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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:12 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
老沈説:你贴出的两张图都是想借“形”来达“意”的。其中石猪🐷为“实”,此心💗为“虚”,两张相比,虚实显然,而“心虚”总不是好事。当然谁都能看出山坡上的是个“心形”,关键是此形品相不佳:鲤背断经,塌方成形,心室狭窄,总是阴影。就算它像个“心”,哪里看得出情来?试想 ... See more老沈説:你贴出的两张图都是想借“形”来达“意”的。其中石猪🐷为“实”,此心💗为“虚”,两张相比,虚实显然,而“心虚”总不是好事。当然谁都能看出山坡上的是个“心形”,关键是此形品相不佳:鲤背断经,塌方成形,心室狭窄,总是阴影。就算它像个“心”,哪里看得出情来?试想谁如在情人节收到这么一个心,说不定有情变无情。所以我说它看去满是愁。
传统华夏诗词作者的创作精神不离 “天人合一”, 素喜以物比人(比兴),难以突破「引譬連類」的形式规范。与西方诗歌大多 “形而上” ,重视创新以及充满虚构托喻,即东西文化之一大分野。
因此, 你觉得该心 “鲤背断经,塌方成形,心室狭窄,总是阴影。” 我倒也同时能说:心如墨斗(黑心),形如倒立小精灵 PAC-MAN,碎石满盈(心碎),滴(海)水不沾(心如止水)等等。
但是,也许会有人觉得:其石烂海枯外型象征 爱情永固、信誓与子皆老,与天地共存殁;深色无底处代表 爱意无限、刻骨铭心;倒立 PAC-MAN 则表示甘心被意中人俘虏,愿意一生一世为对方效劳,相伴终生。
所以, 是愁是喜?是怨是情?实属非常个人之感受,无论得出何种情怀,旨在年十五情人节闹一闹、玩一玩 。 ▲ Collapse | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 19:12 English to Chinese + ... In response to David Lin's continued Valentine's Day topic | Feb 25, 2019 |
这个话题我看到此为止吧,再谈下去味道就越来越差了,因为我们俩之间谈这个是不会有结果的(两个还都叫 David),再高谈阔论,旁人看了只会倒胃口。版主近期的频繁参与,确实给这个论坛增加了一份活力,要谈的话,咱们谈点别的,比如咖啡和茶,或者香肠热狗之类任何东西都会比这个有意思,你说呢?
当然对你上�... See more 《又是谈情》
这个话题我看到此为止吧,再谈下去味道就越来越差了,因为我们俩之间谈这个是不会有结果的(两个还都叫 David),再高谈阔论,旁人看了只会倒胃口。版主近期的频繁参与,确实给这个论坛增加了一份活力,要谈的话,咱们谈点别的,比如咖啡和茶,或者香肠热狗之类任何东西都会比这个有意思,你说呢?
你这两个回复中的引用和论述,我基本赞同。其实你我的分歧只是在对那张“心形山坡”的观后感和解读。大千世界,草木花卉,要找个心形,随手拈来。我当时说“就吐论图”,老实说,这张摄影不管是谁拍的,我真不觉得怎么样,无论从山体和心形都称不上美观。如果我写的这副拙对联用词不够好听,在此谨表歉意! ▲ Collapse | | |
QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
You nailed it! 

Credit: Getty Images
It's 1975, and Freddie Mercury and the members of Queen are in the office of a record executive, played by Mike Myers, talking about the record they're about to release.
Freddie Mercury speaks first.
RAMI MALEK: (As Freddie Mercury) We call the album, "A Night At The Opera."
MIKE MYERS: (As Ray Foster) Are you aware that no one actually likes opera?
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) I like opera.
MYERS: (As Ray Foster) Do you?
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As character) I do.
MALEK: (As Freddie Mercury) No. Don't misunderstand, darling. It's a rock 'n' roll record, with the scale of opera, the pathos of Greek tragedy, the wit of Shakespeare, the unbridled joy of musical theater. It's a musical experience rather than just another record - something for everyone. Something - something that will make people feel belongs to them. We'll mix genres. We'll cross boundaries…
[Edited at 2019-02-26 00:36 GMT] | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 21:12 Chinese to English + ...
Thanks, QHE.
BTW, Adam Lambert's Oscars night performance kind of turned me off. I didn't like it. | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:12 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
很同意你的建议,让我们求同存异,和而不同,讨... See more老沈说:其实你我的分歧只是在对那张“心形山坡”的观后感和解读。....老实说,这张摄影不管是谁拍的,我真不觉得怎么样,无论从山体和心形都称不上美观。如果我写的这副拙对联用词不够好听,在此谨表歉意!
很同意你的建议,让我们求同存异,和而不同,讨论到此为止就好。尤其话题牵涉 “美感” 这门属于非常主观的话题,所以你完全毋需道歉啊!
另外,个人觉得我们的 discourse 其实也没有什么会令人倒胃口的。照片也不是我照的。就算是我照的,放得上公开论坛,就无法避免让人评头品足一番,也是平常之事。个人眼光不同,纯属品味偏好,有机会交换个人观感,我觉得也是好事一桩。
从好处著眼,我们提到中西诗词之异同,其实也是大学高等教育里头一项专门学问 -- 比较文学 Comparative Literature。
“The Reading of Imagery in the Chinese Poetic Tradition” by Pauline Yu 余宝琳。 Princeton, Princeton University Press. 1987.
这次趁春节放长假,兴之所至,才趁机 “废话连篇” 并奉上腊味香肠,与大家高兴应节一番,请你和各同仁們不要见怪。蹉跎岁月,以及不知不觉误人青春,深感内疚,也请坛主 QHE 多多包涵、原谅。 ▲ Collapse | | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:12 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
朝鮮翻譯:“We will bulid a strong new Korea.”
川普聽成 "We will build a strong nuclear."
請笑一下。;) | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 19:12 English to Chinese + ... Another example of temper-tantrum | Mar 6, 2019 |
《Temper-tantrum 译法之一》
——见 David Lin 帖朝美会谈笑话
翻 译 舌 尖 拨 千 钧,
一 音 发 偏 两 国 恨。
冷 热 聚 散 神 经 战,
又见 temper-tantrum。
东 西 狂 人 比 使 性,
难 煞 东 道 越 南 人。
(借用楼主 QHE 之译法: temper-tantrum = 使性) | | |
QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
David Lin wrote:
朝鮮翻譯:“We will build a strong new Korea.”
川普聽成 "We will build a strong nuclear."

