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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
wherestip United States Local time: 16:46 Chinese to English + ... |
QHE United States Local time: 17:46 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER Hammerklavier | Aug 15, 2019 |
Yuja Wang Plays Beethoven:
Piano Sonata No. 29 in B-flat major, "Hammerklavier*"
* "Hammerklavier" literally means "hammer-keyboard",
and is still today the German name for the fortepiano (wiki).

Yuja Wang and the Art of Performance
The piano prodigy is known for the brilliance of her playing and for her dramatic outfits.
By Janet Malcolm
…… I asked Yuja why, out of all Beethoven’s sonatas, she had selected the “Hammerklavier,” and she said that she had done it out of defiance. She wanted to prove that she could play the most difficult of Beethoven’s sonatas.
…… in the split between the concert proper and the encores we may read the split in Yuja herself—her persona as a confident musical genius and as an uncertain young woman making her way through the maze of a treacherous marketplace.
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QHE United States Local time: 17:46 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER

From Daily Quote (August 10, 2019):
South and north, sharing
A single mountain gate,
Above and below, two temples
Both named T’ien-chu.
Dwelling therein is
An old dharma master,
Built tall and skinny
Like stork or swan.
I do not know what
Practice he engages in,
But his green eyes
Reflect the mountain valleys.
Just looking into them
Makes one feel fresh and pure,
As if all one’s baneful vexations had been cleansed.
- Su Shih (1073)
… …
Shen Zhou: Xia Tian Zhu Temple (下天竺寺圖)
Album Leaf, ink and colors on silk. Shanghai Museum
[Edited at 2019-08-24 20:57 GMT] | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 14:46 English to Chinese + ... Paying homage to Lingyin Temple in my dreams | Aug 25, 2019 |
My two cents for the above poem by Su Dongpo:
South Peak or North Peak, access by the same gate.
Once inside, you are on Buddha's land.
Upper Temple or Lower Temple,
Both are f... See more 《卧游灵隐》
My two cents for the above poem by Su Dongpo:
South Peak or North Peak, access by the same gate.
Once inside, you are on Buddha's land.
Upper Temple or Lower Temple,
Both are from Tianzhu.
An old monk lives there, skinny and tall,
He looks almost like a crane or a stork.
His school of practice unknown,
But his penetrating eyes are as deep as the valleys.
Just looking into them can act like a cure,
All worldly worries are gone and you feel fresh and pure.
*1 这里的“南北”分别指西湖西边群山中最高的两个峰,即“南高峰”和“北高峰”。(一个在龙井村南,一个在灵隐寺北,中间有许多种满茶树的小山头,现在的中国茶叶研究所和博物馆就在那里)。往“南”是要到天竺寺去烧香,往“北”是要进灵隐寺去拜佛。
*2 两天竺=灵隐寺全盛时期山上面还有其它小庙群,“上天竺”和“下天竺”就是其中几个,近代以来“下天竺庙”没了,但多了个“中天竺”。中国的寺庙中,唯有杭州的灵隐寺一直明确地在说佛教乃是由“天竺”(即印度/西天)传进来的,因为这个寺的开山祖师是印度僧人慧理。他云游到此见一小岭,觉得很像他家乡“天竺国的灵鹫山”,就硬说这小山是“飞来”的,然后就在飞来峰下建寺住下了。飞来峰虽小但林木葱郁,溪流清澈,洞幽石奇,一向被认为是“仙灵所隐”之地。
*3 苏东坡讲的和沈周画中的这个“山门”(历史上不知被重建过几次了),应该就是现在刻有“咫尺西天”的照壁这个位置。因为朝圣的游人只要走到这里,就能听到潺潺溪流了,夏天能感到一阵阵凉意,尚未见佛面,其环境气氛已让人进入了另一个世界。这是我小时候每次跟奶奶去烧香时的感觉。现在人多了但应该多少还是有这种感觉的。所以,一进这个“山门”,就意味着你从凡尘一步跨入“西天佛国”了。以前的山门和牌坊是供人们在进入宗教圣地或“胜景”之前有个心理准备,就象看戏前的引子。一直到我读完大学,灵隐寺还不用门票,正如寺前某幅对联上说的:“来人全凭念佛一心”。现在这类建筑大多成了收门票的关卡了,让你先准备好钱袋,再见佛面。去巴黎圣母院或威尼斯的圣马可大教堂都是免费敞开的,现在菩萨也随时代了,原来“布袋和尚”的破麻袋是用来装施舍的,如今成了他的钱袋了。
*4 “碧眼照山谷”中的“照”应该是“探照灯”似的炯炯有神的眼光,而非倒影、反射之类的反光;主动和被动要分清楚。所以我觉得用“Reflect...”是理解上有问题。


