Translation glossary: Aceavila Glossary

Showing entries 51-100 of 662
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appoint leadernombrar/seleccionar jefe / líder 
English to Spanish
apporter un appauvrissementpromover/acarrear un empobrecimiento 
French to Spanish
apronair cleaner mud guarfaldón ... pistola de aire ... guardabarros 
English to Spanish
aquel primer día que viniste a casa por primera vezthat day when you first came to this/my/our house/home 
Spanish to English
arma arrojadizabone of contention / hot potato / divisive issue 
Spanish to English
arquitecto de probetaexperimental architect 
Spanish to English
arreglar la habitaciónmake up the room/have the room made up 
Spanish to English
arrendatario/arrendaddorlessee / lessor 
Spanish to English
as far as we are able toen la medida en que podamos 
English to Spanish
as to whensobre cuándo 
English to Spanish
así como su distribución y acabadtogether with its layout and finish 
Spanish to English
ausente repartoaddressee absent (on delivery) 
Spanish to English
aux personnes qui se sont adressées directement à moiI confined myself to replying to those who had approached me directly 
French to English
aves de corral en pielive poultry 
Spanish to English
avisador acústico(Accoustic/audible) warning signal 
Spanish to English
awarding applicationsadjudicar/conceder (las ayudas/becas) solicitadas 
English to Spanish
Ayer estuve vagando casi todo el día, medio feliz.I spent most of yesterday out wandering about, fairly / reasonably happy 
Spanish to English
à pied ou en GPSon foot or by sat nav 
French to English
¡Haced el huequillo, anda!Find the time, do, please! / Save the date! 
Spanish to English
árbol de partidathe original tree 
Spanish to English
árboles en crecimiento libre dirigidotrained free growth/growing trees 
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
baby on boardbebé a bordo 
English to Spanish
Bachelor of arts Musiclicenciatura en músicaLicenciatura en "Historia y ciencias de la Música"/"Licenciatura en Música (especialidad...) 
English to Spanish
Bachelor of arts Musiclicenciatura en música/Licenciatura en Historia y ciencias de la Música/Licenciatura en Música (especialidad...) 
English to Spanish
backflipvoltereta (see note below) 
English to Spanish
bajo bastidor(stored under the) chassis 
Spanish to English
balconadarow of balconies/long balcony/balcony 
Spanish to English
balde de agua fríaa slap in the face/a real downer/ a poke in the eye 
Spanish to English
Barber useuso en barbería/peluquería 
English to Spanish
barreras vegetales o edificacioneshedges or walls/solid fences 
Spanish to English
bóveda apuntadapointed domed ceiling (non arch. term) 
Spanish to English
be up onremain charged 
Bedroom retreatdormitorio refugio/escondite 
English to Spanish
bien juiciosogood and sensible 
Spanish to English
Bien plus qu’un clientMuch more than just a client 
French to English
bins (wine)referencias (in this context) 
English to Spanish
Blow someone awayDejarlo boquiabierto (a todos)/con los ojos cuadrados 
English to Spanish
bomba tipo horizontal de carcasa bipartida, bomba sustenedorahorizontal (type) split case pump... pressure sustain/PS (valve) pump/ pressure control pump 
Spanish to English
bombón de molde vs. bombón de corte(hand-made) mo(u)lded chocolates vs. hand-dipped chocolates 
Spanish to English
bosquejo autógrafosigned draft 
Spanish to English
boten el precio en el mercadoruin the price on the market//take the bottom out of/make the bottom fall out of the market 
Spanish to English
Box sprayingaplicación de pulverizado/pulverización en cabina 
English to Spanish
brand new playwrightsautores / dramaturgos recién estrenados / nuevos 
English to Spanish
brindó su alientooffered its encouragement / breathed hope into / offered its support 
Spanish to English
bug-eyedcon los ojos saltones / de ojos saltones 
English to Spanish
Bus or bussbarra de distribución 
English to Spanish
cabin-readylisto para embarcar / navegar 
English to Spanish
cabos (de lana)(three-)ply wool 
Spanish to English
cada casa los suyoseach unto their own 
Spanish to English
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