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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
United States
Local time: 22:04
English to Chinese
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《孺子歌圖》 Sep 30, 2015

老北京童謠 - 老榕樹

光緒二十六年,也就是1900年,一本印刷精美、配有照片的《孺子歌圖》出現在北平街頭。該書的編纂者是美國的傳教士何德蘭,他收集了當時北平流傳的150首兒歌,並配上了英文翻譯,算起來這應該也是中國較早採用 “攝影插圖” 為書籍配圖的出版物 。



*** *** ***

By Isaac Taylor Headland

[Edited at 2015-10-01 02:10 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:04
Chinese to English
+ ...
Blood moon Sep 30, 2015

QHE wrote:

wherestip wrote:

... BTW, I watched the waning and waxing process almost from start to finish the other night (intermittently of course), but didn't observe the blood (orange) color of the full moon that much.


At the beginning, I didn’t observe the reddish color either; however, I started to notice “iron oxide” color near the mid totality, especially towards the bottom rim area of the Moon. The red shade appears more obvious on photos I took with a digital camera without long zoom lens.


I guess I didn't wait long enough then. Mid-totality of the waxing process is about when I gave up. I figured the moon was just gonna get bigger and bigger until it was full again, without much change in color.

Here's an animation of the eclipse process that night. I gave up looking around 8:50pm PDT, which is around 10:50 CDT. Perhaps I should have been a little more patient.

United States
Local time: 22:04
English to Chinese
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十一佳节快乐! Oct 1, 2015





天安门广场 “祝福祖国” 大型花篮, 用花10万余盆. Source: iyaxin 网 & xihuanet 网

[Edited at 2015-10-01 01:10 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:04
Chinese to English
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Happy Oct. 1st Oct 1, 2015

QHE wrote:



Thanks for the wonderful pics and YouTube links, QHE.

I especially liked the violin concerto of《我的祖国》accompanied by the illustration of some nice images. The activity between time 5:08 and 5:28 puzzled me a bit 'cause I've never seen it before. I had a hunch though that it had something to do with barley.


Yes, indeed. It must be 舂糌粑。 延安地区有类似用软糜子做成的年糕(记得叫作“油馍” ),但无需经过一道如此槌打的工序。 

[Edited at 2015-10-01 13:05 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:04
Chinese to English
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祝大家 国庆快乐 Oct 1, 2015

Same artist, different link ...

小提琴协奏曲 (陈蓉晖)

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United States
Local time: 22:04
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"Not Your Average Joe's" Oct 1, 2015

《黃河大合唱》- 保卫黄河

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United States
Local time: 22:04
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慈禧太后的女翻译 Oct 1, 2015


德龄公主 SOURCE: 人民网


[Edited at 2015-10-02 01:00 GMT]

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