David Lin wrote:
惨了,刚才违规笑了好几下 ……
Dashan Live - Beijingers Can't Speak Cantonese | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:12 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
当然,你有自订规矩除外。 | | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 02:12 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum 笑话二则:Cantonese and Beijingese | Mar 10, 2019 |

幸好口译都沒有文言文情况出现,倒会有时说话的人用无声传递,只用眼神或身体语言如脸部表情,来表达其无奈、同意、惊叹及不以为然等反应,然后等待我(对方也同样等待) 口译出他/她的眼神及各种身体语言。 | | |
QHE United States Local time: 22:12 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
wherestip United States Local time: 21:12 Chinese to English + ... Happy St. Patrick's Day | Mar 17, 2019 |
It's a Great Day for the Irish (Ruby Murray)
Oh, I woke me up this mornin', and I heard a joyful song
From the throats of happy Irishmen, a hundred thousand strong
Sure it was the Hibernian Brigade
Linin' up for to start the big parade
So I fetched me Sunday bonnet and the flag I love so ... See more
It's a Great Day for the Irish (Ruby Murray)
Oh, I woke me up this mornin', and I heard a joyful song
From the throats of happy Irishmen, a hundred thousand strong
Sure it was the Hibernian Brigade
Linin' up for to start the big parade
So I fetched me Sunday bonnet and the flag I love so well
And I bought meself a shamrock just to wear in me lapel
Don't you know that today's March Seventeen?
It's the day for the wearin' of the green
It's a great day for the Irish; it's a great day for fair
The sidewalks of New York are thick with Blarney
For sure you'd think New York was Ol' Killarney
It's a great day for the Shamrock, for the flags in full array
We're feelin' so inspirish, sure because of all the Irish
It's a great, great day

Begosh, there's not a cop to stop the raidin'
Begorrah, all the cops are out paradin'
It's a great day for the Shamrock, for the flags in full array
And as we go a-swingin', every Irish heart is singin'
It's a great, great day ▲ Collapse | |
wherestip United States Local time: 21:12 Chinese to English + ... When Irish Eyes Are Smiling | Mar 17, 2019 |

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling (Ruby Murray)
When Irish eyes are smiling
Sure, it’s like a morn in spring
In the lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing
And/Yes, when Irish hearts are happy
All the world seems bright and gay
And when Irish eyes are smiling
Sure, they steal your heart away | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 19:12 English to Chinese + ... It's a great day for the Shamrock | Mar 17, 2019 |
【轻描淡写】 ON THE LIGHTER SIDE 《爱尔兰节戏译之二》 2019
Ireland is a land of poets and legends, of dreamers and rebels.
D.S. 2019.0317.a
I'm not going to a distant world. I'm of Ireland, and I'll stay in Ireland until I die!
D.S. 2019.0317.b
[Edited at 2019-03-17 18:15 GMT] | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 19:12 English to Chinese + ... Wealthy Chinese Looking for Their Treasures Worldwide | Mar 23, 2019 |
$100 antique discovered at garage sale auctioned off for $2.1 million at Sotheby’s

唐代鎏金观音 © Sotheby's
No comment on the subject this time. But I might be running around for garage sales now instead of sitting here and translating for pennies. Who knows what I could bump into. I believe I have a better eye for antiques than the lady who bought it for $100, I just haven't had her kind of luck yet.
[Edited at 2019-03-23 18:00 GMT] | | |
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