灵隐寺山门前《咫尺西天》照壁 ▲ Collapse | |
QHE United States Local time: 17:46 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
David Shen United States Local time: 14:46 English to Chinese + ... Americana at its best | Sep 3, 2019 |
Here is another one that kicks in automatically after the video above:
Red Hot Chili Cookoff 辣椒酱大拼比
《正宗美国风》-After viewing 2 videos by Ray Stevens:
牛�... See more 咋一看图,以为是个七品芝麻官,看了视频才知道是美国乡村音乐。😁
Here is another one that kicks in automatically after the video above:
Red Hot Chili Cookoff 辣椒酱大拼比
《正宗美国风》-After viewing 2 videos by Ray Stevens:
Happy Labor Day 2019.0902! ▲ Collapse | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 14:46 English to Chinese + ... |
QHE United States Local time: 17:46 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
David Shen United States Local time: 14:46 English to Chinese + ... There are still things money cannot buy | Sep 11, 2019 |
钱 没 问 题,(但是)
名 成 问 题。(所以)
声 明 难 洗,(至少)
命 没 问 题。(大约)
钱 财 太 多 买 神 伤,
斯 坦 福 又 回 咸 阳。
言 传 身 教 抵 万 卷,
只 恨 一 步 跨 太 长。
2019.0909.a | | |
QHE United States Local time: 17:46 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
pkchan United States Local time: 17:46 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ... |
pkchan United States Local time: 17:46 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...

中庭地白树栖鸦, 冷露无声湿桂花。 今夜月明人尽望, 不知秋思落谁家? | |
David Shen United States Local time: 14:46 English to Chinese + ... More on Moon Festival after Seeing the Artworks of Cartoonist and Translator Feng Zikai (1898-1975) | Sep 14, 2019 |
尽其一生,完成作业。 | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 14:46 English to Chinese + ... China vs. the US (a new definition of classes in my eyes) | Sep 15, 2019 |
The definition of "classes" “阶级” as I know it from my high school textbooks of Marxist economic theory has apparently changed, so is the relationship between peasants and workers. One of the first English phrases we all enjoyed pronouncing is "the poor and lower-middle peasants" or “贫下中农”. This word seems to have become obsolete in the current Chinese vocabulary for daily usage, so much so that when I ... See more 《中美贸易,工农关系》
The definition of "classes" “阶级” as I know it from my high school textbooks of Marxist economic theory has apparently changed, so is the relationship between peasants and workers. One of the first English phrases we all enjoyed pronouncing is "the poor and lower-middle peasants" or “贫下中农”. This word seems to have become obsolete in the current Chinese vocabulary for daily usage, so much so that when I try to type it using only initials, what comes up automatically is “评选美女”. I have no idea how we got here from there.
But this post is a reflection on a piece of news I read this morning about soybeans, 200,000 tons of it, just ordered as a goodwill gesture from China in response to a good gesture from the US on easing tariffs on Chinese goods.
美方释放善意 中国采购20万吨大豆
美国农民在下地...... 中国工人在上网......

西雅图港 Docks at the Port of Seattle © Don Wilson
P.S. 再看这俩:
[Edited at 2019-09-15 20:28 GMT]
[Edited at 2019-09-16 03:17 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
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