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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 16:39
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筷子文化 Oct 15, 2024


“筷子”夹住火箭 “星舰”历史性着陆

[修改时间: 2024-10-16 04:26 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 16:39
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Intentionally misinterpreting or lying through his teeth Oct 17, 2024




网易:徐辉将军英语不差 (?)

徐辉将军引用的拜登原话是:“as long as there is a single Ukrainian fighting against Russian aggression, the United States will fully support it !”


由此可见,徐辉将军的英语很差!而且他只会鹦鹉学舌!所以,即使你给徐辉少将加急快递几本《新概念英语》(New Concept English) 也未必管用!







徐辉将军应该去看看这部纪录片:二战经典纪录片《我们为何而战 中国的战斗》完整版


[修改时间: 2024-10-17 22:41 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:39
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idiom: Lie through one’s teeth Oct 17, 2024

to tell someone something that you know is completely false:
He asked me how old I was and, lying through my teeth, I said "29."

Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
to say something not true in order to deceive
lie All she does is lie - you can't believe a word she says.
tell a lie I cannot tell a lie: I chopped down the cherry tree.
lie through your teeth
He lied through his teeth that he didn't go to the movies, though he was still holding the ticket stub in his hand as he said it.

in Chinese (Simplified)
说谎话, 睁眼说瞎话…

[修改时间: 2024-10-17 21:24 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:39
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双语学习 Oct 19, 2024

Imperial Japan failed to bring China cringing to her knees
  In the past China has not computed the cost to her manpower in her fight against aggression, although she well realized that manpower is the real wealth of a nation and it takes generations to grow it. She has been soberly conscious of her responsibilities and has not concerned herself with privileges and gains which she might have obtained through compromise of principles. Nor will she demean herself and all she holds dear to the practice of the market place.



Soong May-ling U.S. House of Representatives Speech


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:39
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Translation of Garpiya (Гарпия in Russian) - 鹰身女妖 Oct 21, 2024

Кто такие Гарпии! (Who are such Garpiyas!)


Garpiya also refers to a family of long-range combat drone produced by a Russian company IEMZ Kupol.

The Moscow Times:
The Russian company IEMZ Kupol was said to have manufactured over 2,500 Garpiya-A1 drones between July 2023 and July 2024. The Garpiya drone has a maximum takeoff weight of under 300 kilograms and a range of 1,500 kilometers.

According to a European intelligence agency cited by Reuters, the Garpiya “closely resembles” Iranian-designed Shahed drones but is powered by Limbach L-550 E engines. Originally designed by an unidentified German company, the engines are now produced by the Chinese firm Xiamen Limbach.

About Us
The Moscow Times is Russia’s leading, independent English-language media outlet. Our team of Russian and English journalists provide readers across the world with breaking news, engaging stories and balanced reporting about the largest country on Earth.

(Note: Saint George is slaying a dragon in the above picture.)

Xiamen Limbach Aircraft Engine Co., Ltd.(厦门林巴赫航空发动机有限公司)

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:39
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Translation of "coalition of criminals" Oct 21, 2024

In a news report published by (腾讯), the phrase "coalition of criminals" is translated into “犯罪联盟”.




However, in my humble opinion, "coalition of criminals" should be translated into “犯罪者联盟” or “罪犯联盟”, which is a bit different from “犯罪联盟” (criminal alliance).

As a matter of fact, Zelensky didn't specifically indicate that Putin's "coalition of criminals" includes China. He only mentioned “the support provided by Iran and China”. 俗话讲,“捡什么的都见过,就是没见过捡骂的!” 再说,官方尚未对此作出任何回应,连皇帝都还没着急,太监急什么?

Please listen to what Zelensky himself said, not explanations or imaginations provided by others!
Zelensky noted that Putin's "coalition of criminals" now includes North Korea, which has provided not only weapons but also personnel for Russian factories and the military.

"This is effectively participation of a second state in the war against Ukraine on Russia's side." The president also highlighted the support provided by Iran and China.

Original vedio:
"Unfortunately, we are receiving signals that China is actively helping Russia drag out this war, and we have clear intelligence data."

[修改时间: 2024-10-21 19:01 GMT]

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United States
Local time: 17:39
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“倍加真确” Oct 26, 2024

ysun wrote:


Soong May-ling U.S. House of Representatives Speech

We of this generation who are privileged to help make a better world for ourselves and for posterity should remember that, while we must not be visionary, we must have vision so that peace should not be punitive in spirit and should not be provincial or nationalistic or even continental in concept, but universal in scope and humanitarian in action, for modern science has so annihilated distance that what affects one people must of necessity affect all other peoples.
___ Soong Mei-ling (宋美齡, 1898-2003), Address to the United States House of Representatives, February 18, 1943.

