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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:21
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Thanks Oct 28, 2017

David Shen wrote:


I was wondering where you have been for the last three weeks. California's wild fire is put out now, if they'd used right thing, I mean water not wine; but Taxes should be out of water by now.

Sorry to joke on disasters, but don't you think all these slogans, meant to be concise versions of new policies could be polished a little bit more? Especially if they are meant to be projected beyond the borders of our Motherland?

Anyway, it is a tough call to find any close equivalent in English, especially the numeric ones. That's why I was having fun with PK on the other thread, I don't mean or want to talk about politics, as we are translators, not commentators, but ......

Hope you are having a nice fall season!

I agree, David. I'm all for being plain spoken, but some situations do justify a bit of an upgrade from your everyday mumbo jumbo.

I haven't been doing much, just staying fascinated (or horrified) by all the hubbub, be it from nature or our wonderful fellow human beings.  

[Edited at 2017-10-28 20:21 GMT]

United States
Local time: 18:21
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Bikini - Monokini – “Facekini” Nov 5, 2017

A Place in the Sun
On China’s Qingdao beaches, the perfect bathing suit takes a backseat to the skin-protective “facekini”


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:21
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That reminds me of ... Nov 5, 2017


David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:21
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Dolls vs. Demons Nov 5, 2017

wherestip wrote:


QHE and Steve,

Facekini and 大头娃娃

I like them both, or at least much better than all the demons on Halloween here!

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:21
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Gravity of Earth Nov 10, 2017

[Edited at 2017-11-10 02:35 GMT]

Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member for the following reason: At poster's request.
David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:21
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All the same! Nov 10, 2017

wherestip wrote:
Gravity of Earth


Isn't that fantastic?

This clip sends me into ponder-land:
__Does that mean we are all the same, when "air" is removed?
__But the thing is we are made to be in need of air, not the absolute truth, every minute of our lives. To expand our personal realm of air, some frequently went to great lengths as to print business cards with over a dozen of titles, making it really hard to figure out what they actually do for a living.

I was also thinking, if Chairman Mao had watched this clip, he would have used a different metaphor when writing about “或重于泰山,或轻于鹅毛。”

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:21
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Gravitational Acceleration is the Constant Nov 11, 2017

(Gravitational Force) = (Mass) ・ (Gravitational Acceleration)


泰山的 mass 还是非常大的哟  

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:21
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It does not matter. Nov 11, 2017

wherestip wrote:
泰山的 mass 还是非常大的哟  


The feather reminded me of Chairman Mao's quotations that I had to recite in my English class in high school.

Now, some 45 years later, it is still in my head, as I happen to be working on a project that talks about nothing else but Chinese mountains, and was dealing with Mount Tai when I saw you post. Here is part of it:


[Edited at 2017-11-11 03:36 GMT]

United States
Local time: 18:21
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"Gravity" Nov 11, 2017

OWe Never Change - Coldplay

Gravity - Coldplay

"O (Fly On)" - Coldplay

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:21
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Mountains vs Feathers Nov 11, 2017

David Shen wrote:

It does not matter.

wherestip wrote:
泰山的 mass 还是非常大的哟  


The feather reminded me of Chairman Mao's quotations that I had to recite in my English class in high school.

Now, some 45 years later, it is still in my head, as I happen to be working on a project that talks about nothing else but Chinese mountains, and was dealing with Mount Tai when I saw you post. Here is part of it:


I see. It all makes sense now.  

[Edited at 2017-11-11 14:16 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:21
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From the Musical "Wicked" Nov 11, 2017

Defying Gravity (Idina Menzel, Kristin Chenoweth)

       (spoken) Don’t be afraid

       (spoken) I’m not
        It’s the Wizard who should be afraid … of me

        Something has changed within me
... See more

Defying Gravity (Idina Menzel, Kristin Chenoweth)

       (spoken) Don’t be afraid

       (spoken) I’m not
        It’s the Wizard who should be afraid … of me

        Something has changed within me
        Something is not the same
        I'm through with playing by the rules
        Of someone else's game
        Too late for second-guessing
        Too late to go back to sleep
        It's time to trust my instincts
        Close my eyes and leap
        It's time to try
        Defying gravity
        I think I'll try
        Defying gravity
        And you can't pull me down
        (spoken) Quick. Get on

        (spoken) What?

