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Thread poster: QHE
wherestip  Identity Verified
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Centenarians Nov 7, 2014

David, I don't want to get into any heavy topic here, and the old couple's story is quite touching. But it seems like the timeline of their story doesn't
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David, I don't want to get into any heavy topic here, and the old couple's story is quite touching. But it seems like the timeline of their story doesn't quite match historical events.

They might be fibbing about their age, to the upside?

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Mark Twain on age Nov 7, 2014

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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dementia and love Nov 7, 2014


Thanks for your observation. Personally I think the authenticity of the couple's age was not the main issue here because it was a dementia case. The woman character's memory capacity was key. Unfortunately, she's got the early symptoms of dementia. She probably recalled what she remembered best about her youth. Others might be skipped or confused.

BTW, a message of my story is that marital "love" does not fade despite one's struggle against "gradual" memory lo
... See more

Thanks for your observation. Personally I think the authenticity of the couple's age was not the main issue here because it was a dementia case. The woman character's memory capacity was key. Unfortunately, she's got the early symptoms of dementia. She probably recalled what she remembered best about her youth. Others might be skipped or confused.

BTW, a message of my story is that marital "love" does not fade despite one's struggle against "gradual" memory loss due to dementia.

A recent study shows that there will be about 850,000 people living with dementia in the U.K. by 2015.

wherestip wrote:

David, I don't want to get into any heavy topic here, and the old couple's story is quite touching. But it seems like the timeline of their story doesn't quite match historical events.

They might be fibbing about their age, to the upside?

pkchan  Identity Verified
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換言之 Nov 7, 2014

wherestip wrote:


[Edited at 2014-11-07 20:07 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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A little birdie told me Nov 7, 2014

Thanks, David. No biggy. I actually don't deserve the credit, 'cause I'm really not that observant when it comes to all the postings in our forum. Most of them I take a glance at and that's it.

Oh, yeah. The aging population is definitely a worldwide problem that we all have to deal with sooner or later.

How many people have dementia?

In the US there are believed to be at least 5 million individuals with age-related dementias. In Louisiana there are at least 100,000 individuals with age-related dementia. These numbers will only to continue to rise with the aging of the US population. It is estimated that 1 in 6 women, and 1 in 10 men, who live past the age of 55 will develop dementia in their lifetime. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for up to 70% of the dementia in the elderly, with vascular dementia accounting for the majority of the remaining dementia cases in the elderly. However it is important to point out that the percentage of individuals listed as having Alzheimer’s disease is likely an overestimation, since the majority of these individuals are diagnosed with probably Alzheimer’s disease, and not with definitive Alzheimer’s disease (which requires an autopsy).

[Edited at 2014-11-08 00:39 GMT]

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
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老齡人口在5%以下的地區 Nov 8, 2014


wherestip wrote:

[Edited at 2014-11-07 21:46 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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年龄问题 Nov 8, 2014

wherestip wrote:

David, I don't want to get into any heavy topic here, and the old couple's story is quite touching. But it seems like the timeline of their story doesn't quite match historical events.

They might be fibbing about their age, to the upside?


你的脑子真灵活,我怎么就没往那方面想呢?我只从历史(没敢从政治)角度去看那故事,但没想到这竟是一道包括数学等多学科的复合题。 下次我去见医生时,得让他给我查查有没有老年痴呆症。


那么童年的定义是什么?恐怕没有统一的规定。但人们通常会把小孩的年龄分为幼年、童年、少年。为了好算起见,假设1941年时,那位老太太是11岁。那么她今年应该是84岁,与所介绍的100岁相差很大。我认为,即使她得了老年痴呆症,在英美这种发达国家,一个人的年龄是很难搞错的。例如我们打电话预约看医生,护士在问清姓名之后,还会问出生年月日,以核实我们的 identity。给银行、信用卡公司打电话也往往如此。一个人的出生年月日会从出生起一直用到去世。即使那老太太得了老年痴呆症,记不清自己的年龄,但医生护士仍然不会搞错,社会福利机构也不会搞错。她的先生、子女也不会搞错。除非当事人在移民时就虚报年龄(我宁愿排除这种可能性)。我只听说过第三世界住在偏远地区的老人会记不清自己的年龄,还没听说过在发达国家竟然会搞不清一个人的年龄。所以,这个故事确实有点匪夷所思。


David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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Not from Mark Twain Nov 8, 2014


It's a motivating and encouraging quote. Thanks. Age is indeed not everything in life. People could easily dwell into the matter of age and ignore other more important values in life.

The quote might not be from Mark Twain though. See below.
Quote Investigator: There is no substantive evidence that Mark Twain created this witticism. For example, it is not found on, the important website of Mark Twain quotations and resources nor... See more

It's a motivating and encouraging quote. Thanks. Age is indeed not everything in life. People could easily dwell into the matter of age and ignore other more important values in life.

The quote might not be from Mark Twain though. See below.
Quote Investigator: There is no substantive evidence that Mark Twain created this witticism. For example, it is not found on, the important website of Mark Twain quotations and resources nor in the large compilation “Mark Twain at Your Fingertips”.

wherestip wrote: Mark Twain on age

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:24
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Mark Twain quotes Nov 8, 2014


I'm glad we're into the business of debunking myths. I don't know if the quote is from Mark Twain or not. But according to Brainy Quotes and many other websites, it is.

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
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大嶼山昂平的竹園精舍 Nov 8, 2014

pkchan wrote:
















wherestip  Identity Verified
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A suggestion Nov 8, 2014

David Lin wrote:













Could we please refrain from discussing topics like these? I truly don't feel that it is conducive to fostering a friendly and harmonious environment in our forum.

[Edited at 2014-11-09 12:38 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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A book Nov 8, 2014

David Lin wrote:


A book about the two highlighted phrases above, blue and red, published by the Chinese University Press, Hong Kong (香港中文大學出版社).

Please click here for a more detailed preview

Particularly, pages 189 and 295-299.

[Edited at 2014-11-08 18:07 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:24
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童年? Nov 8, 2014

David Lin wrote:




[Edited at 2014-11-03 17:32 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-11-03 17:33 GMT]

It seems that the 102-year-old gentleman doesn't have dementia. If he doesn't have dementia, it should be true that his wife is indeed 100 years old now. So, his wife should have been 27 years old or so by 1941.

United States
Local time: 17:24
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复合题 Nov 8, 2014

ysun wrote:

… 我只从历史(没敢从政治)角度去看那故事,但没想到这竟是一道包括数学等多学科的复合题。

看来 David 的 参与感测试题 难度在加大!元芳园方们要保持:耳聪,眼利,脑清晰.

[Edited at 2014-11-08 19:29 GMT]

United States
Local time: 17:24
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Debunking Myths :D Nov 9, 2014

If anybody here knows why these two should not be wed...

'Nice try buddy, but we know the score. You were involved, but you only played a small part. What we want to know is who orchestrated this thing.'

'I let Facebook and My-Space do most of the leg work. I just park outside houses wearing a trilby.'

"But Holmes how did you know what the victim had for his last meal?"
"Alimentary my dear Watson."

The mint on the pillow? Why it's complimentary my dear, Watson!

[Edited at 2014-11-09 01:45 GMT]

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