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German Rechnung als Kleinunternehmer an Kunden im Ausland Merci! Danke, Felicita! Caro Maucher Dec 19, 2022
German Rechnung als Kleinunternehmer an Kunden im Ausland Guten Abend! Ich habe bislang meine Rechnungen
"ganz normal" gestellt, inkl. Umsatzsteuer im
Inland bzw. mit Angabe der USt-ID-Nr für Kunden
im Ausland. Da sich meine Umsätze zurzeit i
Caro Maucher Dec 14, 2022
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the format of your CV? RTF Mine is in rtf format. I had some reason for this
when I pieced it together back in ancient history,
but can't actually remember what it was.
Caro Maucher Jun 12, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you suffer from various aches and pains resulting from prolonged computer use? Not any more... that the keyboard is low enough, the
display high enough, screen resolution just great,
I have one of those chairs for active sitting and
I'm forced to take a few hours' break every
Caro Maucher Feb 13, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: You receive two good assignments at once. You... feel guilty????????? Not an option. Caro Maucher Dec 5, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: In which area do you prefer to translate, if given the choice? Subtitles! Definitely subtitles. Short & snappy. Where blabla
gets boiled down to pure meaning (though it often
turns out there isn't much of that).
Caro Maucher Sep 18, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Which search enigine do you use most of the time? Ecosia is also missing I try to use Ecosia (who donate for the protection
of rain forests), but unfortunately it gives much
less results than Google, so I usually end up
searching with Google.
Caro Maucher Feb 26, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: With how many new clients do you work per month? Other Usually less than one. Caro Maucher Feb 10, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How many paper dictionaries do you have? 10-20 my favourite being a Pierre Larousse dictionnaire
complet illustré from 1891 which I got for
Christmas a few years ago. Not that I use it, but
it's lovely. And it's got a stamp from a lib
Caro Maucher Jan 25, 2012
Medical Wonderful randomization Same here I've been doing some in-depth research myself. If
anyone cares to compare notes... :-P
Caro Maucher Jan 9, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you have to go back on a sentence you have just translated to correct typos? Rather a lot I guess I asked the question on one of those bad
typing days, when I'd need 2 of every key to give
me a reasonable chance to get it right... I really
go back a lot. Why aren't my typos
Caro Maucher Dec 29, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What type of chair do you have at your workspace? swopper-type chair here I have a cheaper version of swopper-type chair,
the Löffler Ergo. I think it's excellent. No more
lower back pain! Well okay I go horse-riding as
well, and that also helps to strengthen t
Caro Maucher Dec 20, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever worked as a project manager? No way. I agree totally with Muriel: [quote] I'm very
uncomfortable taking responsibility for other
people's work.[/quote]
Caro Maucher Sep 30, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: How will you celebrate International Translation Day this year? Never heard of it. Have you? Caro Maucher Sep 19, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Before forwarding a chain email with a joke, do you correct the grammar and spelling? Fitted sheets [quote]Lucia Colombino wrote: The only
PowerPoint presentation I opened in the last year
changed my life: "How to fold fitted sheets"! My
drawers seem to have grown larger since I learn
Caro Maucher Sep 5, 2011
Translation in the US "Cheers", "Best" and "Bests" Mea culpa I quite frequently wish people a nice day. I
wasn't aware that it can be annoying. And it's not
even insincere. But well, I guess I'll stop it
Caro Maucher Aug 23, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have different personalities depending on the language you are speaking? I answered 'yes' I believe I tend to be more smart-ass in English
than in German. I think it's because the language
lends itself more easily to puns, and I quite
enjoy it. Maybe speaking another language
Caro Maucher Aug 22, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Is there any famous translator/interpreter you look up to/admire? My heros are Anthea Bell & David Hockridge who translated
Asterix into English. And I was delighted to
find that the same couple (I assume) translate the
books of Haruki Murakami and of Matt Ruf
Caro Maucher Aug 5, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: How soon do you invoice your client(s) after finishing a job? Same as Sophie [quote]Sophie Dzhygir wrote: End of month for
regular clients. As soon as possible for new
clients. Sometimes over several months if the
total amount is too low. [/quote] Wow, Vero
Caro Maucher Aug 3, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever turned down a job for ethical reasons or because you didn't agree with the content? Not yet Though some guidelines for managers on employee
"motivation" were somewhat disgusting. I
recently translated a website for an islamic
trust. They asked for donations in order to print
Caro Maucher Aug 2, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Has a client ever asked you to proofread a job you had done for another client? No but once a potential new client sent me a
translation test which was taken from the website
of the company that I had been doing most
translations for - and for years. So I had the
Caro Maucher Jul 6, 2011
Trados support Studio 2009 error saving Excel Target: "worksheet contains a function" Nice one, Clwydian! Saved me! Caro Maucher Jun 20, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you named your computer(s)? Please share Mother My last one asked for a name sometime during
initial configuration so it was called Mother
after the ship's computer in Alien. I don't use
the name in "conversation" though.
Caro Maucher Apr 11, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you check your terminology doubts with an expert? Occasionally But I found the problem with experts is that they
know too much and then they start asking questions
about the context which I can't answer because I'm
not an expert.
