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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
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David Lin
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Made in Britain Jun 8, 2015


武汉水管退役 - 英国制 106 年从未爆管

上月 21 日,位于汉口中山大道六渡桥一段长约 200 米的供水管,为了配合地铁的兴建而终止运行。与普通管道不同的是,这段管道建于清朝光绪 34 年(1908 年),于宣统元年(1909年)正式�... See more

武汉水管退役 - 英国制 106 年从未爆管

上月 21 日,位于汉口中山大道六渡桥一段长约 200 米的供水管,为了配合地铁的兴建而终止运行。与普通管道不同的是,这段管道建于清朝光绪 34 年(1908 年),于宣统元年(1909年)正式通水,运行至今已达 106 年。根据记录,这批英国工业精品,竟然从未爆过水管,足证大英帝国百年前的工业水平之高。

这段供水管管壁厚度为 22 毫米,管内径为 508 毫米,接口填料为青铅。虽然外表包裹著厚厚的泥巴,但冲洗干净后,青色的管身仍然非常光滑、完整。

最让供水部门惊叹的,是这段老管道异常坚固。水务集团网管管理部工程师李丹称,武汉的供水系统在清末掀起大规模建设之后,直到上世纪 70 年代才进入第二次发展建设期,用的供水管主要是铸铁管,到了 90 年代,用的主要是水泥管。这些管材强度不够,在长时间地面车辆碾压、管内高压情况下,经常爆裂。进入新世纪,改用高强度钢管、球墨铸铁管后,管道爆裂现象才大大减少。而这段老管道运行 106 年,竟然一次爆管都没发生过,只是偶尔发生管道接口处渗漏。

除了够坚固,这段供水管供水水质也很好。李丹说,按照国家自来水水质要求,水质达到 1 度以内就能达标;而根据水务集团的水质监测,这段老管道输送的自来水水质一直稳定在 0.5 度左右。这说明管道内部情况非常好,没有发生严重锈蚀等情况。

武汉市水务集团表示,武汉是继上海、广州、天津之后,全国第四座拥有自来水供应的城市。这段古董管道是全市 6000 多公里管道中运行时间最长的,也是该市最后一处百年以上古董供水管道。铺设这段供水管的,是武汉供水的第一人宋炜臣。

《武汉晚报》查阅史料发现,当年宋炜臣监督宗关水厂于 1906 年秋动工兴建,位于后城马路张美芝巷口(今中山大道前进五路路口)的汉口水塔则于 1908 年开建。1909 年,宗关水厂竣工,汉口水塔落成,同年 9 月 4 日水厂投产供水。水厂铺设水管 100 余公里,日供水约 23000 吨。

今次退役的供水管道,是当年由宗关水厂向汉口水塔及周边区域供水的主供水管道。这段管线从宗关水厂铺设到汉口水塔,为两条5公里长的并行管线,当时花费了 58 万大洋,相当于现在人民币 1 亿元以上,管道全部从英国进口。

史料记载了一则趣闻:当时市民对自来水加氯后有异味反响较大,传出了「吃自来水会烂肚肠」的谣言。宋炜臣于是在送水典礼上,拧开水龙头自己带头喝了第一杯自来水,还在江汉路一带当众喝自来水给居民看,很快平息了谣传,从此汉口 30 万市民结束了食用长江浑浊水的历史。武汉市水务集团指,古董水管退役后,将被送到博物馆妥善保存,留住这段武汉城史的记忆。截至昨日下午 6 时,其中一段约 200 米长的百年供水管已取出第一根约 3.7 米的完整水管。(楚天都市报/武汉晚报/长江网)

2015 年 6 月 6 日【圖輯:武漢古董水管退役】英國製106年從未爆管%20工程師震驚:70、90年代造的都爆了/web_tc/article/20150606/s00004/1433595377060

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Run for the Jun 8, 2015


Black-eyed Susans



wherestip  Identity Verified
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🇬🇧20世纪初期的冶金工业 Jun 8, 2015

Indeed. English touring bikes were also extremely well-made. They were extremely light-weight and durable thanks to the Brits' advanced technological know-how in metallurgy.

