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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Thread poster: QHE
ysun United States Local time: 14:52 English to Chinese + ... To put him back in the picture | Aug 13, 2014 |
Picture Perfect Once More
Eisenhower knew about the altered photo and had presented Ji with an autographed copy of the real McCoy (above right) during an earlier visit. She decided to do him one better with the cameras rolling. “I’d like to ask Ambassador Ji to show us where he was standing when my father met Zhou Enlai,” she said. Ji gamely jumped to his feet and took up his accustomed position next to the statue of his late boss. He said he recalled Nixon reaching for Zhou’s hand and saying, “This handshake comes across the vast Pacific ocean and many years of no communication.”

The above quote and picture are from this link:
[Edited at 2014-08-13 23:24 GMT] | | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 19:52 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
ysun wrote:
Picture Perfect Once More
Eisenhower knew about the altered photo and had presented Ji with an autographed copy of the real McCoy (above right) during an earlier visit. She decided to do him one better with the cameras rolling. “I’d like to ask Ambassador Ji to show us where he was standing when my father met Zhou Enlai,” she said. Ji gamely jumped to his feet and took up his accustomed position next to the statue of his late boss. He said he recalled Nixon reaching for Zhou’s hand and saying, “This handshake comes across the vast Pacific ocean and many years of no communication.”
The above quote and picture are from this link:
[Edited at 2014-08-13 23:24 GMT]
Justice is done; the truth wins at last!
BTW, 图片中的两个人像为什么比真人高出那么多?周恩来的真人高度应该只到冀朝铸先生的眼眉位置 (参照原照片)。或者是否冀先生矮了? | | |
ysun United States Local time: 14:52 English to Chinese + ... The Man on Mao's Right | Aug 15, 2014 |
David Lin wrote:
Justice is done; the truth wins at last!
BTW, 图片中的两个人像为什么比真人高出那么多?周恩来的真人高度应该只到冀朝铸先生的眼眉位置 (参照原照片)。或者是否冀先生矮了?
其实,类似的修改照片的事件时有发生。不过当年没有 Photoshop,所以修改技术较差,往往可以看出破绽。当年也没有 Google 和 Internet,老百姓无法翻墙去搜索真照片。
冀先生写了一本回忆录 The Man on Mao's Right,待我以后有空时要看一看: | | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 19:52 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
最好的装潢是时间,时间是无法复制的。 | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 19:52 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
对,修改照片在当时蛮 ”流行“。我曾经看过一张国庆日国家领袖在天安门城楼的合照,里面的林彪在堕机之后被删除消失。这种方法叫 photo doctoring to deceive, 不知就里的初哥很容易误译为 ”照片医治“。现在则叫 photoshoping 。 社交网站充塞著这些 photoshopped pictures。
像你一样,我也很好奇,想看看冀先生的大作 ”The Man on Mao's Right“。不知道经过那些牛棚的日子之后,冀先生有没有后悔当初回国服务的决定。
如无意外,应该是我的秋季阅读目标。 | | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 19:52 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
Q: 昨晚抽空看了电影才睡觉。非常好看。谢谢 P.K. 的推荐。:)
张艺谋的描述手法保持一贯作风,却没有大明星过分商业化的影子。全套电影的高潮,竟然在最后一幕的一行字上。 表明其处理日记的手法及技巧,的确高明。
Q 和其他未看过的同仁,极力推荐你们抽空一看。末段是有点伤感,却充分表现纯真的爱,能够冲破阶级的藩篱,内涵丰富,不是完全悲剧。 | | |
