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Poll: Where in the world are you?
Thread poster: Staff
jacana54 (X)
jacana54 (X)  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
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With lots of love, I think they're in North America May 16, 2008

Steven Capsuto wrote:

Geologically, I *think* Central America is a subcontinent at the southern tip of North America. Anyone know for sure?


What I learnt in high school is that the separation between North and South America is the isthmus of Panama. And looking at the shapes on a map, it does rather look like Central America is the tip of North America. However, I join Stephen in hoping someone can come up with the geology to explain this.

For what it's worth, the Equator is way, way, below Central America.

Note: I wouldn't want colleagues in Central America to feel rejected. If we could decide with our feelings, I'm sure we'd be happy to have you here in South America.


Evangelia Mouma
Evangelia Mouma  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:17
English to Greek
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Europe! Europe! May 16, 2008

Hello from little Greece!

Well, I thought that Central America belonged to South America. You live and learn!
I am curious to see who lives in a most exotic place, not by birth but because one day he/she woke up and decided to go there, since our job allows us this possibility.
By exotic I mean islands in the Pacific or Atlantic, or remote areas in the woods - with Internet connection.


Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:47
German to English
Poll results also reflect developments in the translation industry May 16, 2008

As some people have already indicated, I think the poll results also reflect developments in the international translation industry as a whole. Europe and North America represent the oldest and probably most developed areas as far as the profession is concerned, whereas in Asian countries, for example, translation is still a relatively new profession, especially foreign language translation. Even now, in India, young people still prefer jobs in fields such as IT, engineering, medical professions... See more
As some people have already indicated, I think the poll results also reflect developments in the international translation industry as a whole. Europe and North America represent the oldest and probably most developed areas as far as the profession is concerned, whereas in Asian countries, for example, translation is still a relatively new profession, especially foreign language translation. Even now, in India, young people still prefer jobs in fields such as IT, engineering, medical professions, management etc. to language-related ones, although interest in studying languages has increased considerably.

I have also noticed, that as far as participation in the forums is concerned, we tend to see more colleagues from Europe, North America and South America participating actively than those from Asian and African countries. I wonder why?

[Edited at 2008-05-16 05:24]

Αlban SHPΑTΑ  Identity Verified
United States
Member (2008)
English to Albanian
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63% May 16, 2008

I wonder how we Europeans survive with so much competition. Europe is still on the lead by far. And I used to think that there were a lot of translators in Asia...

Sherefedin MUSTAFA
Sherefedin MUSTAFA
Local time: 16:17
Dutch to Albanian
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Very original poll indeed May 16, 2008

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:17
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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Help - does the EU really generate all that work? May 16, 2008

Completely irrational, I know, but that was my first thought on checking the poll this morning. It's been there for about 18 hours now. Europe is waking up again, and is at 64%!

Αlban SHPΑTΑ  Identity Verified
United States
Member (2008)
English to Albanian
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Well... May 16, 2008

I am sorry to have violated your copyrights Mustafa. I was not around ProZ in 2005 and I have no idea what polls people were coming up with. But I still think it's a good poll.

Nicole Schnell
Nicole Schnell  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 07:17
English to German
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In memoriam
This makes this poll even more interesting! May 16, 2008

What value would statistics have if the figures were never updated?

Thanks again, i Translate! Great poll.

And thanks to Sherefedin MUSTAFA for the link to the 2005 poll: Being able to compare the figures is excellent!

[Edited at 2008-05-16 07:46]

B D Finch
B D Finch  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:17
French to English
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Another Pointless Poll May 16, 2008

Why do only non-controversial, non-critical suggestions for polls get taken-up by ProZ? This question, for example, could be answered more accurately from's membership records than by doing a poll. However, it has the virtue of not rocking any boats.

Has anyone else got the same impression?

Sherefedin MUSTAFA
Sherefedin MUSTAFA
Local time: 16:17
Dutch to Albanian
+ ... May 16, 2008

i Translate wrote:
I am sorry to have violated your copyrights Mustafa

Don’t worry about copyrights, they all belong to

Eurovision song festival look-alike.

I'll be waiting for the moment when the official votes will be presented... the famous... Heeeeellloooooo Tirana... mei veeee hafe iure wots pleeees!

