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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
ysun United States Local time: 19:56 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 19:56 English to Chinese + ... |
QHE United States Local time: 20:56 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER “Role Model” | May 29, 2021 |
David Shen wrote:
《相机经眼录》之初审_Topcon Beseler
说到科技立国,想起前些天看到的一段有关改革开放的奇葩演讲视频(网络公开资料介绍, 演讲者是中国营销学院院长,清华、北大、上海交大、浙大、中大、武大等60所大学的MBA/EMBA班客座教授)。 这位教授侃侃而谈,竟对“野蛮抄袭”、“野蛮复制” 情不自禁地感到无比自豪;而且坦言道:“咱已经抄到第一排了。再往前抄,沒图纸了。” | | |
QHE United States Local time: 20:56 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER Reading the Classic of Mountains and Seas | May 31, 2021 |

《陶渊明诗意图册》第十二帧 - [清] 石涛 ©
Poetic Feeling of Tao Yuanming by Shitao (1642–1707)
读山海经十三首 其一
[魏晋] 陶渊明
俯仰终宇宙,不乐复何如。 | |
David Shen United States Local time: 17:56 English to Chinese + ... A rainy day ever since | Jun 4, 2021 |
春 夏 之 交 百 花 绽,
朝 阳 夕 阳 美 无 限。
自 从 猫 熊 变 虎 后,
年 年 今 日 是 阴 天。
D.S.2021.0604.a | | |
QHE United States Local time: 20:56 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
QHE United States Local time: 20:56 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
QHE United States Local time: 20:56 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER Centenarian translator Xu Yuanchong passed away… | Jun 18, 2021 |
May he Rest in Peace!

Xu Yuanchong (许渊冲; 18 April 1921 – 17 June 2021), throughout a lengthy and prolific translation career,
had pursued the beauty of language and enabled English and French speaking audiences to better understand
the beauty of Chinese literature. (Credit: Xinhua)
A Dramatic Exchange
China and the UK commemorate the lives and works of playwrights Tang Xianzu and William Shakespeare
By Ji Jing | NO. 19 MAY 12, 2016
Cross-cultural links
Dolphin Books, a subsidiary of the China International Publishing Group (CIPG), has seized the opportunity to promote China-UK cultural exchanges. The company has published an English version of Tang's masterpiece, Dream in Peony Pavilion, and a Chinese translation of six of Shakespeare's tragedies—King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and Antony and Cleopatra….
Xu Yuanchong, a retired Peking University professor, is the lead translator of these classics. Xu, 95, won the 2014 Aurora Borealis Prize for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature, a prestigious translation award granted by the International Federation of Translators.
Tang's Dream in Peony Pavilion tells the love story between Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei, which Xu translated as "Du the Belle" and "Liu the Dreamer of Mume Flower" respectively, presenting the romantic idealism of the search for individual happiness.
"Shakespeare was more realistic than Tang, while Tang was more romantic than Shakespeare. Shakespeare loved tragedy. In Tang's play, the heroine died, but she was revived after death because she loved the hero," Xu said. "This cannot be found in Shakespeare's tragedies. This shows the difference between Chinese and Western dramas."
[Edited at 2021-06-18 20:45 GMT]
[Edited at 2021-06-18 20:46 GMT] | |
David Shen United States Local time: 17:56 English to Chinese + ... Upon the departure of veteran translator Prof Xu Yuanchong | Jun 19, 2021 |
D.S.2021.0618.a | | |
QHE United States Local time: 20:56 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER Father's Day | Jun 20, 2021 |
 | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 17:56 English to Chinese + ... The Coolest Guy | Jun 20, 2021 |
【见图配文】Captions Series 《最酷男》
The coolest guy in the world must be Dad,
Ture to most girls until she met this dude.
D.S.2021.0620.a | | |
QHE United States Local time: 20:56 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER The Coolest Guy | Jun 21, 2021 |
David Shen wrote:
【见图配文】Captions Series 《最酷男》
The coolest guy in the world must be Dad,
Ture to most girls until she met this dude.
酷爸不语等着瞧。 | |
David Shen United States Local time: 17:56 English to Chinese + ... The Coolest Guy continued | Jun 22, 2021 |
QHE wrote:
【见图配文】Captions Series 《最酷男》续
D.S.2021.0622.a | | |
David Shen United States Local time: 17:56 English to Chinese + ... |
QHE United States Local time: 20:56 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER From Alpha to Lambda | Jun 22, 2021 |

Variants of Interest (VOIs)
and Variants of Concern (VOCs)
Variants of Concern
A SARS-CoV-2 variant that meets the definition of a VOI (see below) and,
through a comparative assessment, has been demonstrated to be
associated with one or more of the following changes
at a degree of global public health significance:
• Increase in transmissibility or detrimental change in COVID-19 epidemiology; or
• Increase in virulence or change in clinical disease presentation; or
• Decrease in effectiveness of public health and social measures or
available diagnostics, vaccines, therapeutics.
Variants of Interest
A SARS-CoV-2 isolate is a Variant of Interest (VOI) if,
compared to a reference isolate, its genome has mutations with established
or suspected phenotypic implications, and either:
• has been identified to cause community transmission/multiple COVID-19 cases/clusters,
or has been detected in multiple countries; OR
• is otherwise assessed to be a VOI by WHO in consultation with
the WHO SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution Working Group.
(Figure: via DW)
[Edited at 2021-06-22 23:48 GMT] | | |
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