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Search results: (68 matches)
Translation in the UK Freelancing from rented property @ magdadh Thank you so much for your reply. This exactly
what I was asking about.
Evangelia Mouma Jan 24, 2015
Translation in the UK Freelancing from rented property Thank you Thank you, ladies! Ok, the question regarding
the landlord does not seem to be a big issue. How
about when I fill in my taxation form? Will I need
to state where my business is located
Evangelia Mouma Oct 23, 2014
Translation in the UK Freelancing from rented property Hello! I just moved to London and I am about to
rent a flat and start living and working here. One
of the terms in the tenancy contract is that I
should not run a business in the proper
Evangelia Mouma Oct 23, 2014
Off topic Inscriptions on Ancient Architecture - Coptic, Greek, Hebrew??? Not Greek One of the 3 options is excluded. Evangelia Mouma May 16, 2012
Off topic Bears repeating; may save lives Thank you Suzan Happy holidays! Evangelia Mouma Dec 22, 2011
Lighter side of trans/interp A Bit of CV Fun - Have a Laugh! Thanks! I don't know why, I find it so funny. Like the one
I came across today, "I'm very well in English and
French". I can't stop laughing.
Evangelia Mouma Apr 21, 2011
Lighter side of trans/interp A Bit of CV Fun - Have a Laugh! prefix? Thanks for sharing. Hilarious. Only, what does it
mean At secondary school I was a prefix? :( I
can't figure it out.
Evangelia Mouma Apr 21, 2011
German Learning German in Germany - Teenager with Parent Thanks! Thank you all for your answers and
information. @David. Sure, Austria and
Switzerland are also good. I will check
Klagenfurt. @ Chosana khopkhun kha. This is what
I wanted, thanks.
Evangelia Mouma Mar 30, 2011
German Learning German in Germany - Teenager with Parent Hello all, My teenage daughter wants to
practice her German and have some lessons in a
school in Germany but she doesn't want to go to
Germany alone and stay at the school's offered
Evangelia Mouma Mar 29, 2011
Lighter side of trans/interp Misspelt Names Not so much with spelling as with pronunciation My friends call me Lilia but my "formal" name is
Evangelia. I made the mistake of not putting an
"h" after "g" (Evanghelia), so almost everyone
says evandjelia. Also, the stress is on LI
Evangelia Mouma Dec 18, 2009
Trados support I don't have a bilingual file Thanks! Thanks with a blush - didn't cross my mind! Evangelia Mouma Nov 24, 2009
Trados support I don't have a bilingual file Hello! I have TRADOS 7.0 and Windows XP (in one
computer) and Vista (in another computer) and Word
2003. I was working with Trados without any
problems until I decided to buy a new c
Evangelia Mouma Nov 24, 2009
Off topic It was 39 years ago today: 'Let it be' by The Beatles Me too I grew up listening to The Beatles too. When I was
learning English, I learned so many phrasal verbs
and idioms through their songs. My first guitar
lessons were based on The Beatles songs
Evangelia Mouma May 10, 2009
Windows operating systems deleted desktop file the brave-hearted Thank you so much everyone for your suggestions
and help in those difficult moments. The
problem was solved by following the most difficult
path, unfortunately. I tried restoring the s
Evangelia Mouma May 10, 2009
Windows operating systems deleted desktop file Hello! Windows XP _Office 2003 I wanted to
copy the Desktop folder from D to an external hard
disk and by mistake instead of copy-pasting I
cut-pasted. Now every time I start the com
Evangelia Mouma May 7, 2009
Off topic Wonderful music video ('Stand by me' performed together by musicians around the world) Wonderful Thanks for sharing! Lilia Evangelia Mouma Mar 17, 2009
Off topic Do you have a fancy for USB gadgets? Mug Warmer Great! I loved that! My coffee / tea gets cold but
