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| ysun United States Local time: 14:26 English to Chinese + ... | ysun United States Local time: 14:26 English to Chinese + ...
[Edited at 2018-08-04 16:54 GMT] | | | David Shen United States Local time: 12:26 English to Chinese + ... Jiangnan, the Lower Reaches of South of the Yangtze, China's Ancient Towns Series | Aug 5, 2018 |
论物质生活条件,过去没法跟现在比。但可惜的是有许多好东西却丧失了,我讲的不只是某些传统小吃或地方文化特色。(离开了家乡才知道这些习以为常的东西原来是地方特色,这几个影集中的绝大部分东西我都经历过,... See more 《中国古镇视频——江南水乡》
馋 嘴 乡 愁 没 法 堵,
好 在 今 日 视 频 多。
儿 时 皮 影 朗 家 班,
仍 令 小 伢 笑 痛 肚。
法 显 敢 扣 我 许 郎,
水 漫 金 山 淹 驴 秃。
虾兵蟹将们:冲 呀!
海 宁 皮 影
南 宋 遗 韵




[Edited at 2018-08-06 00:20 GMT]
For those of you who happen to stop by the Chinese Forum, the following is a short introduction of what 江南水乡 is:
The Jiangnan region, a vast alluvial plain with networks of canals, both natural and man-made rivers and ponds, is blessed with fertile soil, plenty of rainfall, and a mild climate almost year-round. These are some of the primary factors that ensure good harvests of rice and fish for food and mulberry trees for sericulture. Since ancient times, this region has been China's base for the production of silk and has remained prosperous even in troubled times, hence its reputation as land of rice and fish and the capital of silk “鱼米之乡,丝绸之府”. Dynasties change but the economy of the Jiangnan region has always weighed significantly on the mind of the emperor. There was a popular saying that goes: "When rice in Suzhou and Changzhou is ripe, the rest of the empire can have their bite" or “苏常熟,天下足” which signified the importance of this area to the regime. If the Jiangnan region is doing well, the emperor can sleep well.
[Edited at 2018-08-06 05:39 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | ysun United States Local time: 14:26 English to Chinese + ...
ysun United States Local time: 14:26 English to Chinese + ... | David Shen United States Local time: 12:26 English to Chinese + ... Getting some chill of the spring rain from Jiangnan. | Aug 9, 2018 |
西 晒 烈 日 俨 然 夏,
高 攀 豆 角 已 感 秋。
一 曲 才 听 江 南 雨,
三 分 凉 意 沁 啤 酒。
戴望舒《雨巷》的这几个英译本,我最喜欢杨宪益、戴乃迭的版本,并以为其余的相差不只是一点点,而是许多。 | | | QHE United States Local time: 15:26 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
David Shen wrote:

David Shen wrote:
我也是最欣赏杨宪益、戴乃迭的版本。很奇怪,在这四个版本中,只有杨宪益、戴乃迭的版本译出了 “油纸伞” (oil-paper umbrella),而这样译我觉得挺重要。其余的,我觉得第二个版本中有几处的选词也很好。 | | | David Shen United States Local time: 12:26 English to Chinese + ... The Emperor Is Far Away! | Aug 11, 2018 |
QHE wrote:
古人以“青砖白瓦”形容江南民居特色。没听说过用“琉璃瓦”描写烟雨江南特色的。这种沾有皇家气派的东西在江南属于稀罕之物,即使偶尔遇见,也是级别很高的官府衙门、千年名刹、道场佛门之严域,与小桥流水人家相隔甚远。江南好就好在天高皇帝远。如果著者确实到江南时遇上“雨打琉璃瓦”的亲身经历,那他走错地方了。 | |
wherestip United States Local time: 14:26 Chinese to English + ... New York City 1941 | Aug 12, 2018 |
New York, NY (Frank Sinatra)
Start spreadin’ the news
I’m leaving today
I want to be a part of it, New York, NY
These vagabond shoes, they are longing to stray
Right through the very heart of it, New York, NY
I want to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep
And find I’m king of ... See more
New York, NY (Frank Sinatra)
Start spreadin’ the news
I’m leaving today
I want to be a part of it, New York, NY
These vagabond shoes, they are longing to stray
Right through the very heart of it, New York, NY
I want to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep
And find I’m king of the hill, top of the heap
My small town blues, they are melting away
I will make a brand new start of it, in ol’ New York
If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere
It’s up to you, New York, NY

