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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 14:26
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JPMorgan Chase's "Sons and Daughters Program" Nov 17, 2016

JPMorgan fined for hiring kids of China's elite to win business
by Matt Egan @mattmegan5
November 17, 2016: 3:32 PM ET

Inside JPMorgan, they called it the "Sons and Daughters" program. Authorities now describe it as "corruption, plain and simple."

JPMorgan Chase (JPM) improperly hired the "unqualified" children of China's ruling elite to win lucrative business from the country's key decision makers, authorities alleged on Thursday.

Regulators slapped JPMorgan with $264 million in fines and said the bank "corruptly influenced government officials" with its hiring and internship tactics in China.
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The settlement follows a three-year investigation into JPMorgan and marks one of the first major crackdowns on a big U.S. bank for running afoul of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Known as the FCPA, the law prohibits companies from making payments or giving "anything of value" to win business from foreign officials.

"JPMorgan engaged in a systemic bribery scheme by hiring children of government officials ... who were typically unqualified for the position on their own merit," Andrew Ceresney, director of the SEC's enforcement division, said in a statement.

The practice of giving the children of China's ruling class plum jobs and internships was so common at JPMorgan that the bank even had a formal program known as "Sons and Daughters." The program included spreadsheets that tracked how often the hires turned into business deals.

"The so-called Sons and Daughters program was nothing more than bribery by another name," said Assistant U.S. Attorney General Leslie Caldwell. She called it "corruption, plain and simple."

[Edited at 2016-11-17 23:36 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:26
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是先有鸡还是先有蛋? Nov 18, 2016

wherestip wrote:

JPMorgan Chase's "Sons and Daughters Program"


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:26
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Official malfeasance Nov 18, 2016

ysun wrote:



Yes, indeed. These briberies were done at the explicit requests of the corrupt Chinese officials involved.

Over the course of seven years, JPMorgan hired about 100 interns and full-time employees at the request of foreign government officials, according to authorities. These jobs scored JPMorgan more than $100 million in business.

For instance, the DOJ said that in late 2009 a Chinese official told a senior JPMorgan banker in Asia that hiring a referred candidate would significantly influence the role JPMorgan would play in an upcoming IPO of a Chinese state-owned company. JPMorgan then spent months trying to place the candidate in a New York investment banking position -- despite realizing he was not qualified.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:26
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Spatial Navigational Skills Nov 18, 2016

Game shows that ability to navigate declines at young age
By Meera Senthilingam, CNN
Updated 6:57 AM ET, Wed May 4, 2016

(CNN)A mobile game has revealed the navigational skills of people around the world in a bid to develop an accurate test for dementia.
The smartphone game, called "Sea Hero Quest," asks players to set sail on a global adventure in search of precious artifacts -- in the form of memories -- which can be collected at different locations around the world.

As you progress through the game, scientists can use the data you generate to gain insight into your navigational abilities, which is one of the first skills people lose during the onset of dementia.


Remember my hunch on the potential benefits of playing video games?

wherestip wrote:


Cognitive function and the adventurous spirit

Think about your day-to-day routine: How many places do you usually go? If you're the type of person who is always out and about, who travels a lot or enjoys exploring new venues, you may be better off than those who sit at home all the time. 

That's because researchers at Rush have discovered that our "life space" is intimately linked with cognitive function. Life space is the extent to which we move through our environments as we carry out our daily lives — from home to garden to restaurants to workplace and beyond.

In a study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, researchers found that seniors who had a constricted life space were almost twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's disease as seniors whose life space extended well beyond the home.

"Life space may represent a new way to identify, out of a group of older adults displaying no memory or thinking problems, who is likely to develop Alzheimer's disease," says Bryan James, PhD, an epidemiologist in the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center and the study's lead investigator.


You’re doing a lot more things right compared to me as far as expanding one’s life space is concerned. Too bad I’m a homebody and hate to travel.

But maybe playing video games might make up for it. I think I’ll make an effort to renew my interest in that.

[Edited at 2016-11-18 14:07 GMT]

United States
Local time: 15:26
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HUNCH Nov 19, 2016

wherestip wrote:

Game shows that ability to navigate declines at young age
By Meera Senthilingam, CNN
Updated 6:57 AM ET, Wed May 4, 2016

(CNN)A mobile game has revealed the navigational skills of people around the world in a bid to develop an accurate test for dementia.
The smartphone game, called "Sea Hero Quest," asks players to set sail on a global adventure in search of precious artifacts -- in the form of memories -- which can be collected at different locations around the world.

As you progress through the game, scientists can use the data you generate to gain insight into your navigational abilities, which is one of the first skills people lose during the onset of dementia.


Remember my hunch on the potential benefits of playing video games?


Indeed, you were 1.5 years ahead of the game!

ysun wrote: 到美国买房



Steve might have been caught up in the video games.

wherestip wrote:
ysun wrote:


That's hilarious. I wish them luck.

11月1日起,位于海淀区的铁路平交道口 “五道口” 将被拆除,“五道口” 将和 “公主坟”、“五棵松” 一样,变成一个承载北京沧桑巨变的专有名词。

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:26
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新京张高铁 Nov 19, 2016


Actually, my being hooked on video games goes back to the mid to late 2000s. And when I say video games, it's actually only one game: Kameo

Way back I read that Bill Gates liked the game too.
wherestip wrote:
As to why grown adults like to play video games is another story. We designed the CPU for Microsoft that went into the xbox360, and was each given an xbox360 by our management in appreciation of our hard work. Needless to say, I'm a Kameo fan, and Ash is one of my favorite warriors.

Being busy will definitely do that to you. I was working on the XBox 360 for a couple of years in 2004 and 2005. For a period of time I didn't even have time to come visit. According to my search, it was approximately between Sept 2005 to April 2006. But I admit the latter part of that was due to my being hooked on playing Kameo on the XBox 360 they awarded us each after its launch.