The Golden Age of 3 Speeds

From the 1930's through the 1960's, English-made 3-speed bicycles were, in some respects, the ultimate in human-powered transportation. They spawned a vibrantly active club culture that has never been equaled. The bicycle provided unprecedented individual mobility to the British working class.

The bicycle industry, centered in the enormous Raleigh factory in Nottingham, was one of the most important in the country. The workers who built these bicycles rode the same kind of bicycles to work.


Sports or "light roadster" bicycles were the basic transportation of the urban working class. They feature 590 mm (26 x 1 3/8) wheels with Endrick or Raleigh-pattern rims, full steel fenders (or "mudguards" to the British) " North Road " upright handlebars, and cable-operated brakes. Sports bicycles had rather more nimble frame geometry, typically with 72 degree frame angles. These bicycles were faster and lighter than roadsters. The vast majority of English bicycles that made it to the United States fall into this category.

In some parts of the U.S. this type of bicycle was known among people who didn't know any better as an "English Racer", although they are a far cry from a racing design. Please don't call these bikes "English Racers!" while they are very nice bicycles, they have no connection whatever with racing; it is foolish and ignorant to refer to them this way.

Some of the more deluxe models, such as the Raleigh Superbe, would be fitted out with extra built-in accessories, such as locking front forks, Dynohub generators built into the wheel hubs, deluxe leather saddles with springs, etc.

In addition to its role as a utility transport vehicle, the sports bicycle was also extensively used for touring and cycle-camping, on both sides of the Atlantic.


The modern bicycle was designed by the English engineer Harry John Lawson in 1876, although it was John Kemp Starley who came out with the first commercially successful safety bicycle a few years later.[54] Its popularity soon grew, causing the bike boom of the 1890s.

Road networks improved greatly in the period, using the Macadam method pioneered by Scottish engineer John Loudon McAdam, and hard surfaced roads were built around the time of the bicycle craze of the 1890s. Modern tarmac was patented by British civil engineer Edgar Purnell Hooley in 1901.

[Edited at 2015-06-09 02:37 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Media experts speculate Jun 9, 2015

on NBC Nightly News' anchor chair...

Brian Stelter: ... Why? What is it about Lester Holt that's so special?

Mark Effron: Because he's the consummate professional both on-the-air and off-the-air. Over a lifetime I worked with great anchors who were not so great off-the-air, and wonderful people off-the-air who are "okay" on the air, and some combination thereof. It's very rare when the tumblers all click, and with Lester it does. ...

So Holt, through the worst of circumstances, is stepping up to one of the best jobs in television journalism.

Despite all of television's business model and audience challenges, "NBC Nightly News" remains the most-watched nightly news broadcast in the United States.

What have the past four months been like for Holt? He hasn't given any interviews about the situation, but he has told friends that an initial period of turmoil and uncertainty has given way to what might be called a "new normal."

Holt used to work a grueling weekend schedule, anchoring the morning and evening newscasts on Saturdays and Sundays along with "Dateline" and various other weekday assignments.

Nowadays his schedule is still packed, but he's growing accustomed to the Monday through Friday "Nightly News" shift.

[Edited at 2015-06-09 14:15 GMT]

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梦溪笔谈 Jun 9, 2015

《梦溪笔谈 炼钢》- 沈括

... See more

《梦溪笔谈 炼钢》- 沈括


[Edited at 2015-06-09 23:53 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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样板戏不可乱唱,牛也不可瞎吹 Jun 10, 2015

wherestip wrote:

Media experts speculate
on NBC Nightly News' anchor chair...

Brian Williams will likely lose his anchor chair

[Edited at 2015-06-10 04:08 GMT]

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"Brownstone Jazz" Jun 10, 2015

wherestip wrote:

on NBC Nightly News' anchor chair...

Brian Stelter: ... Why? What is it about Lester Holt that's so special?

Mark Effron: Because he's the consummate professional both on-the-air and off-the-air. Over a lifetime I worked with great anchors who were not so great off-the-air, and wonderful people off-the-air who are "okay" on the air, and some combination thereof. It's very rare when the tumblers all click, and with Lester it does. ...