La da da da … in New York, NY
I want to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep
And find that I’m number one, top of the list
Head of the heap, king of the hill
These little town blues, they’re all melting away
I'm gonna make a brand new start of it
Back in ol’ New York
And If I can make it there, I know I’ll make it just about anywhere
It’s up to you, New York, NY
New York! ▲ Collapse | | | David Shen United States Local time: 12:26 English to Chinese + ... The American Dream vs. the Chinese Dream | Aug 12, 2018 |
Missed you! Please visit more often.
Its hard to run a show, with only a few.
纽 约 纽 约 美 国 梦,
谁 能 落 脚 算 成 功。
New York, NY (1941)
The American Dream
中国古人之梦 (1600s):
梦 醒 忽 惊 身 是 客,
一 船 寒 月 到 江 村。
今人的中国梦 (2018):
If you can make it in Beijing, you can make it anywhere!
为 留 北 京 多 壮 志,
敢 敲 铅 桶 唱 东 单。
该 为 北 漂 歌 一 曲,
谁 说 我 等 是 低 端?
桶子鼓乐队 1
桶子鼓乐队 2 CCTV
[Edited at 2018-08-12 06:30 GMT] | | | wherestip United States Local time: 14:26 Chinese to English + ... Opportunities Abound | Aug 12, 2018 |
Chen's perseverance is commendable, but IMO, there has to be some better way to achieve his Chinese dream.
I personally would have chosen many a different paths. 
[Edited at 2018-08-12 15:05 GMT] | | | David Shen United States Local time: 12:26 English to Chinese + ... For many, life is a struggle | Aug 12, 2018 |
wherestip wrote:
Chen's perseverance is commendable, but IMO, there has to be some better way to achieve his Chinese dream.
I personally would have chosen many a different paths.
[Edited at 2018-08-12 15:05 GMT]
I agree. Trying to get a college education for example, or getting back to his place of birth and inheriate whatever his parents or grand parents used to do. But people of his background may have so many hurdles blocking every path they are trying to take, and difficulties that we can't even imagine.
至少还有路人怜。 | |
ysun United States Local time: 14:26 English to Chinese + ...
David Shen wrote:
QHE wrote:
《从绿琉璃筒瓦到黄琉璃筒瓦》 | | | wherestip United States Local time: 14:26 Chinese to English + ... National Treasure Aretha Franklin, RIP | Aug 17, 2018 |
Natural Woman (Aretha Franklin)
Looking out on the morning rain
I used to feel so uninspired
When I knew I had to face another day
Lord, it made me feel so tired
Before the day I met you, life was so unkind
But you're the key to my peace of mind
'Cause you make me feel
You mak... See more
Natural Woman (Aretha Franklin)
Looking out on the morning rain
I used to feel so uninspired
When I knew I had to face another day
Lord, it made me feel so tired
Before the day I met you, life was so unkind
But you're the key to my peace of mind
'Cause you make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel
Like a natural woman
When my soul was in the lost-and-found
A mighty good man came along to claim it
I didn't know just what was wrong with me
Till your kiss helped me name it
Now I'm no longer doubtful of what I'm living for
And if I make you happy I don't need to do more
'Cause you make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel
Like a natural woman

Oh, baby, what you've done to me?
You make me feel so good inside
And I just want to be … ▲ Collapse | | | QHE United States Local time: 15:26 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER | Pages in topic: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Pastey |
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