Thanks for posting the 新京张高铁 article. I've heard about the plans to demolish the historic 北京北站 and 清华园车站, but not so much about those to get rid of the monstrosity of a train station that was erected after I left, right there in front of the old 五道口商场. Now I know it's all part of building Beijing's infrastucture and being done for the common good.

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:26
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高铁 Nov 19, 2016

QHE wrote:

11月1日起,位于海淀区的铁路平交道口 “五道口” 将被拆除,“五道口” 将和 “公主坟”、“五棵松” 一样,变成一个承载北京沧桑巨变的专有名词。

wherestip wrote:



相比之下,我这次乘坐的上海至厦门的飞机,本应于下午2点40分起飞,4点半到达,却延至下午6点多才起飞。当时上海天气晴朗,也没雾霾,我实在没想到飞机仍会晚点。那天从上海虹桥机场同一航站(terminal)起飞的十几个航班,全都晚点。甚至本应于早上9点20分起飞的上海至昆明的飞机,也推迟到下午6点多才起飞。中文广播中给出的理由是“航空管制”,英语广播却说是由于“air traffic congestion”。地面上堵车司空见惯,难道空中的飞机也堵?据同学说,“航空管制”是航空公司经常使用的托辞。多年前我在北京机场也遇到过一次所谓“航空管制”。后来得知,那是因为要等某中央首长的专机起飞后其他飞机才能起飞。我吸取这次教训,决定以后在国内旅行时能乘坐高铁就尽量不乘飞机!


Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:26
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高铁 Nov 22, 2016


... See more


ysun wrote:


[Edited at 2016-11-22 00:26 GMT]

Meixia Jordan
Meixia Jordan  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:26
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尊老爱幼帮助幼小本是基本美德 Nov 22, 2016

ysun wrote:



ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:26
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无障碍通行 Nov 22, 2016

Zhoudan wrote:





Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:26
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即使有残疾人设施也没有诚意 Nov 22, 2016


... See more

今年9月底到10月中旬我们全家一起去美国西部旅游了一趟(自驾)。大城市、小城镇、国家公园,到处都能看到轮椅标志,到处都有残疾人停车位,卫生间哪怕只有两个位置,也必有一个是残疾人卫生间。我们都感叹残疾人在美国真是太方便了。更令人感叹的是Kneeling bus!大峡谷的kneeling bus司机看到有残疾人要上车,会立刻要求前面三排乘客站起来,把位置折叠起来让给轮椅,位置旁边写着美国法律条文。我们在盐湖城的Target和Walmart超市门口,都看到有电动轮椅供残疾人逛超市使用。


ysun wrote:





ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:26
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立法与社会风气 Nov 22, 2016

Zhoudan wrote:


今年9月底到10月中旬我们全家一起去美国西部旅游了一趟(自驾)。大城市、小城镇、国家公园,到处都能看到轮椅标志,到处都有残疾人停车位,卫生间哪怕只有两个位置,也必有一个是残疾人卫生间。我们都感叹残疾人在美国真是太方便了。更令人感叹的是Kneeling bus!大峡谷的kneeling bus司机看到有残疾人要上车,会立刻要求前面三排乘客站起来,把位置折叠起来让给轮椅,位置旁边写着美国法律条文。我们在盐湖城的Target和Walmart超市门口,都看到有电动轮椅供残疾人逛超市使用。





当年我在加州居住时,有一天下班经过四条车道的 Huntington Drive。有位残疾人过马路时刚走到马路中间,行车方向的绿灯就亮了。但那四条车道上所有的车都没起动,更没人按喇叭,还有一位司机下车去将那残疾人搀过马路。当时我到美国才没几年,这情景确实让我很感动。不难理解,当年赵本山来美国演出后,为什么美国会有很多人都打算告他歧视残障人士。

[Edited at 2016-11-23 04:56 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:26
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沒辦法時的辦法 Nov 23, 2016


United States
Local time: 15:26
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Happy Thanksgiving! Nov 23, 2016


Zhoudan, Meixia,

好久不见了。 不过你们来得正是时候!

[Edited at 2016-11-23 04:05 GMT]

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:26
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国家公园 Nov 23, 2016

我们这次主要跑国家公园:Joshua, Grand Canyon, The Arch, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Death Valley, Yosemite,全部跑遍只用一张国家公园年票,一车五人80美元。真是太划算了。要是在国内,光是庐山就要这么多。全程自驾3000多英里,只金门桥收了过路费(我事先没在网上支付,租车公司事后扣了23美元)。一路上遇到好多中国游客,我妈说怎么没有出国的感觉呀!我们这次运气很好
... See more
我们这次主要跑国家公园:Joshua, Grand Canyon, The Arch, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Death Valley, Yosemite,全部跑遍只用一张国家公园年票,一车五人80美元。真是太划算了。要是在国内,光是庐山就要这么多。全程自驾3000多英里,只金门桥收了过路费(我事先没在网上支付,租车公司事后扣了23美元)。一路上遇到好多中国游客,我妈说怎么没有出国的感觉呀!我们这次运气很好,在美国22天只有两天下雨(一天在盐湖城,一天在斯坦福),而且我还订到了大峡谷和黄石公园里面的住宿,看了好几次日出日落。从旧金山到洛杉矶的一号公路我们也跑了。美国给我们留下的印象非常好:风光好,人好,到处都很干净(只有110公路从旧金山到San Mateo方向有一段比较脏)。我们还有好些地方想去,可惜我妹妹没有那么长的假期。要是能一连玩上半年就好了。不过反正有十年签证,以后想去随时可以。

ysun wrote:



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