Translation glossary: Aceavila Glossary

Showing entries 301-350 of 662
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he is said to have died a natural deathpeople believe that he has died 
Health and Safety Inspectorateinspectores / inspectorado de prevención de riesgos 
English to Spanish
helado de escabechelight savoury escabeche / brine sorbet 
Spanish to English
hidrocarburos acíclicos perhalogenadosperhalogenated acyclic hydrocarbons 
Spanish to English
high polyester countalto contenido de / en poliéster 
English to Spanish
hojas de medición(Measuring) sheets/forms 
Spanish to English
Holds himself tose atiene a estándares muy altos 
English to Spanish
house spousehome maker 
how to abreviate 14th spanish14º / 14ª // 14.º / 14.ª 
English to Spanish
huecos practicablesopenings / vents which may be made 
Spanish to English
Humbugcojín de suelo "Humbug" 
English to Spanish
if I had knownQuestion of formality 
il est apparu souhaitableresulta deseable / recomendable / conveniente / adecuado 
French to Spanish
In occasione della Prima alla Scala di Milanoopening night, first night, premiere at La Scala in Milan 
Italian to English
in performancerendimiento 
English to Spanish
informto provide (correct) information in order to influence a decision 
ingreso por recuperaciónrevenue from (debt) recovery 
Spanish to English
Instalación vertigo aguas residualessewage dump (installation) 
Spanish to English
interacción hombre-máquinaman–machine interaction (MMI) / people-machine interface (PMI) / human-computer interaction (HCI) 
Spanish to English
Ir por librenot to follow a recognizable path/pattern towards 
Spanish to English
is on course towardva [bien] encaminado hacia 
English to Spanish
Jamón Ibérico al corte"Jamón Ibérico" on the bone 
Spanish to English
Jamón Ibérico al corte"Jamón Ibérico" on the bone/hand-carved "Jamón Ibérico" 
Spanish to English
jefe de cocinachef de cuisine / head chef 
Spanish to English
jelly-roll haircutcon el pelo de un rockero de los 50 
English to Spanish
key-top(etiquetado de) teclas 
English to Spanish
keypad-locked gatepuerta con teclado (numérico) de acceso 
English to Spanish
Kitchen fire caused by build up of grease in ducting spreadingincendio en cocina por acumulación de grasa en los conductos extendido/propagado al resto del edificio 
English to Spanish
kitsobras/trabajos desde plantilla 
English to Spanish
kudosprestigio / credibilidad / gloria / fama 
English to Spanish
la belle bleuethe Mediterranean 
French to English
La calle está de fiesta.There was partying in the streets 
Spanish to English
la desafeccion de la fincathe decommissioning of the property 
Spanish to English
la emoción está servidaExcitement is guaranteed 
Spanish to English
La experiencia por si misma no basta para determinar...Experience alone is not enough to determine (/decide)... 
Spanish to English
la nouvelle donne mondialeel nuevo orden / acuerdo / escenario mundial 
French to Spanish
laitue feuille de chênehoja de roble 
French to Spanish
larder, (kitchen) cupboarddespensa 
English to Spanish
Largest Meeting Space/Paxespacio mayor reuniones / pax 
English to Spanish
las explotaciones no calificadas como oficialmente indemnesfarms not officially exempt/that do not have an official clean bill of health 
Spanish to English
laundry fabrictejido/tela tratado/a para lavado 
English to Spanish
lazada anchawide strap (halter) 
Spanish to English
l’esprit de l’escalierl'esprit de l'escalier / esprit d'escalier 
French to English
leaderslíderes de comunidades / comunitarios 
English to Spanish
lean managementlean management / gestión lean 
English to Spanish
leche cortadaoff milk/sour milk 
Spanish to English
Legal EaglesOjo Avizor 
English to Spanish
Lending bucketfondo de préstamos de obligada asignación a sectores específicos 
English to Spanish
leones de piel ocre tumbados al solbrown/ochre (furred) lions lying / basking in the sun 
Spanish to English
les légumes stars de nos assiettesthe vegetables starring/featuring on our plates/dishes /in our meals 
French to English
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