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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
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Happy Lazy Labor Day ! Aug 31, 2014

"Lazy Day" - The Moody Blues

[Edited at 2014-08-31 23:22 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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炒作多样化 Aug 31, 2014

ysun wrote: 是否炒作



这个很难说。不过,从深圳特区报记者的报导可看到一点端倪 (参阅下面链结)。



在 “硬伤篇” 第一集里,“作者” 更呼籲: “如果你看过电影或打算去看,那么请你帮我核对一下,看我说的是不是事实,有没有错误或疏漏。” 等怂恿语气。




wherestip  Identity Verified
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Perhaps Aug 31, 2014

... the author just didn't like the way the film based on her novel turned out. it seems to me she could be totally innocent, and didn't have any intention of either manipulating public opinion or conspiring to cause a stir in social media.

Of course, I haven't read the book, seen the film, or watched the TV series. I just don't understand why there has to be some ulterior motive on the author's part to ignite some kind of controversy in the Chinese media, to her own benefit or ot
... See more
... the author just didn't like the way the film based on her novel turned out. it seems to me she could be totally innocent, and didn't have any intention of either manipulating public opinion or conspiring to cause a stir in social media.

Of course, I haven't read the book, seen the film, or watched the TV series. I just don't understand why there has to be some ulterior motive on the author's part to ignite some kind of controversy in the Chinese media, to her own benefit or otherwise. After all, she's probably living a happy existence these days here in the United States.

[Edited at 2014-09-01 05:27 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 18:09
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两个属于不同范畴的问题 Sep 1, 2014

David Lin wrote:

ysun wrote: 是否炒作



这个很难说。不过,从深圳特区报记者的报导可看到一点端倪 (参阅下面链结)。



在 “硬伤篇” 第一集里,“作者” 更呼籲: “如果你看过电影或打算去看,那么请你帮我核对一下,看我说的是不是事实,有没有错误或疏漏。” 等怂恿语气。







我是最近有人在此提起《山楂树之恋》之后,才看了这部电影。看了之后,我感觉这部电影很一般,而且有些情节有点假。电视剧《山楂树之恋》则更是低估观众的智商。你前面说“我很喜欢看到 Ysun 的过来人看法”。这才会有以后一连串的讨论。如果现在你想停止这场讨论,我也绝对会尊重你的决定。

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 18:09
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我也这样理解 Sep 1, 2014

wherestip wrote:

... the author just didn't like the way the film based on her novel turned out. it seems to me she could be totally innocent, and didn't have any intention of either manipulating public opinion or conspiring to cause a stir in social media.



wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 18:09
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我觉得 大多数情况下 并非作者有意炒作 Sep 1, 2014


I agree with you.

IMO, it happens sometimes. Not every author is always happy with the screen adaptation of their book/s. Here's an article I found on the web that lists some prominent examples ...

11 Authors Who Hated the Movie Versions of Their Books
- Stacy Conradt

1. Disney’s Mary Poppins might be a cherished childhood memory for a lot of us, but for author P.L. Travers, it was a complete slap in the face. ...

2. Stephen King probably made movie buffs cringe when he said he hated what Stanley Kubrick did to The Shining. ...

3. After casting was completed for the movie version of Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, she said Tom Cruise was "no more my vampire Lestat than Edward G. Robinson is Rhett Butler." ...

4. Note to filmmakers: don’t anger the author of the book before the sequel has been written. Unhappy with the way Hollywood treated Forrest Gump by omitting plot points and sanitizing some of the language and sex, author Winston Groom started its sequel with the lines, "Don't never let nobody make a movie of your life's story,” ...

5. Clive Cussler’s Dirk Pitt tales have a cult following. Dirk Pitt movies don’t, especially 2005’s Sahara starring Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz. ...

6. There’s a reason no one has ever seen a big-screen version of Catcher in the Rye or Franny and Zooey. ...

7. Not only did Anthony Burgess dislike the movie based on his novella A Clockwork Orange, he later regretted writing any of it in the first place. ...

8. Bret Easton Ellis doesn’t think any of the film adaptations of his books are that great (save for maybe The Rules of Attraction), but he dislikes some more than others. ...

9. Ever wonder why Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator hasn’t followed in the silver screen footsteps of its predecessor, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Because Roald Dahl felt the movie version of his book was “crummy,” found Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka to be “pretentious” and “bouncy,” and thought the director had “no talent or flair.” He vowed that film producers would never get their hands on the sequel to similarly ruin it, at least not in his lifetime. ...

10. Despite the fact that One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest swept the Academy Awards - it won Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Screenplay - author Ken Kesey was not impressed. ...

11. Richard Matheson has been annoyed with the adaptations of his book I Am Legend since 1964. ...

Turning a Book into a Movie: An Author's Perspective

... While Bissinger had problems with the movie adaptation of his book, he had greater problems with the TV show that came later, and was much further from the book. “I never watched it,” he said, adding that “what happens today is people think that I wrote the TV series and they say, ‘I loved the TV series,’ and I say, ‘I actually wrote a book,’ and they say, ‘What book?’ ” At one point Bissinger said dismissively, “They love saying ‘based on a true story.’ What they really should say is ‘based on a story that once upon a time may have been true.’” **

Towards the end of the evening it appeared that Bissinger felt like the panel hadn’t been contentious enough, and he was as eager to disparage current writers as he was moviemakers. “I think most non-fiction writers write for the movies. Their books are treatments. Don’t tell me the Social Network was a book,” he said. “This is what writers are doing and in the name of non-fiction, they’ll make it up, they’ll switch scenes around, they’ll make up dialogue. Publishers will go along with it because they don’t care about fact checking, so what you’re getting too much of is surface.” Dubus only partly agreed with him, saying that some non-fiction books are like that, but not all. He did think there were other issues with young writers. “I think that too many young writers today are being inspired to write stories because they have watched a lot of films, they have not read a lot of books.”