Lester Holt Explores "Brownstone Jazz"

Team up

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Sing for the Jun 13, 2015

~ Carnation ~

~ Black-eyed Susan ~

~ The Rose ~

To the Rose upon the Rood of Time
W. B. Yeats

Red Rose, proud Rose, sad Rose of all my days!
Come near me, while I sing the ancient ways:
Cuchulain battling with the bitter tide;
The Druid, grey, wood-nurtured, quiet eyed,
Who cast round Fergus dreams, and ruin untold;
And thine own sadness, whereof stars, grown old
In dancing silver-sandalled on the sea,
Sing in their high and lonely melody.
Come near, that no more blinded by man's fate,
I find under the boughs of love and hate,
In all poor foolish things that live a day,
Eternal beauty wandering on her way.

Come near, come near, come near—Ah, leave me still
A little space for the rose-breath to fill!
Lest I no more hear common things that crave;
The weak worm hiding down in its small cave,
The field-mouse running by me in the grass,
And heavy mortal hopes that toil and pass;
But seek alone to hear the strange things said
By God to the bright hearts of those long dead,
And learn to chaunt a tongue men do not know
Come near; I would, before my time to go,
Sing of old Eire and the ancient ways:
Red Rose, proud Rose, sad Rose of all my days.

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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英女皇 89 岁寿辰盛大庆典之 1 Jun 13, 2015












- BBC News


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Chinese Blues Jun 14, 2015

George Gershwin - Chinese Blues

Fletcher Henderson - Chinese Blues

Travis - Chinese Blues

[Edited at 2015-06-14 18:05 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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英女皇 89 岁寿辰盛大庆典之 2 Jun 15, 2015


此庆典叫 Trooping the Colour 军旗敬礼分列式 (又称 “英女皇寿辰巡游” )后者可能比较容易明白。英女皇壽辰








- BBC News

pkchan  Identity Verified
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Queen Elizabeth Celebrates 89th Birthday Jun 15, 2015

[Edited at 2015-06-15 23:20 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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天子犯法,与庶民同罪 - 大宪章 800 周年纪念 Jun 15, 2015

800 年前的 6 月 15 日(今日)好几个英国贵族诸侯私下约好,其中一人手拿著用拉丁文写在羊皮卷上的《大宪章》Magna Carter,带著士兵直奔伦敦城。


... See more
800 年前的 6 月 15 日(今日)好几个英国贵族诸侯私下约好,其中一人手拿著用拉丁文写在羊皮卷上的《大宪章》Magna Carter,带著士兵直奔伦敦城。


当中门一开,众诸侯及其士兵即蜂拥入城。他们的目标人物是当时自拥特权,却暴虐无道,实行高压苛税政策,以致多年民不聊生,民怨沸腾的约翰王 King John。


它除了奠定 “天子犯法,与庶民同罪” 、保障 “人人平等” 的民权基础外,也造就了以后英国君主立宪的稳健议会制度。


《大宪章》的其中两个条文有关 ’自由人‘ 的概念,更成为今日开放社会的自由典范。

“No free man shall be taken, or imprisoned, or disseised [his lands taken away], or outlawed, or exiled, or in any way ruined; nor will we go against him nor sin against him except by the lawful judgment of his peers, his equals and by the law of the land.” And, “To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right or justice.”


美国大律师公会 (American Bar Association) 在大宪章签章地泰晤士河附近的 Runnymede 草原有一个纪念碑。

今日的纪念仪式,冠盖云集,美国司法部长 Loretta Lynch 也有出席。

英国卫报网站有一个有趣的互动 《大宪章》,大家有空可以去玩一下。

[Edited at 2015-06-16 05:38 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Back then, we had two of these biscuit tins at home. Unfortunately, they were a bit too shallow for everyday usage to put pastries in; so they were always the backup containers when the bigger containers couldn't handle the volume after a shopping trip.

As I remember, ours were in better shape than these.

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Same horse, same outing (as above)? Jun 16, 2015

Also notice the young Queen Elizabeth (could have been Princess at the time**) is riding sidesaddle in both pictures.

** Actually, the side of the tin in the previous picture reads:
H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth
Colonel of the Grenadier Guards

[Edited at 2015-06-16 22:17 GMT]

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