        (spoken) Come with me
        Think of what we can do … together

        Together we're unlimited
        Together we'll be the greatest team
        There's ever been
        Dreams, the way we planned 'em

        If we work in tandem

        There's no fight we cannot win
        Just you and I
        Defying gravity
        With you and I
        Defying gravity

        They'll never bring us down
        (spoken) Well? Are you coming?

        (spoken) Elphie, You’re trembling

        I hope you're happy
        Now that you're choosing this

        (spoken) You too
        I hope it brings you bliss

        I really hope you get it
        And you don't live to regret it
        I hope you're happy in the end
        I hope you're happy, my friend

        (spoken) There she is. Don’t let her get away

        (spoken) Wait! What are you doing?
        Let go of me; you hear?

        (spoken) It’s not her
        She has nothing to do with it
        I’m the one you want
        It’s me

        (spoken) Elphie!

        It’s me! …

        So if you care to find me
        Look to the western sky
        As someone told me lately
        "Everyone deserves the chance to fly!"
        And if I'm flying solo
        At least I'm flying free
        To those who'd ground me
        Take a message back from me
        Tell them how I am
        Defying gravity
        I'm flying high
        Defying gravity
        And soon I'll match them in renown
        And nobody in all of Oz
        No Wizard that there is or was
        Is ever gonna bring me down

        Look at her, she's wicked
        Get her!

        Bring me down!

        No one mourns the wicked
        So we've got … to … bring … her …



[Edited at 2017-11-12 01:15 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:21
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Gravity: Dungeness crab vs. 阳澄湖大闸蟹 Nov 12, 2017

Which one falls into stomach first?

这小孩在 Vancouver Island 买 Dungeness crab,CAD $15.00 each。



[Edited at 2017-11-12 20:48 GMT]

David Shen
David Shen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:21
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它自己爬上来的,当然便宜。 Nov 12, 2017

ysun wrote:
Which one falls into stomach first?

有人在 Vancouver Island 买 Dungeness crab, CAD $15.00 each。




I'd choose the bigger one, not only cheaper but more filling to the stomach if you are hungry.


回头看那只 Dungeness crab, 我说“它自己爬上来的”决非纯粹笑话。Dungeness Spit 就在 Vancouver Island 的对岸。

今年夏与儿子跑到美国大陆最西端的尾巴尖上去玩,曾路过 Port Angeles 附近的 Dungeness Spit 国家野生动物保护区。西北部的海岸,松青沙白,海水清澈,鱼翔浅底,蟹爬虾戏。海滩上有成堆的大松木,那是从悬崖上崩落下海的,漂到哪里就搁那儿了,也没人去拖,没有起重机也根本拖不动。感慨中国人最精粹de“顺其自然”法则他们是怎么学到的,而且学以致用。说是“野生动物保护区”,也允许老百姓抓鱼摸蟹挖牡蛎,老百姓也很自觉,只是在每年规定的季节才会去抓。

对面的 Victoria 有很好的欧式建筑和博物馆,大花园等,不过我们这次没去。十几年前上加拿大不用签证的,光凭个驾照,过边境时拿出来晃一晃就行了。现在也麻烦,不过听你说Richmond 的中国菜这么正宗,下次就不怕麻烦了。😋

Here are some photos of the Dungeness area:

Photo credit unknown

对面就是加拿大的 Victoria 和温哥华南部。十五年没去,听说中国餐馆现在更多了,刮北风时不知能否闻到香味。

Photo credit Joe Becker

Photo credit Joe Becker

[Edited at 2017-11-12 23:25 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:21
English to Chinese
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和珅有罪,小蟹无辜 Nov 13, 2017

David Shen wrote:

I'd choose the bigger one, not only cheaper but more filling to the stomach if you are hungry.




这里老百姓在抓鱼摸蟹挖牡蛎时,也有极个别不自觉的。我曾去美加边境附近的 White Rock 海边。亲戚告诉我说,前不久就在这里,有一位大妈将禁止捕捞的母螃蟹的蟹钳和蟹爪活活地拔下来,再将剩下的螃蟹身体丢进海里。最后被警方罚款450加元。

当年我们在 New Hampshire 时,有时也会去海边抓龙虾。记得法律有严格规定,凡重量轻于一磅的龙虾,必须放回海里,否则也要罚款。

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