** BTW, I love this line.

[Edited at 2014-09-01 15:17 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 18:09
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同意 Sep 1, 2014

wherestip wrote:

我觉得 大多数情况下 并非作者有意炒作



在 David 提供的链接中,艾米已经说得很清楚了:“但我是原著作者,著作权法赋予我权利保证我的作品不被改编者歪曲篡改,我找出这部影片的问题,看看影片是否歪曲篡改了我的原著,是在行使我的合法权利。不管哪个导演拍这部影片,我都会这样做。” 我认为,她的说法是合情合理的。

某些人把《山楂树之恋》吹捧为“世上最纯洁的爱情故事”。我不知他们如何定义“世上最纯洁的爱情”。在我看来,不一定非得“啥事儿都没有”(影片中静秋好友魏红语)的爱情才是最纯洁的爱情。电影 “The Ring” 里面 Ariana 与那位德国军官的爱情,照样也是最纯洁的爱情。

[Edited at 2014-09-02 04:31 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 18:09
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Ariana and the German officer Sep 1, 2014
The Ring (1996)

During WW II, a young German woman is separated from her family and imprisoned by the Nazis. After being freed she falls in love with and marries a German officer. When Berlin falls to the Russians, and her husband killed, she flees to America, carrying his unborn child, all the while not giving up hope that she will find her family, tied together by her mother's ring.

[Edited at 2014-09-01 18:26 GMT]

United States
Local time: 19:09
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中秋节 Sep 1, 2014



Image: 北海

Claire de Lune - Claude Debussy

[Edited at 2014-09-02 16:27 GMT]

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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宣传手法 Sep 2, 2014

ysun wrote:



我是最近有人在此提起《山楂树之恋》之后,才看了这部电影。看了之后,我感觉这部电影很一般,而且有些情节有点假。电视剧《山楂树之恋》则更是低估观众的智商。你前面说“我很喜欢看到 Ysun 的过来人看法”。这才会有以后一连串的讨论。如果现在你想停止这场讨论,我也绝对会尊重你的决定。

昨天(星期一)伦敦这边不是公假,英国的劳动节在 五。一 已经庆祝了,因此工作特忙,回到家已经很累。现在可以回应一下热烈且有趣的讨论。

其实我们一直讨论的焦点,与艾米有没有权利发表有关改编自其小说的电影的评论,或者那样评论电影的行为,是对或错,完全无关。而是事后长篇大论并最终怂恿读者去看其小说改编成的电影,所引起的附带连锁宣传作用。其中甚至以问答游戏的奖励方式鼓励 -如果读者能指出她对电影的评论那里有错,更会送出她的小说作品作为报酬。



加上 Steve 提出一份知名作家名单,他们(例如 Stephen King) 也曾提出对电影改编的异议和反感。 因此,也证明一点,就是这种宣传手法其实一直行之有效,非自艾米开始,也不会以艾米结束。个人看来,这只不过是商业行销手法的一种,只要一日有小说出版,一日有导演想改编成电影或电视连续剧,过去、今日、将来,都会被人重复运用。

我以 “你还想我回答你的问题吗?” 来结束帖子,那只不过是 an expression only。不好意思令你误会了。我想表达的是,这种讨论正是公关宣传手法想要达到制造舆论的目的,而我们可能简接被利用,不但不自知,且会乐此不疲。




David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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很 美 丽 的 明 月 Sep 2, 2014

QHE wrote:




[Edited at 2014-09-01 20:18 GMT]





《水 调 歌 头》



ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 18:09
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问题所在 Sep 2, 2014

David Lin wrote:

其实我们一直讨论的焦点,与艾米有没有权利发表有关改编自其小说的电影的评论,或者那样评论电影的行为,是对或错,完全无关。而是事后长篇大论并最终怂恿读者去看其小说改编成的电影,所引起的附带连锁宣传作用。其中甚至以问答游戏的奖励方式鼓励 -如果读者能指出她对电影的评论那里有错,更会送出她的小说作品作为报酬。







United States
Local time: 19:09
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Thank you Sep 2, 2014


Thank you for the good wishes and for sharing the elegant classical poem.

David Lin wrote:

Now you know

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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自 然 Sep 3, 2014

ysun wrote:

.... 对于艾米是否在炒作,我不关心。我只关心她的评论有否有道理。你认为艾米的评论是炒作,而不管她说得是否有理。这就是我们之间的不同。....


你一语中的!而且看得挺透彻,我们绝对是从两个层面 (或方向)讨论同一个主题。虽然方向不同,却有一点点因果关系。

其实朋友聊天,交换经验及看法过程中,这种情况经常会发生,是很平常的事。不然只存在单一方向,交流面就缺乏宽度。我们可以用平常心对待我们不同之处。因为这正是专业论坛的功能,让我们能够集思广益、脑激荡(brainstorming - 很久没用这个好像已经过时的词语)、互相启发、互助互利。

在此 ”泰晤士(TIMES) 四合院儿“ 聊天,大家毋需担心忙与不忙,一有空就来聊聊,天南地北,无所不谈,大家以礼相待,也毋需说客套话。这样自然会觉得轻省、潇洒、融洽。

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:09
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头脑风暴 Sep 3, 2014

David Lin wrote:

脑激荡(brainstorming - 很久没用这个好像已经过时的词语)、互相启发、互助互利。


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