在我正儿八经要交差的译文中,几年前遇到过一篇带有 Arcadia 这个词的文章。我当时采用了“卡”字是因为懒惰。(通常接到翻译活儿后,我会很快读一遍对内容有个大概印象。然后将文章一股脑儿扔进谷歌翻译机里让它处理一遍,因为它马上就会把译文吐出来。不管吐出来的东西好不好,至少省去了我大量打字的时间。而且我打中文的速度肯定属于较慢的一员,跟现在许多小年轻没法赛跑。)除了懒惰,另一个理由是我认为:大凡人名地名之类,既然是谷歌吐出来的,那应该是许许多多人反复选用的结果,受众的面也相应更广泛。所以就采用了“阿卡迪亚”。现在看来,吐出来的东西,不一定细,有的很粗,还得自己慢慢嚼,此乃一例。人名地名,音准为上。从发音上讲,“凯”比“卡”准确,若要讲究词义则“凯”明显胜出,尽管这类追求往往以牵强附会收场。
几年前翻的那篇文章是研究黄山对中国艺术之影响的论文,作者是齐皎瀚(J. Chaves)教授。齐教授任教于乔治·华盛顿大学,本人就是翻译家,尤精中国古诗文之英译。大约是组织方的意思,他把自己写的文章的白话部分留给了我来翻成中文,大约认为我中文会说得比他好一些吧。可惜该文已经出版,无法再追回修改了,不然我会选用“亚凯迪亚——人间乐园”。论文较长,节录如下;以供同好: (下面紫色粗体英文诗词部分全是 Prof. Jonathan Chaves 的译作,原诗是以咏黄山而著称的清代诗人曹贞吉的作品。)
That the painting and the religiosity of this place are closely linked becomes apparent when we read a marvelous poem of the “lyric” ci 词type by one of the most important and probably most prolific of the Yellow Mountain poets, Cao Zhenji (1634–1698). It is one that he wrote for inscription upon a painting by Gong Xian (also known as Banqian), today apparently lost (the poem, like the others by Cao below, are here translated for the first time)2
Inscribed on a Painting by Gong Banqian
[To the tune] Die lian hua, “Butterflies Love the Flowers”
Bones of rock, jutting upwards,
startling as they surge from ground
A thousand feet of twisting vines,
Coiling cliffs with force of writhing dragons!
Half a thatched hut, left standing after battering by wind
Inside must be a recluse sleeping.
Outside the gate now
flies not one speck of dust
New reeds grow, tender green—
And dark mist hides a sense of river, lake.
May I move to live inside this painting,
A plot within the realm of Never Care
Until the final two lines, there is a verbal presentation of the contents of the painting. Nature here is wild, untamed, and even “romantic,” and it is dark, with a brooding, blackish tonality characteristic of many of Gong’s finest works. Perhaps the mood of sadness at the recent crisis in China’s fate has somehow found its reflection in nature. At the same time, this is not “uninhabited” nature. No people are shown, but there is a hut, threatened by brutal winds, that most likely houses one of those contemporary recluses who had withdrawn from the chaos of the world. Then unexpectedly, in the last two lines, the poet speaks in his personal voice, expressing a desire to enter the painting and to live there! For all the forbidding aspects of the landscape, it is in fact the realm of an ancient mythical ruler named Never Care, whose reign was so humane and harmonious that his citizens had nary a care in the world. That is, the painting shows us what was known in the West as Arcadia, an idyllic ancient regime which, although not completely free of conflict and tension, was, by comparison with today’s troubled society, an earthly paradise, free even of “one speck of dust.” (Virgil’s Eclogues provide a perfect example from Roman literature.) In the world of Gong’s painting, as experienced by Cao Zhenji, antiquity and the contemporary world have become one; time has been collapsed or transcended, and a spiritual victory has been grasped from the jaws of defeat, a victory in which the truths of Confucian teaching have again proved their perduring power against human suffering. And yet the poet is still on this side of the realm depicted in the painting. He leaves us with his “prayer” for access to that world.
诗词前面几行我们看到的只是诗人对画中内容的描述,画所描绘的是荒山僻壤,犹如混沌初开之时,整幅画面笼罩在一片阴森森、黑乎乎的气氛之中,昏昏沉沉却又有几分浪漫。龚贤作品的精彩之处也往往在于此。可到了末尾这两行话题却突然一转。也许画家是触景生情,从某种程度上画出了他当时的心境:国难虽已过,心绪仍未平。但这种荒凉并没有到“荒无人烟”的地步,虽没画人物却有茅屋一间,顶着狂风,里面很可能住着某个隐士,为避乱世,遁迹山林,面临狂风又何足道哉...... 描绘至此,诗人在末尾这两句突然笔锋一转,道出了自己的心声;他想:“移家来画里”。尽管从画中情形看,此地做为宅居极为不宜,诗人却把它比作远古神话中无怀氏管辖的封地,她抚世安邦,其民生乐而无忧。那就是说,画中描绘的相当于西方人说的阿卡迪亚——是人间乐园,里面虽然不是没有争执、没有矛盾,但跟当今之社会相比,它则是人间天堂了,而且“一尘不染。”(语出古罗马诗人维吉尔的《牧歌集》)在龚贤的画中曹贞吉看到了古今的融合、时空的超越、精神的升华:山河虽破,志不可夺。儒家文人面对人间历难时信奉的处世真谛在此又一次得到了证实。然而在现实中诗人却仍然身处画外,只能望画兴叹,希望能够有进入那个画境之路。
Source: A collection of essays for the Exhibition of Art of the Mountain, 2017-18, works by China's top landscape photographers 《中国名山大川摄影展》, New York 2017-18
