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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
United States
Local time: 17:46
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Shibaozhai (石寶寨) Pagoda Jul 18, 2015


石寶寨是國家級文物保護單位,國家 4A 級旅游景區,位于重慶市忠縣石寶鎮長江北岸,它孤峰拔地,四壁如削,形如玉印,傳說它是女媧煉石補天遺留下來的五彩石,故稱 “石寶”。明末農民首領譚宏起義,會據此為寨,故名石寶寨。石寶寨建于明萬歷年間,距今四百多年,寨樓依山而建,飛檐展翼,極為壯觀。


[Edited at 2015-07-18 17:19 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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2015 奥林匹克数学竞赛 Jul 19, 2015

USA tops International Math Olympiad for first time in 21 years
This was Loh’s second year in charge of the team, but he spent four years before that as an assistant. He admits that after five years of second or third place finishes, plus his own 10th place performance 16 years ago, it felt good to finally beat the Chinese.

“Of course there is a very friendly rivalry between us,” he said. “When China conceded defeat, their coach came over to me and we shook hands.

“Usually it’s the other way around.”

United States
Local time: 17:46
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The Loh family- 数学家 Jul 23, 2015

ysun wrote:
USA tops International Math Olympiad for first time in 21 years
This was Loh’s second year in charge of the team, but he spent four years before that as an assistant. He admits that after five years of second or third place finishes, plus his own 10th place performance 16 years ago, it felt good to finally beat the Chinese.

“Of course there is a very friendly rivalry between us,” he said. “When China conceded defeat, their coach came over to me and we shook hands.

“Usually it’s the other way around.”

小罗教授 (Carnegie Mellon University) 的父亲是位统计学教授 (UW-Madison),一家人不愧是"Madison’s First Family of Math".

[Edited at 2015-07-23 02:15 GMT]

pkchan  Identity Verified
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Local time: 17:46
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不同凡想 Think Differently Jul 23, 2015

罗博深(Po-shen Loh)教授是一位杰出的青年数学家。他祖籍新加坡,成长在一个中国家庭, 从小对数学产生了强力的兴趣。在八年纪时获全美MATHCOUNTS 第三名。1999年代表美国获国际奥林匹克数学竞赛(IMO)银牌。2004年获加州理工大学学士学位,成绩在208名学生中名列第一。2010年毕业于普林斯顿大学,获数学博士学位。同年被卡内基梅隆大学聘为助理教授。他是NSF,NSA国家基金的获... See more
罗博深(Po-shen Loh)教授是一位杰出的青年数学家。他祖籍新加坡,成长在一个中国家庭, 从小对数学产生了强力的兴趣。在八年纪时获全美MATHCOUNTS 第三名。1999年代表美国获国际奥林匹克数学竞赛(IMO)银牌。2004年获加州理工大学学士学位,成绩在208名学生中名列第一。2010年毕业于普林斯顿大学,获数学博士学位。同年被卡内基梅隆大学聘为助理教授。他是NSF,NSA国家基金的获得者,在一流杂志上发表论文十余篇,并著有《美国与国际奥赛》一书。罗博深教授是2004,2010,2011年美国数学奥林匹克队副总教练,负责暑期夏令营集训选拔及带队参加国际比赛。 在这次题为“教科书外的思考”的演讲中,他首先给出了几个有趣的数学问题, 得到了在座的近两百名学生和家长们的积极反映, 不少同学很快得出了正确的答案。罗教授还启发大家开动脑筋,开阔思路, 力求一题多解, 力争用最简单的方法解难题。他认为参加数学竞赛的主要目的不应是拿名次,而是挑战自己, 活动脑子, 让自己比别人想得更快,更深, 并有机会认识其它数学爱好者。他指出竞赛题和课本上的习题的不同, 前者更有意思,更赋有挑战性., 更有利于培养学生的创造力和思考能力。

罗教授还简单介绍了美国中学数学竞赛的分类与形式,美国国家奥林匹克队的选拔与组成,以及国际奥赛的概况。罗博深教授最后以1997年APPLE 公司一则广告”Think Differently”结束了他一个小时生动有趣的,高度互动的精彩讲演, 强调从小参与数学竞赛, 可以让您的孩子”不同凡想” 。

讲座结束后,许多家长围着罗教授,争相提问, 久久不肯离去, 有的也许正在琢磨下一步教子成龙的计划呢!

讲座开始前,三个共同举办单位的负责人亚特兰大中华专业人士协会胡少华会长, 乔治亚州立大学数学统计系陈冠涛主任和亚特兰大现代中文学校文炳光校长分别讲话,简单介绍各自的组织。文炳光校长表示亚特兰大现代中文学校将要培训和鼓励学生们参加奥数竞赛。

乔治亚州立大学数学统计系赵羿教授介绍了主讲人及其家庭, 罗教授的弟弟曾获美国全国MATHCOUNTS 第一名, 他的妹妹曾获美国全次开发MATHCOUNTS 第二名。

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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Another Earth? Jul 23, 2015

QHE wrote:


FOLLOW LIVE @ 12 pm ET: NASA Announcing New Alien Planet Discoveries

[Edited at 2015-07-23 16:42 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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"David-vs.-Goliath victory" Jul 23, 2015

A math team coached by a Madison Memorial High School graduate is getting praise from President Barack Obama and many others following its David-vs.-Goliath victory over China this week in the International Mathematical Olympiad.