"Heal the World" - Michael Jackson

[Edited at 2024-10-26 02:46 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:39
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Translating “5000年宿敌” into English: "a historical enemy over the past 5000 years” Oct 26, 2024

宿敌 = old enemy, long-standing enemy宿敌
◎ 宿敌 sùdí
[old enemy] 久己存在的敌人

宿敌是一个汉语词语,拼音是sù dí,意思是能持续永恒的较量,长期的敌人,天生的对手,命中注定的竞争者。一向对抗的同道中人,纠缠几年、甚至一生的对手,久己存在的敌人。

In 2018, a high-profile member of the North Korean elite declared that “although Japan is a century-old enemy [of North Korea], China is a thousand-year-old enemy.”

Gojoseon [古朝鮮(公元前2333年 - 公元前108年)]
Gojoseon (Korean: 고조선; Hanja: 古朝鮮; RR: Gojoseon; Korean pronunciation: [ko.dʑo.sʌn]), also called Joseon (Korean: 조선; Hanja: 朝鮮; RR: Joseon; [tɕo.sʌn]), was the first kingdom on the Korean Peninsula. According to Korean mythology, the kingdom was established by the legendary king Dangun. Gojoseon possessed the most advanced culture in the Korean Peninsula at the time and was an important marker in the progression towards the more centralized states of later periods. The addition of Go (고; 古), meaning "ancient", is used in historiography to distinguish the kingdom from the Joseon dynasty, founded in 1392 CE.

According to the Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms, Gojoseon was established in 2333 BCE by Dangun, who was said to be born from the heavenly prince Hwanung and a bear-woman, Ungnyeo. While Dangun is a mythological figure of whose existence no concrete evidence has been found,[1] some interpret his legend as reflections of the sociocultural situations involving the kingdom's early development.[2] Regardless, the account of Dangun has played an important role in the development of Korean identity. Today, the founding date of Gojoseon is officially celebrated as National Foundation Day in North[3] and South Korea.

“2333 BCE”是公元前2333年。不知“5000年的宿敌”是怎么算出来的!

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:39
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History has never been so clear and so comparable! Oct 26, 2024

QHE wrote:

We of this generation who are privileged to help make a better world for ourselves and for posterity should remember that, while we must not be visionary, we must have vision so that peace should not be punitive in spirit and should not be provincial or nationalistic or even continental in concept, but universal in scope and humanitarian in action, for modern science has so annihilated distance that what affects one people must of necessity affect all other peoples.
___ Soong Mei-ling (宋美齡, 1898-2003), Address to the United States House of Representatives, February 18, 1943.

ysun wrote:

徐辉将军应该去看看这部纪录片:二战经典纪录片《我们为何而战 中国的战斗》完整版

[修改时间: 2024-10-26 22:37 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:39
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助纣为虐 vs. 锄强扶弱 Oct 26, 2024

[国防军事早报]关注乌克兰局势 助纣为虐 美宣布再向乌提供8亿美元军事援助

... See more
[国防军事早报]关注乌克兰局势 助纣为虐 美宣布再向乌提供8亿美元军事援助

央视小编和主播用词不当,估计他们都没看过二战经典纪录片《我们为何而战 中国的战斗》(此片在中国大陆曾长期被封杀)。助纣为虐
◎ 助纣为虐 zhùzhòu-wéinüè

[aid an evildoer to do evil] 帮助坏人做坏事助紂為虐

to help the wicked perpetrate wicked deeds; to help a tyrant to do evil

看了二战经典纪录片《我们为何而战 中国的战斗》之后,就会明白究竟是谁在助纣为虐、谁在锄强扶弱了!

◎ 锄强扶弱 chúqiáng-fúruò

(root out the daring and protect the weak) 铲除豪强,扶助弱小者


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:39
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炮灰 >>> cannon fodder Oct 27, 2024

cannon fodder
If you describe soldiers as cannon fodder, you mean that they are not considered important by their officers and are sent into war without their leaders worrying if they die.

in Chinese (Simplified)



The "wolf warrior" shouted “首战用我,用我必胜!”, meaning: "Use me in the first battle. If you use me, you will win!"

What did he mean by “use me"? Is he some type of tools?

Fortunately, this guy returned to China alive in March 2024.

首戰即終戰 翌日齐阵亡
(The first battle turned out to be their last one!)



[修改时间: 2024-10-27 23:21 GMT]

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