I like it hot. I tried small thermos but they give
coffee a funny taste. So, this mug warmer is made
for me! :) Lilia
Evangelia Mouma Mar 9, 2009
Off topic Ever spilled something on your laptop? You're not gonna believe this! Unbelievable! Thanks for the story, Amy! Help comes from the
most unexpected places. My daughter asks what
the name of the hotel is so as not to stay there
since there are ants! She also says that
Evangelia Mouma Mar 5, 2009
Linguistics Machine Translation - A sentence to put technology to a test over time? subject-objects In Greek every word has an ending that shows its
role in the sentence (subject - object etc). So, I
believe that it is difficult to construct
garden-path sentences. On the other hand, sinc
Evangelia Mouma Feb 14, 2009
Linguistics Machine Translation - A sentence to put technology to a test over time? garden-path sentences I believe the so-called garden-path sentences are
hard to process: 1. The horse raced past
the barn fell. 2. The man who hunts ducks out
on weekends. 3. The cotton clothing
Evangelia Mouma Feb 14, 2009
Linguistics "Create time" and "Gain time" create vs gain Hello, I am not a native speaker but here is
how I understand the difference between "create
time" and "gain time": "Create time" means that
you try to do some things in order to have
Evangelia Mouma Jan 25, 2009 Translator Coop Jared is dad now :) Congrats Jared! (or rather, Congrats Gabriela!) For me, birth is a blessed event! I do not know
Jared personally but he is my
permanent-support-ticket-answerer. I wish all
three of you every happiness! Lilia
Evangelia Mouma Oct 9, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: How far is your workplace from your bed? it depends One long stride or eight to ten dragging steps
from my bed. :) And vice versa. Lilia
Evangelia Mouma Jul 4, 2008
Linguistics Language specific madness thanks [quote] I subscribe to mindhacks RS feed.
[/quote] Thank you very much. Regards Lilia
Evangelia Mouma Jun 15, 2008
Linguistics Language specific madness variance [quote] What's interesting per se is the variance
itself. [/quote] I agree on that, definitely.
It is as if the two languages were wired in
different places... How do you discover su
Evangelia Mouma Jun 15, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you decide when to take days off? Other-family reasons As my husband is in the teaching sector, he and my
daughter start pestering me around Christmas,
Easter and of course in the summer. It is hard not
to give in but it depends on my workload
Evangelia Mouma Jun 13, 2008
Linguistic diversity Portuguese language: what will change and what will remain Thanks Steven I understand now. Every change in language brings
about the usual turmoil. But it is a
Portuguese-internal matter.
Evangelia Mouma Jun 10, 2008
Linguistic diversity Portuguese language: what will change and what will remain I do not speak Portuguese... I am so sorry, and I cannot follow what is said in
the forums Fabio suggested. It is an interesting
subject but I cannot really understand why
European Portuguese will change its orthograp
Evangelia Mouma Jun 9, 2008
Off topic Eurovision Song Contest English for French [quote]Nesrin wrote: But now it's just one big
tasteless brew [/quote] I couldn't agree more!
The same recipe: sexy and pretty - and perhaps
having a good voice - prevailing everywhe
Evangelia Mouma May 29, 2008
Off topic What sites are you most guilty of procrastinating in? great thread Now I will be visiting all the sites you
mentioned, aNobii to start with and bookmooch,
instead of working. Nice little :) break. But
usually I am very diligent. I youtube from time to
Evangelia Mouma May 29, 2008
Safe computing NOD32 antivirus spotting TagEditor files as possible viruses same here I got this message while working on a
pdf. Thanks for sharing, I didn't know what was
wrong. E.
