,令人有特別感受。今年主題是第一次世界大戰 100 週年、二次大戰登陸諾曼第反攻納粹德國 70 週年及最近英國退出阿富汗戰場,意義重大。
我以為香港的重光紀念已經改在 8 月份舉行了。
記得以前一位飽受日本集中營殘酷折磨(好像在星架坡)的退伍英軍 Mr. Edwards 於其去世前(多年以前)一直發聲支持每年在香港中環舉行的重光紀念儀式,讓世人知道戰爭的痛苦及軍人對維護和平所付出的英勇行為及犧牲。對於下一代是很好的教育及提醒。
令人深感致敬。 | | |
pkchan United States Local time: 19:09 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ... 和平紀念日(香港) Remembrance Day | Nov 10, 2014 |
David Lin wrote:
昨早倫敦市中心的紀念儀式有電視現場直播。晚上重溫你的片段時,令人有特別感受。今年主題是第一次世界大戰 100 週年、二次大戰登陸諾曼第反攻納粹德國 70 週年及最近英國退出阿富汗戰場,意義重大。
我以為香港的重光紀念已經改在 8 月份舉行了。
記得以前一位飽受日本集中營殘酷折磨(好像在星架坡)的退伍英軍 Mr. Edwards 於其去世前(多年以前)一直發聲支持每年在香港中環舉行的重光紀念儀式,讓世人知道戰爭的痛苦及軍人對維護和平所付出的英勇行為及犧牲。對於下一代是很好的教育及提醒。
和平紀念日(香港) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
香港的和平紀念日(Remembrance Day),是紀念第一次世界大戰結束的紀念日。
[Edited at 2014-11-10 19:48 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 18:09 English to Chinese + ... |
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