This quick polls will always bring fun and joy... a cup of humor early in the morning before the translators start their CAT engines to generate millions of words of (un)useful information in thousands of languages... worldwide.

Must go now, have still 7.500 words to go for today... at about 500/hour…. Brum brum…

[Edited at 2008-05-16 08:20]

Williamson  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 15:17
Flemish to English
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Europe: Unity in Diversity May 16, 2008

Diversity also means different languages and culture.
Yes, the EU-generates all that translation work. Becoming a member of the E.U. means that the "Acquis Communautaire" must be translated into the language of the accession state. The status of language is raised too: Before they were independent or accession-state and finally member of the E.U, what was the status of Baltic languages and how much translation work did accession and finally becoming a EU-member generate? Even for languages
... See more
Diversity also means different languages and culture.
Yes, the EU-generates all that translation work. Becoming a member of the E.U. means that the "Acquis Communautaire" must be translated into the language of the accession state. The status of language is raised too: Before they were independent or accession-state and finally member of the E.U, what was the status of Baltic languages and how much translation work did accession and finally becoming a EU-member generate? Even for languages like Maltese and Irish, the E.U.generated work. With the accession status of Croatia, it generated work for future E.U.-interpreters with Croatian and translation work (translation of the Acquis). Some Eastern European agencies witnessed an explosive growth from 0 to a million $ business. When all countries of the Balkan will become accession members this will enhance the demand for Albanian, Serbian, …. The demand for Turkish will also rise.
In the 80-ies studying Eastern European languages or Oriental languages (Japanese) was something for weirdo’s... Nowadays, studying those languages is encouraged.

Miranda Joubioux (X)
Miranda Joubioux (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:17
French to English
What we need now is a poll for each continent! May 16, 2008

However, as someone said above (sorry for not noting who it was) I'm sure Proz already have all these stats. It's a pity they can't make them available to us.

Rafael Molina Pulgar
Rafael Molina Pulgar  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:17
Member (2006)
English to Spanish
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A lesson of Geography May 16, 2008

I think this poll has taught us some basics in Geography, besides its original purpose, of course. Tonight, before going to sleep, I thought of our Panamenian colleagues. How should they answer? They are neither in Central America (for historical reasons) nor in South America (for geographical ones). I also thought that so many Europeans and even Americans (from the United States I mean --c'est une autre histoire...!) think that Mexico is part of South America and that its national dance is some... See more
I think this poll has taught us some basics in Geography, besides its original purpose, of course. Tonight, before going to sleep, I thought of our Panamenian colleagues. How should they answer? They are neither in Central America (for historical reasons) nor in South America (for geographical ones). I also thought that so many Europeans and even Americans (from the United States I mean --c'est une autre histoire...!) think that Mexico is part of South America and that its national dance is some kind of flamenco performed by "señoritas" and Latin cowboys.Collapse

Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:17
Member (2003)
Finnish to German
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Europe still rising May 16, 2008

Now the figure is at 67 percent.
I was shure Europe was the leader, but this margin surprises.

When I back in 2004 protested against the habit of the bidding formula of to set the default currency to USD instead of using the bidder's own currency (in most cases Euro) I was almost ridiculed. The default currency seems to be still USD.

I would have chosen as alternatives North-America and Latin America. Then Mexico and Panama and the rest would have no doub
... See more
Now the figure is at 67 percent.
I was shure Europe was the leader, but this margin surprises.

When I back in 2004 protested against the habit of the bidding formula of to set the default currency to USD instead of using the bidder's own currency (in most cases Euro) I was almost ridiculed. The default currency seems to be still USD.

I would have chosen as alternatives North-America and Latin America. Then Mexico and Panama and the rest would have no doubt where to click.

If Africa was as rich and wealthy as Europe, probably Africa would lead. The majority of the world's languages are spoken in Africa, I presume.

Interlangue (X)
Interlangue (X)
Local time: 16:17
English to French
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Planet Earth May 16, 2008

... is what comes to my mind first.
I'm more often on the Web though, and my ISP and connection are located in Europe.


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Poll: Where in the world are you?

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