Mourning the Loss of President Jimmy Carter
“For myself, I can pay you no higher honor than to say simply this: You gave of yourself to this country, gracing the White House with your passion and intellect and commitment. And now you have become a permanent part of that grand old house, so rich in tradition, that belongs to us all. For that, Mr. President, I thank you, and your country thanks you.” - President Ronald Reagan at the dedication ceremony for the Carter Presidential Center in 1986.
We mourn the loss of former President Jimmy Carter, a humanitarian, Nobel laureate, and the 39th President of the United States. His legacy of promoting peace, justice, and equality will forever be remembered. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time. To learn more about funeral arrangements or leave a message of condolence for the Carter family, please visit
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for Premier Zhao Ziyang of China
by President Ronald Reagan
January 10, 1984
(Read more at the above link.)
Premier Zhao Ziyang's reply
Mr. President and Mrs. Reagan, ladies and gentlemen, at the beginning of the new year, I have brought the American people the cordial greetings and good wishes of the 1 billion Chinese people. I would like to thank President Reagan for his kind invitation, which has offered me this opportunity to visit your great country.
As a friendly envoy of the Chinese people, I have come to visit your country for the purpose of seeking increased mutual understanding, stabilizing the relations between our two countries, enhancing Sino-U.S. friendship, and helping to preserve world peace. I believe this is not only the common aspiration of the Chinese and American peoples but also the expectation of the people of the world.
This year marks the 200th anniversary of the long sail to China by the American merchant ship Empress of China. That historic voyage started contacts between China and the United States. The history of Sino-U.S. relations over the past two centuries has witnessed both periods of friendly coexistence and exchanges, and of confrontation and conflict. However, the seas of friendship have always existed among the Chinese and American peoples.
This traditional friendship between our two peoples and the political foresight of the leaders of the two countries help to put an end to a long period of estrangement and confrontation between our two countries, and to bring about the normalization of our relations.
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the relations between China and the United States have, in the aggregate, made considerable progress. The friendly exchanges between our two peoples have greatly increased and their mutual understanding further deepened. Our exchanges and cooperation in the political, economic, cultural, scientific, technological, and other fields, have markedly expanded, but it should be considered that the growth of the Sino-U.S. relations is far below the level it should have attained. There have been ups and downs in the course of development, and there still exist difficulties and obstacles.
China has always attached importance to its relations with the United States and hopes to see their growth. U.S. Government leaders have also indicated on more than one occasion that they value Sino-U.S. relations and wish to see their development on a durable and stable basis.
I believe there is such a possibility. In order to turn the possibility into reality, it is necessary for both sides to show mutual respect and for each other, to take into account the national interests of the other side as well as his own country in handling the problems before them.
So long as both China and the United States strictly abide by the principles as confirmed by both sides in the joint communiques, perform the obligations each undertook, it is possible for Sino-U.S. relations to leave behind doubts and uncertainties and embark on a smooth path.
Five years ago, Chinese leader Ding Xiao Ping said at this podium that "great possibilities lie ahead for developing amicable cooperation between China and the United States.'' This remains our faith. Sino-U.S. relations are now at an important juncture. As Americans would say, "They're faced with big challenges and great opportunities as well.'' We should bravely accept the challenges and make full use of the opportunities.
The world situation is at present more turbulent. The people of all countries are deeply worried about the future of the world. The United States and China, both being big countries, should be aware of their heavy responsibility for the maintenance of world peace.
In the next few days, I shall hold talks with President Reagan and other leaders of your government and exchange views with them on ways to develop Sino-U.S. relations and on international issues of common interest.
We never construe the significance of Sino-U.S. relations as being limited to ordinary bilateral relations, but regard them as an important affair affecting the overall world situation. We stand for peace, not only because China needs peace, friendship, and economic development but also because people of all countries want peace, friendship, and development.
The amicable coexistence of China and the United States is a major factor for maintaining world peace and stability. As long as the peoples of the world take their destiny into their own hands, it will be possible to maintain world peace and prevent a new world war.
Mr. President, at this solemn podium I feel that hundreds of millions of people are watching us. They expect us to make contributions to the development of Sino-U.S. relations and to the cause of maintaining world peace. We should not disappoint them.
As I said just now, this year is the bicentenary of the beginning of contacts between China and the United States. This is an occasion for reviewing the past and looking ahead to the future. I believe that with the study of history we will learn to live together better in amity. I wish happiness to the American people and steady and sustained development of the Sino-U.S. relations.
Thank you.
Note: The President spoke at 10:10 a.m. on the South Lawn of the White House, where the Premier was accorded a formal welcome with full military honors. The Premier spoke in Chinese, and his remarks were translated by an interpreter.
Following the ceremony, the President and the Premier, together with U.S. and Chinese officials, met in the Oval Office. They then met in the Cabinet Room, where additional U.S. and Chinese officials joined the discussions.