Caro Maucher Feb 25, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: In retrospect, would you choose another career today if you could? Today? Yes. Today I do wish I had another job. Pretty much any
other job. Translating texts on social security on
a lazy, sluggish Sunday? Urgh. Most other days,
though, I would have replied no, nay,
Caro Maucher Feb 13, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: When you find (a) typo(s) in the source text, do you warn your client? Not really I answered 'it depends', but the more I think
about it, the more I realise that I pretty much
stopped doing it altogether. (Except for one
favourite client who usually sends perfect
Caro Maucher Feb 2, 2011
Office applications Field Codes in Word 2007 & 2003 Alt+F9 in Word 2007 turns on/off the option "Show Field Codes instead of their values" Referring to my question above about the secret
shortcut, Steve B sent me a mail saying: Yes,
pressing Alt+F9 in Word 2007 permanently turns
on/off the option to “Show Field Codes in
Caro Maucher Jan 25, 2011
Office applications Field Codes in Word 2007 & 2003 Thanks, heTed! That solved my problem in Word 2007. What I'm
wondering now is where that little check mark came
from, since I certainly didn't put it there! Is
there a secret shortcut I might have presse
Caro Maucher Dec 17, 2010
Office applications Format Painter - Coolest feature in Word 2007 @ Tim aah yes, I think I know that one too. I call it
the sometimes it will, sometimes it won't feature.
Sometimes after pasting the little 'paste' icon
will pop up, and by clicking on that I ca
Caro Maucher Nov 25, 2010
Office applications Format Painter - Coolest feature in Word 2007 Hello folks, I recently discovered a brillant
feature in Word 2007 and thought I'd share. It may
have been around for ages, but anyway it was new
to me... I'm talking about the format
Caro Maucher Nov 25, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think freelancing can make one "sluggish"? No because we wouldn't survive. Nonetheless I often
get the feeling that other people think we are
since we may not start work before - check the
time - 11:30. So either we go through life
Caro Maucher Oct 18, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How many "coffee/cigarette" breaks a day do you usually take? As many breaks as necessary But I drink my tea/coffee at my desk and back when
I was a smoker I used to smoke while working too.
That's multitasking for you! (c:
Caro Maucher Oct 15, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you check your emails during the weekend? Monday - back to work (c: Yes I check them, but less frequently and then I
usually don't reply before Monday. I think it's
very important indeed to have weekends. It seems
to be increasingly normal for people to
Caro Maucher Sep 27, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you tidy your desk/workspace? As I go along... so it's never really tidy. But never in chaos
either. I usually know where to find things, so I
guess that's tidy to me, even if it doesn't
necessarily look that way to others. (c:
Caro Maucher Jul 19, 2010
Office applications How to hide hyperlink tags in the Word files? Same here! My Word 2007 has been behaving the same way
recently - but no more, thanks to you! Once more,
woman triumphs over machine! (c:
Caro Maucher Jul 17, 2010
Trados support Run-time error... DataObject:PutInClipboard SetClipboard fehlgeschlagen äh... Ehrlich gesagt, weiß ich gerade nicht mehr
genau... Ich hatte das Problem schon länger nicht
mehr, habe aber inzwischen upgegraded. Ich
glaube, wenn es zu sehr genervt hat, hab ich Word
Caro Maucher May 13, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you see as your greatest translation weakness? Other - more expertise in working areas I'm embarassed this option wasn't suggested - is
this only my problem? I spend a lot of time
translating in fields I feel I don't really know
enough about. After doing it for a while an
Caro Maucher Mar 17, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever translated comic books/ manga? No but I'd really like to try Just like translating subtitles, I believe that
translating comics is closely related to writing
poetry. Leave everything out that isn't vital and
make it flow like the words had always ju
Caro Maucher Feb 27, 2010
Trados support Trados 8.0 dead slow on Windows Vista Changing to "Normal" view helped a lot! Okay, I have word 2003 and Windaz XP so it's a
different story altogether, but still that little
hint just saved me years of my life! Muchos
gracias, Giles!
Caro Maucher Feb 1, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you keep hard copies of translations? I replied no... but I do in the rare cases of literary
translations (a grand total of 2 so far).
Otherwise I keep the files until the cows come
Caro Maucher Oct 14, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Can you quote literary passages from books or poetry by memory? @ICL You're right, there's magic everywhere! (c: Caro Maucher Sep 23, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Can you quote literary passages from books or poetry by memory? Certainly... I just love showing off! (c: (Which was also a
reason for learning a few select phrases in
Spanish.) And I love listening to others showing
off as well. I think it's wonderful how this wa
Caro Maucher Sep 23, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Does being multilingual help you understand the human condition any better? Wonderful question I believe every time we stumble into the situation
of wanting to express something that we know can
be expressed perfectly in another language, but
not in the one we need at that moment, w
Caro Maucher Aug 30, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a retirement plan? Nothing financial planned, but... I thought about private insurance for several
years and had a couple of informative talks with
agents. Only somehow I was always reluctant. But
then, seeing what the economy did this year
Caro Maucher Jun 30, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you recycle in your home or workplace? I recycle characters In fact I often go as far as recycling letters (as
in, characters) on the pc. When I realise I want
to use a different word than the one I first
wrote, quite frequently I don't just delete
Caro Maucher Jun 29, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you raise your children bilingually/trilingually? 45.8% of us don't have kids?! according to the current poll results, that is...
I'm one of them, but I never would have thought
there were so many of us without kids! I'm amazed.
Caro Maucher Jun 6, 2009
Trados support Trados Toolbar disappeared Love this forum Thanks so much for sharing, Sangro. This even
works for those of us who can't rightclick on our
word toolbar and choose TW4win because that item
isn't there. BTW, my problem was footno
Caro Maucher May 22, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Is it necessary to have formal translation training to be a good translator? It can help, but it's not necessary In fact I agree absolutely with Qutub's answer! Caro Maucher May 12, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you keep track of the deadlines of the projects you are working on? Good ol' pen and paper I always have my big notebook in front of me and
when there's more than 2 or 3 jobs I make a list,
including the date and time the jobs came in so
I'll find them again in my inbox, and the
Caro Maucher Apr 23, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Generally, how many people are there in your (home) office or workplace while you work? Just me and the two cats, when they feel like a little
Caro Maucher Apr 13, 2009

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