QHE United States Local time: 15:52 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER
David Lin wrote:
Q: 昨晚抽空看了电影才睡觉。非常好看。谢谢 P.K. 的推荐。:)
张艺谋的描述手法保持一贯作风,却没有大明星过分商业化的影子。全套电影的高潮,竟然在最后一幕的一行字上。 表明其处理日记的手法及技巧,的确高明。
Q 和其他未看过的同仁,极力推荐你们抽空一看。末段是有点伤感,却充分表现纯真的爱,能够冲破阶级的藩篱,内涵丰富,不是完全悲剧。
既然是 Two Thumbs Up, 我一定会看的.  | | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 19:52 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum 2014 伦敦语言汇展 Language Show 快到了 (17-19/10/2014) | Aug 16, 2014 |
每年一度的 Language Show “语言汇展” 将于 10月 17 (星期五)- 19 日 (星期日)在伦敦市中心的奥林匹亚 Olympia 会议展览馆举行。该汇展是翻译员、作者、语言老师/学生、学者、培训人员/中心主管及语言学习工具发展商必到之盛会。
由于节目丰富,每年吸引约 9,000 多人从英国本土以及欧洲各地前来参观。
自从我的翻译老师的特别推介,我每年必抽出�... See more 每年一度的 Language Show “语言汇展” 将于 10月 17 (星期五)- 19 日 (星期日)在伦敦市中心的奥林匹亚 Olympia 会议展览馆举行。该汇展是翻译员、作者、语言老师/学生、学者、培训人员/中心主管及语言学习工具发展商必到之盛会。
由于节目丰富,每年吸引约 9,000 多人从英国本土以及欧洲各地前来参观。
自从我的翻译老师的特别推介,我每年必抽出时间参加。除了可以拿到很多免费赠品,并开拓翻译的最新视野,替自己增值以外,汇展每日加插的研习班 seminar/workshop,各种形式内容都有,获益良多。今年将有 60 多个研讨会/工作坊,由 80 多位经验丰富的讲员主持。
每年的招牌节目 Translation and Interpreting Leaders Panel Discussion, 座无虚设,我觉得最有用和充满趣味。今年于 18 日早上 10:30-11:30 举行。
除了严肃的课程,也有一些比较轻松的文化节目,好像阿拉伯肚皮舞,韩国音乐舞蹈及日本鼓乐等研习班。由于我不是女性,无法参加肚皮舞的学习,所以只加入日本鼓乐班,向牛津来的英国鼓手学习打鼓并现场一起 “演出”,乐在其中。
也不要忘记带备你的个人名片,因为很多摊位会举办抽奖比赛,需要你留下名片。我很幸运,一年被一家专门出版翻译书的国际出版商抽中,获得 100 英镑的书卷。虽然不是什么大奖,却是一个意外惊喜,并替我在那一年省下一笔新书的开支。
希望你也会被幸运之神眷顾。 ▲ Collapse | |
Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member for the following reason: Empty post |
QHE United States Local time: 15:52 English to Chinese + ... TOPIC STARTER |
ysun United States Local time: 14:52 English to Chinese + ...
David Lin wrote:
像你一样,我也很好奇,想看看冀先生的大作 ”The Man on Mao's Right“。不知道经过那些牛棚的日子之后,冀先生有没有后悔当初回国服务的决定。
关于 The Man on Mao's Right 一书,如果你 click 此链接上该书封面右上角的 “Look inside”,就可看到其目录及各章的 preview。
似乎有人已把这本书译成了中文(不知是否得到授权?)。译者把 “The Man on Mao's Right” 译为《毛的得力助手》,这恐怕过于夸张,也不符合冀先生本意。冀先生看来是个很谨慎的人。他当初回国恐怕也是迫于当时的形势。与无数人的遭遇相比,他还是比较幸运的。我想他应该不会后悔吧? | | |
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 19:52 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 19:52 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum We embrace time as seamless and ceaseless | Aug 17, 2014 |
ysun wrote: 应该不会后悔吧
关于 The Man on Mao's Right 一书,如果你 click 此链接上该书封面右上角的 “Look inside”,就可看到其目录及各章的 preview。
似乎有人已把这本书译成了中文(不知是否得到授权?)。译者把 “The Man on Mao's Right” 译为《毛的得力助手》,这恐怕过于夸张,也不符合冀先生本意。冀先生看来是个很谨慎的人。他当初回国恐怕也是迫于当时的形势。与无数人的遭遇相比,他还是比较幸运的。我想他应该不会后悔吧?
谢谢提示。看了该书的摘录预览 preview。其中一句提及 “时间”。
We embrace time as seamless and ceaseless. This makes us persistent and patient.
前文引述中國成語 “殺雞取卵” 和 “千里之行、始于足下”; 後文則提到 ”愚公移山“。
虽然短短几页摘录,但是已足够将我们阅读的欲望升华好几百倍。 | | |
ysun United States Local time: 14:52 English to Chinese + ... |
wherestip United States Local time: 14:52 Chinese to English + ...
说来话巧,我还见过 冀朝铸一次。 我当时已经不小了,但待人处事还是非常害羞,搞得一句话都没跟他说。 以后再跟你说是咋回事。 ...
记得以前报纸上他名字写作 冀朝柱,不知究竟如何?
[Edited at 2014-08-19 03:06 GMT] | | |
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