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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
ysun United States Local time: 21:12 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 21:12 English to Chinese + ...


[Edited at 2021-06-27 07:17 GMT] | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 19:12 English to Chinese + ... After watching the fashion show staged by Tsinghua | Jun 26, 2021 |
今日美西沿岸气温爆表超过100°F,看看这种气氛和音乐的时装秀倒可让人倒抽一口凉气,不过幸亏只是在视频上。 | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 21:12 Chinese to English + ... 112℉ in Portland, OR | Jun 27, 2021 |
David Shen wrote:
I've heard (in the news). Now you can identify with how we feel down here in Austin during the summer months ... | |
David Shen United States Local time: 19:12 English to Chinese + ... Once in a life time the Puget Sound is warmer than Texas | Jun 27, 2021 |
Hi Steve,
This excessive heat wave is driving the folks crazy here, because normally the highs are only in the mid 70s to mid 80s. People would start complaining if it's over 85°F, and days above 90°F are rare around here and last only about a week or two each year.
I just came back from a walk and saw the sky mysteriously red. The snow capped Olympic glaciers only have small patches of white left, the smallest I have seen. the forecast says it's going to be warmer t... See more Hi Steve,
This excessive heat wave is driving the folks crazy here, because normally the highs are only in the mid 70s to mid 80s. People would start complaining if it's over 85°F, and days above 90°F are rare around here and last only about a week or two each year.
I just came back from a walk and saw the sky mysteriously red. The snow capped Olympic glaciers only have small patches of white left, the smallest I have seen. the forecast says it's going to be warmer tomorrow. ▲ Collapse | | |
QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
仔细一看,主题原来是 “THE DOOR OPENER” …… 试译为:"脑洞起子"。
他们的有些设计与 Parsons School of Design 2019 的款式设计大同小异: | | |
ysun United States Local time: 21:12 English to Chinese + ...
David Shen wrote:
QHE wrote:
我还以为这场走秀是以《情陷 聊斋》为主题呢!
China Graduate Fashion Week 2021
A model showcases designs on the runway at the Tsinghua University Academy of Arts & Design collection show.

最近丹佛周围几乎天天都会下点雨,挺凉快!我宁可去看聊斋! 俺不怕聊斋里这样的鬼,但也不会“陷”进去!
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David Shen United States Local time: 19:12 English to Chinese + ... Once in a life time the Puget Sound is warmer than Texas (continued) | Jun 29, 2021 |
David Shen wrote:
the forecast says it's going to be warmer tomorrow.
Record breaking heat strikes Seattle for the third day
罐中只剩半两,hehe ......
喝完龙井 Lipton,管它!
D.S.2021.0628.b 汗滴键盘@3pm于西雅图荒郊
It's 7pm now and the temperature is still at 108°F.
Portland, Oregon, sets high-temperature record and Seattle comes close
By Jay Croft and Haley Brink, CNN
Updated 5:28 AM ET, Mon June 28, 2021
Hottest in Pacific Northwest in recorded history © CNN | |
David Shen United States Local time: 19:12 English to Chinese + ... Ghost stories indeed | Jun 29, 2021 |
ysun wrote:
最近丹佛周围几乎天天都会下点雨,挺凉快!我宁可去看聊斋!  俺不怕聊斋里这样的鬼,但也不会“陷”进去!
[Edited at 2021-06-30 00:13 GMT] | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 21:12 Chinese to English + ... Stay Cool and Hydrated | Jun 29, 2021 |
All kidding aside, I'm sorry to hear that you guys are experiencing this kind of intense and unrelenting heat. It's said that a once-in-a-thousand-year heat dome has lodged itself over a huge geographical area around the Pacific Northwest.
Forecast says there'll be some coastal cooling today. Hopefully it'll bring the area a bit of relief. ... | | |
QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
ysun wrote: 聊斋
China Graduate Fashion Week 2021
A model showcases designs on the runway at
the Tsinghua University Academy of Arts & Design collection show.
An eye-opening scene!不知麻豆手里拿的是不是新生态的 “DOOR OPENER”?
P.S. 清华美院 2021年毕业设计作品发布会海报上“推门者” 对应的英文是 “THE DOOR OPENER”. | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 19:12 English to Chinese + ...
Thank you for the reminder. It has cooled off a little bit today but still above normal. I did call a couple of people today and some have come out of hiding from their basements. Luckily there are no power outages.
People here are not used to dealing with that much heat. It felt like summer in the deserts, like western TX, Tuscan AZ or Riverside CA, where there is really no river but heat.
You stay cool too! | |
ysun United States Local time: 21:12 English to Chinese + ...
David Shen wrote:
Hottest in Pacific Northwest in recorded history © CNN
西雅图靠海,本来不应该这么热!看到这张图,我不禁就想起了以前常见的一幅宣传画:“我们一定要解救生活在水深火热之中的美国人民!” 据说西雅图遇到了“千年不遇”的热流。我们在温哥华的亲戚也说他们那里气温特高,有时甚至达摄氏50度以上!
今年气候确实特别不正常。今年二月德克萨斯州遇到了七十年不遇的寒流!Steve 也是知道的。今年二月我正在奥斯汀。二月中旬有一天我按约前去接种新冠疫苗时,路面上全是冰雪,开车如履薄冰。许多汽车都滑倒路边沟里去了!奥斯汀本地的居民也许缺乏在冰雪路上开车的经验,而且他们的车大多不是四轮驱动。我小儿子不放心,坚持要开车送我去,不让我自己开。他说他是在威斯康星上学期间练出来的。尽管我们在新英格兰和科罗拉多生活期间也常遇冰雪天气,但在奥斯汀情况就不同了。奥斯汀缺乏相应的公共设施和应对措施,连推雪机都很少见。不少地方停电停水。幸好我们家这一带停电、停水的时间不长。否则在家里也会冻得够呛,连吃饭都成问题!
你那里只要不停电不停水,应该问题不大。看天气预报,今后几天大概会好一些。多喝水,多喝啤酒,少喝老酒! | | |
ysun United States Local time: 21:12 English to Chinese + ... “THE DOOR OPENER” | Jul 2, 2021 |
QHE wrote:
P.S. 清华美院 2021年毕业设计作品发布会 海报上“推门者” 对应的英文是 “THE DOOR OPENER”.
不知他们为什么要把该发布会叫做 “THE DOOR OPENER”。这倒让我联想起 garage door opener。清华美院大概是想以此作为敲门砖,与世界接轨,结果却搞成了“东施效颦”。以前有人告诉我,厂商选模特儿时不希望她们的脸长得太漂亮,否则观众会把注意力都集中到她们脸上,反而忽视了服装。我觉得这话有一定道理。但是,如果模特儿长得太丑,不是照样也会把观众的注意力都集中到她们脸上吗?看到清华美院的这些模特儿,外国人更会以为中国人长得都是这样!其实,即使在西方的动画片里,也没把中国人画得那么丑!
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QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
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