该报道以"David-vs.-Goliath victory"来比喻美国队的这次胜利,未免不妥。但中国很多学生从小学起就开始学奥数。在这种情况下,美国队仍能战胜中国队,确实很不容易。

[Edited at 2015-07-23 17:13 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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奥数产业 Jul 23, 2015

“想要走得远,必须让孩子身心轻松。奥数再猖狂下去,中国将来就不会再有数学家了。” 一提“奥数”这个词,中科院物理所研究员曹则贤就直呼痛心。


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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SETI Jul 24, 2015

ysun wrote:

QHE wrote:


FOLLOW LIVE @ 12 pm ET: NASA Announcing New Alien Planet Discoveries
NASA Ames Research Center


It's truly fascinating. Given the vastness of the universe, I for one always believed that it shouldn't come as a surprise that there were other intelligent life forms out there; just the opposite, it would truly be a miracle if there weren't any.

The current understanding of the life cycle of stars and planetary systems is truly a marvel in the realm of human knowledge and achievement. Humankind has come a long way from the geocentric model of the dark ages.

[Edited at 2015-07-25 11:54 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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Jupiter-like planet Jul 24, 2015

Just the other day, I was reading a CNN article about the discovery of a Jupiter-like planet in the HIP 11915 system.

Jupiter, gravity bully

Why does the Jupiter twin matter?
Having a Jupiter in the right place is important. In our solar system, the giant gas planet apparently has played a big role in creating and preserving stability on Earth.
During the formation of the planets, scientists believe, our gas giant swept the inner solar system clean, removing objects that may have crowded orbits.
Its gravitational might is second in strength only to that of our sun, and Jupiter exerts it in the right places, helping to keep flying objects such as asteroids in line and not swarming around in broad swaths. They would be very dangerous for a planet hosting life.
Paleontologists say that one single hefty asteroid strike was enough to wipe dinosaurs off the face of the Earth millions of years ago. The "gravitational bully," as astronomers like to call Jupiter, bends the paths of objects flying near it, and it reels some big ones right into it.

United States
Local time: 17:46
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"Spirit of a New World" Jul 25, 2015

Space Time - The Alan Parsons Project

Take It To The Sky - Earth, Wind & Fire

Spirit Of A New World - Earth, Wind & Fire

[Edited at 2015-07-25 01:15 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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茫茫宇宙 Jul 25, 2015



当代科学家们对宇宙的认识,与哥白尼、开普勒、伽里略那个时代相比,不知又前进了多少。NASA 以及其他国家的科学家们,确实在不断地创造奇迹。

我以前在洛杉矶居住时,曾参观过隶属于 NASA 的 JPL。JPL 经常在周末对老百姓开放,宣传和普及天文与航天知识。老百姓也非常踊跃地参加这类活动,表现出极高的兴趣和热情。

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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JPL Jul 25, 2015

ysun wrote:

我以前在洛杉矶居住时,曾参观过隶属于 NASA 的 JPL。JPL 经常在周末对老百姓开放,宣传和普及天文与航天知识。老百姓也非常踊跃地参加这类活动,表现出极高的兴趣和热情。


I've never been there, but heard of it quite a bit. As it happens, I have a cousin on my mom's side of the family who used to work there as a mechanical engineer.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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PBS Program: First Peoples Jul 25, 2015

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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JPL & Caltech Jul 25, 2015


JPL 位于 Pasadena。我原以为那只不过是个“实验室”,没觉得有多了不起。去那儿参观后,才知道那是个规模很大、很重要的研究机构。
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is a federally funded research and development center and NASA field center located in Pasadena, California, United States.

The JPL is managed by the nearby California Institute of Technology (Caltech) for NASA. The laboratory's primary function is the construction and operation of planetary robotic spacecraft, though it also conducts Earth-orbit and astronomy missions. It is also responsible for operating NASA's Deep Space Network.

说起 California Institute of Technology,有位朋友想报考此校读研究生。我带他去参观时,他想在校门口照相留念。我们围着那学校转了一圈,也没找到校门。最后,他只好在这块牌子前留了个影:


[Edited at 2015-07-26 05:05 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
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“钱学森之问” Jul 25, 2015

钱学森先生在 Caltech 获得博士学位,并曾在此工作多年。所谓的钱学森之问就是:“为什么我们的学校总是培养不出杰出人才?” 我对此问题的回答是,那是因为有关领导们在回答此问题时,仍总是离不开“钱”字!


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