Evangelia Mouma May 22, 2008
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Proofreading or translating all over again? There are three kinds of mistakes I think that there are three kinds of mistakes:
the grammatical mistakes, which are obvious, and
here are also included omissions, mistranslations
- when one has translated fork as spoon,
Evangelia Mouma May 16, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Where in the world are you? Europe! Europe! Hello from little Greece! Well, I thought that
Central America belonged to South America. You
live and learn! I am curious to see who lives in
a most exotic place, not by birth but bec
Evangelia Mouma May 16, 2008
Linguistics blue and green (NYT article) I do not know, Jenny [quote]Jenny Forbes wrote: I have occasionally
seen (or heard) in books or programmes on
"interesting facts" (e.g. Stephen Fry on "QI")
that the ancient Greeks had no word for "blue" a
Evangelia Mouma Apr 23, 2008
Linguistics blue and green (NYT article) How interesting! Very interesting subject! In Greek, we have words
for blue and green and several words that
distinguish the different hues of these colours -
we have words for light blue (two words defin
Evangelia Mouma Apr 23, 2008
Off topic The Mom Song awesome! What I liked is, "It must be in your father's DNA"
Evangelia Mouma Apr 9, 2008
Off topic From Norway to Sweden - which is the best way? That complicates matters Thanks Balestrieri for your answer, We were
planning to go from Oslo to Narvik and then Kiruna
and from there to Finland all the way down to
Turku and then crossing the channel to Stock
Evangelia Mouma Mar 27, 2008
Greek Περίπου εμείς... Η αυτόματη μετάφραση ξαναχτυπά και ποίηση/τραγούδι Ορίστε και ένα τραγούδι σε
... ελεύθερη
ml Κολ
Evangelia Mouma Mar 25, 2008
Linguistic diversity Conference on endangered languages Hello, Here is a link for a conference in
60.html It is still in the "call-for-papers"
stage but it sounds
Evangelia Mouma Mar 25, 2008
Money matters Hourly rate Thanks Thank you Margreet for your prompt answer. I'll
give it a try to find the thread, if I don't I'll
get back. All the best
Evangelia Mouma Mar 19, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice How much to charge for proofreading? I agree with Claudia First because proofreading a mess is more than
difficult and second because if there is the
suspicion that your client used an MT for such a
translation and played a trick by asking you to
Evangelia Mouma Mar 19, 2008
Money matters Hourly rate hourly rates vs per unit rates Hi Eleni, I usually apply per unit rates for
everything, translation, proofreading, editing,
and a per page rate for transcription. Hourly
rates are usually for proofreading and editing
Evangelia Mouma Mar 19, 2008
Off topic From Norway to Sweden - which is the best way? And the vote goes to Narvik Thank you all for your suggestions. Jørgen, I
will definitely ask you again if I have any other
questions. Thanks Michele. Hilde, thanks for
the link. I am looking forward to vi
Evangelia Mouma Mar 17, 2008
Off topic From Norway to Sweden - which is the best way? Hello fellow translators who happen to know Norway
and Sweden! We are planning a trip to Norway
and Sweden by caravan for this summer and we are
going to visit Oslo, Bergen, Alesund and
Evangelia Mouma Mar 16, 2008
Greek Περίπου εμείς... Η αυτόματη μετάφραση ξαναχτυπά εδώλιο Να σου πω, Ελένη. Πάλι καλά
που δεν είδαμε "εδώλιο
καραμελών" lol! Πάντως
μεταξύ μας, γιατί
επιλέχθηκε η
Evangelia Mouma Mar 13, 2008
Office applications How to translate links - Word 2003 Thanks Many thanks Pawel and Marie-Céline for your
invaluable tips. These are very helpful functions
indeed! Have a nice evening Evangelia
Evangelia Mouma Mar 6, 2008
Office applications How to translate links - Word 2003 The miracle Yes, when I right-click "update field" I get my
translations. The size is different but this is
easily fixed. Thank you Zhoudan, thank you
Maurizio for your time and
advice. Re
Evangelia Mouma Mar 6, 2008
Office applications How to translate links - Word 2003 Hello, I have a Word document with a section
that contains the titles of other sections and
these titles appear as links (when I put the mouse
on them they show the "CTRL + click to fol
Evangelia Mouma Mar 6, 2008
Literature / Poetry CRICKET: As explained to a foreigner... No, Jenny you are not the only ones. But I really fancy
their attire. And it's carnival time. Thanks
Valery, I didn't know that nice description of
cricket. I have already sent it off to all my
Evangelia Mouma Feb 29, 2008
Greek Χρόνια Πολλά και Καλές Γιορτές Πολλές ευχές κι από μένα Χρόνια πολλά, να είστε καλά
από κάθε άποψη. Το 2008 να σας
φέρει ό,τι επιθυμείτε.
Evangelia Mouma Dec 26, 2007

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