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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member for the following reason: unedited since 4 days |
David Shen United States Local time: 15:21 English to Chinese + ... |
QHE United States Local time: 18:21 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
wherestip wrote: Absenteeism
David Shen wrote:
wherestip wrote:
Happy 4th of July
Light of a Clear Blue Morning (Dolly Parton)
Hi Steve,
Hoping to see you here more often. Only a few of us old timers left and if you are not visiting, this mall is going to close sooner than Sears!
Thanks, David.
Yes, indeedy. I'll try to be more of a Johnny-on-the-spot so as to not miss so much of what's being said.
听说江南 David 带了帮好莱坞明星来了四合院,还有奇花异果什么的… 连影儿我都没瞧见。
[Edited at 2018-07-15 14:12 GMT] | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 15:21 English to Chinese + ... Rare Flowers Rarely Flare | Jul 16, 2018 |
QHE wrote:
wherestip wrote: Absenteeism
David Shen wrote:
wherestip wrote:
Happy 4th of July
Light of a Clear Blue Morning (Dolly Parton)
Hi Steve,
Hoping to see you here more often. Only a few of us old timers left and if you are not visiting, this mall is going to close sooner than Sears!
Thanks, David.
Yes, indeedy. I'll try to be more of a Johnny-on-the-spot so as to not miss so much of what's being said.
听说江南 David 带了帮好莱坞明星来了四合院,还有奇花异果什么的… 连影儿我都没瞧见。
明 星 出 门 有 保 镖
管 理 部 门 先 清 道
评 头 论 足 不 容 许
闲 杂 人 等 往 边 靠
异 果 岂 能 随 便 尝?
等 你 赶 到 奇 花 凋!
别 说 尔等 Absentee
即使 Johnny-on-the-spot | |
David Shen United States Local time: 15:21 English to Chinese + ... From a Holy Spirit to holy crap! | Jul 17, 2018 |
ysun wrote:
普 京 有 伞 撑, 克 法 雨 中 淋。 大 国 形 象 见, 难 怪 世 人 评:
LillaMay @LillaMay:
Howling over the image of Putin stoic and under an umbrella while we have Macron and Grabar-Kitarović standing in the rain happy, smiley, teary, totally soaked and hugging each and every single player #WorldCupFinal
10:29 AM - Jul 15, 2018
30 people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
“Should we get Croatia’s President an umbrella, President Putin?”
Putin: “No. Women are tough.”
10:30 AM - Jul 15, 2018
听说我们有个很会唱《泰坦尼号》的领导,当他唱着 “My Heart Will Go On” 的时候,不知心里有没有想到过西方文明的绅士风度。
唱吧唱吧,从“唱红”到“唱绿”算是进步了,但唱无妨, and here is Celine Dion:
《我心永恒》 Titanic Theme Song
《我心永恒》 stage performance | | |
ysun United States Local time: 17:21 English to Chinese + ...
David Shen wrote:
《克拉玛依大火 "学生们不要动,让领导先走"》 | | |
New link of computer vision syndrome | Jul 19, 2018 |
The link you posted for computer vision syndrome is not working anymore. Here is the new link: 
QHE wrote:
Computer Vision Syndrome is described by the American Optometric Association as a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer use...

[Edited at 2014-12-10 03:21 GMT] | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 15:21 English to Chinese + ... Words vs. Intentions | Jul 19, 2018 |
ysun wrote:
《克拉玛依大火 "学生们不要动,让领导先走"》
[Edited at 2018-07-19 20:06 GMT] | |
David Shen United States Local time: 15:21 English to Chinese + ... Heart felt kindness from fellow translators | Jul 19, 2018 |
Klaudio Fejzaj wrote:
The link you posted for computer vision syndrome is not working anymore. Here is the new link:
《有 Czech 翻译发帖更新QHE帖链接感人类相互关怀之善心》
别 忘 小 学 眼 功 操,
每 节 课 间 做 一 轮!
D.S.2018.0719.b | | |
QHE United States Local time: 18:21 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
David Shen wrote:
Klaudio Fejzaj wrote:
The link you posted for computer vision syndrome is not working anymore. Here is the new link:
《有 Czech 翻译发帖更新QHE帖链接感人类相互关怀之善心》
Indeed, how wonderful it is!
@ Klaudio Fejzaj
Thank you for reviving the link, I truly appreciate your kindness. 
[Edited at 2018-07-20 01:28 GMT] | | |
QHE United States Local time: 18:21 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
David Shen wrote:
有 志 继 续 做 翻 译, 老 沈 有 一 联 相 赠:
【为 因 此 外 无 余 地 | 恰 好 其 间 起 小 楼】
作 者 名 叫 纪 大 复, 乾 嘉 时 期 上 海 人。

为因此外无余地,恰好其间起小楼。半樵 纪大复(1762-1831),号迷航外史。
| | |
QHE United States Local time: 18:21 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER

Vltava from Prague (1853) by Vojtěch Adalbert Brechler (1826-1891). Wikimedia
Vltava (The Moldau) - Bedřich Smetana
In this piece, Smetana uses tone painting to evoke the sounds of one of Bohemia's great rivers. In his own words:
The composition describes the course of the Vltava, starting from the two small springs, the Cold and Warm Vltava, to the unification of both streams into a single current, the course of the Vltava through woods and meadows, through landscapes where a farmer's wedding is celebrated, the round dance of the mermaids in the night's moonshine: on the nearby rocks loom proud castles, palaces and ruins aloft. The Vltava swirls into the St John's Rapids; then it widens and flows toward Prague, past the Vyšehrad, and then majestically vanishes into the distance, ending at the Labe (or Elbe, in German).á_vlast#Vltava
[Edited at 2018-07-28 14:25 GMT] | |
David Shen United States Local time: 15:21 English to Chinese + ... Relief in the air? | Jul 31, 2018 |
ysun wrote:
和老沈 21:27
David Shen wrote:
Welcome back stonejohn!
夏 日 炎 炎 一 阵 凉,
今 朝 迎 来 一 宿 将。
你 若 引 得 Kevin出,
中 文 论 坛 似 有 望。
你那帖江南水乡我没法看,电脑提示要安装新的 FLASH player. 年前下载了一个什么东西,我这破电脑好几天不正常,所以我现在不敢下载任何新东西。
今早起来想看看火势控制了没有,结果不但没有控制,反而看到有条“十四英尺的巨蟒逃走了”的报道。看来连续三个多星期的加州野火,新闻报道行业也疲(皮)掉了。我随即写了几句,但没好意思放论坛来,怕有幸灾乐祸之嫌。想干点正经活儿又太热,正在纳闷,忽见 stonejohn 冒出来,就将写加州热浪的几句改写成欢迎他了。你这一提,我倒要把这个话题继续下去。加州野火年年有,可今年来得早而且扩散的面积很广,南北都有。往年野火大都在优诗美地以南,今年优诗美地以北三百多英里的 Redding 也烧的不可开交。那里从7月9号到27号连续近20天气温都在华氏100°F度以上,其中7月26日是113°F,就是45°C,所以那天那里烧掉好几村。
夏 日 炎 炎 烤 加 州 1
干 草 烈 焰 满 山 沟 2
优 诗 美 地 赶 游 客 3
丈 余 蟒 蛇 不 胫 走 4
明 星 不 知 何 处 去 5
好 莱 坞 上 真 镜 头 6
俗 话 强 盗 抢 一 半 7
大 火 过 后 全 没 有 8

1. 夏日炎炎烤加州 (面对这漫山遍野的火,你说下面那辆救火车又有什么用?在大自然面前,人类能做的也只能是瞎跑一阵而已。)

2. 干草烈焰满山沟 Typical California hills with dry tall grass and oak trees. This is the Lake Berryessa area about 1.5 hour drive northeast of San Francisco.

3. 游客撤离阿瓦尼宾馆(Guests told to leave the Ahwahnee, Yosemite Valley, CA July 25, 2018) The last time I had dinner there was 10 years ago.
4. 丈余蟒蛇不胫走:|223

5-6. 好莱坞上真镜头 July 3 Los Angeles

7. 强盗抢一半 Redding CA 2018.0727.jpg

8. 大火全烧完 Redding CA 2018.0727.jpg
Here is the link where most of the photos come from:
Photos of the 2018 CA wild fire
[Edited at 2018-07-31 07:21 GMT]
California is so large and its landscape is so varied. I should have clarified when I said "typical California hills" that these are the kind of hills most visitors to California would see, because they lie along the foothills of the three mountain ranges where most of the population live: the Sierra Nevada Range
(雪锯内华达山脉) spanning roughly from Redding to Bakersfield; the CA Coastal Mountains
(加州海岸群山) running roughly from San Francisco to Santa Barbara; and the Sierra Madre Mountains (马德雷群山) or "Mother of all Mountains" which spread southeast from Santa Barbara into Mexico.
[Edited at 2018-07-31 16:36 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 17:21 English to Chinese + ...
David Shen wrote:
你那帖江南水乡我没法看,电脑提示要安装新的 FLASH player. 年前下载了一个什么东西,我这破电脑好几天不正常,所以我现在不敢下载任何新东西。
你到 Adobe 的官方网站去下载,应该没问题。
北加州的野火确实令人心焦。 Fox News 播出的最新消息说,北加州又有新的山火发生。消防队疲于奔命。看来,只能指望老天下暴雨了。感到欣慰的是,你和 Kevin 那里都没事儿。
十几年前,我在加州 Arcadia 居住时,我家附近山上 Angeles National Forest 也着过一次大火,也烧了很久。从我家看过去很清楚。空气中弥漫着呛人的烟味。后来山火灭后下大雨时,又发生滑坡和泥石流。真是祸不单行!
2011年,德州我小儿子家对面山坡上一个住宅区 Steiner Ranch 也发生火灾,也烧掉不少高档住宅。 | | |
QHE United States Local time: 18:21 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
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