Translation glossary: Aceavila Glossary

Showing entries 601-650 of 662
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to cast an asnwerofrecer / dar / seleccionar / lanzar / enviar /entrar una respuesta 
English to Spanish
to do wellprosperar/salir adelante/tener éxito 
English to Spanish
to document verbal interactionsto provide a written account/record of the conversation/dialogue which was held 
to have been aroundllevar tiempo (existiendo) 
English to Spanish
to keep wholemantener íntegro 
English to Spanish
to make CEOs look goodto work hard and have their bosses get all the credit 
to turn squarevolverse conservador 
English to Spanish
tobo de 1/2 St 37Half-inch cold rolled/carbonized/carbon steel 37 flue 
Spanish to English
Tocador(At the) dressing table 
Spanish to English
toilet conditionedcontrol de esfínteres 
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
torto de maíz (Spain)cornbread(savoury)/corn cakes 
Spanish to English
toughest soundtracks/ fussiest speakerslas bandas sonoras más difíciles/exigentes / las altavoces más exigentes/tiquismiquis 
English to Spanish
tour de buggy des sables(Dar) un paseo/una vuelta por los arenales/la playa en buggy 
French to Spanish
trabajos realizados en torno carried out concerning 
Spanish to English
Tractores sobre ruedas (patos)Wheeldozers 
Spanish to English
traducciones directa e inversastranslations to and from native language/translations and proses 
Spanish to English
tragamillas(weary) traveller 
Spanish to English
Transferencia a treinta diasPayment due 30 days (after invoice date) / Bank transfer net 30 days 
Spanish to English
trifle with the tartsjugar/juguetear con las putillas 
English to Spanish
trim itemselementos de acabado / objetos de embellecimiento / acabados / embellecedores 
English to Spanish
Tripa orilla/ Tripa salame(beef) round(s) casing/(beef) middle(s) (salami) casing 
Spanish to English
troncalidadmandatory/compulsory nature // compulsoriness 
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
tutorizar/tutorizado porto run, to oversee/under the guidance of, in the guiding hands of 
Spanish to English
txitxarro / chicharroscad / (Atlantic) horse mackerel 
Spanish to English
un programa adecuado a este uso de vivienda(following) a design programme/project which is appropriate for/suited to this dwelling usage 
Spanish to English
una mochila que pesa muchoa powerful argument in favour of 
Spanish to English
una sección representativa de extremo con cabinaa representative end-section with cabin 
Spanish to English
unas mas rockeras, otras mas jazzeras, unas mas pop,some were more rock in style, others more jazz, others more pop, 
Spanish to English
underlying disaster risksriesgos inherentes de desastre/catástrofe 
English to Spanish
unlocked retail priceun precio de venta al público, liberado 
English to Spanish
unpolished grainscereales integrales 
English to Spanish
unpropped bodycuerpo no apoyado 
English to Spanish
Unsuspecting marketdespués de que se lanzara para sorpresa del mercado/de que su lanzamiento sorpriendiera el mercado 
English to Spanish
upstream supply chaincadena de suministro aguas arriba / ascendente 
English to Spanish
Usted (formal)you 
Spanish to English
vacio sanitarioproduction break (for cleaning) 
Spanish to English
valer la gloriawhich earned him fame and glory 
Spanish to English
valet boxcaja para lustra zapatos, lavandería 
English to Spanish
vía rodadaroad/street open to (motor) traffic 
Spanish to English
vegetación abruptascarp vegetation 
Spanish to English
vehicle excess (insurance)franquicia 
English to Spanish
vehicle pursuit litigationlitigios/pleitos por persecución vehicular 
English to Spanish
vertienteangle / point of view / aspect 
Spanish to English
very little is certaina ciencia cierta se sabe muy poco 
English to Spanish
vinagreta de crizossea urchin vinaigrette 
Spanish to English
visitoratpúblico visitante / visitantes / visitariado 
French to Spanish
VOR / ORVtodo terreno / 4 x 4 
English to Spanish
was met with informallyhubo / se mantuvieron reuniones informales 
English to Spanish
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