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Search results: (36 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: A great one-week vacation and a very high-paying job come concurrently. What do you do? Self-confessed geek I replied "take the job" without a moment's
hesitation then felt a bit sad because my answer
shows just how much I love working. But is that
really such a bad thing?! And anyway..the<
Audrey Pate Oct 15, 2016 Translator Coop Announcing the community choice awards, now open for nominations Where can I see the winners? Dear Jared, Where can I see the winners? Or
haven't they been picked yet? Audrey
Audrey Pate Sep 25, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you dedicate time for learning outside of your working hours? Constantly learning As the mother of two teenage daughters I learn
something new every day. Recently I learned
that when travelling by bus it is just not cool to
hold on with two hands instead of one, as t
Audrey Pate Jul 11, 2013
Software applications Wanted: advice on recording the spoken version of a translation. Thanks Tristan Wow, was it really that simple? I just tried it
out and you're right: the quality is not great but
that's probably because my microphone is built-in
and not very good. I think I'll buy a d
Audrey Pate May 23, 2013
Software applications Wanted: advice on recording the spoken version of a translation. I have been asked to translate a text and also
provide a voice recording of the finished piece to
help the customer understand how it should be
pronounced. Can anyone recommend the best
Audrey Pate May 23, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you ever watch TV while you work? I beg to differ [quote]Alexander Kupriyanchuk
wrote: Multitasking in humans has been
described by neuroscience as a bad and stupid, if
not impossible, thing to practice :roll:. If
you watch TV w
Audrey Pate May 8, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you built a good network of fellow translators in your area? No, but I would like to... I only know a few translators but would like to
build up a bigger network of contacts for the same
reasons mentioned by Oliver. Sometimes I do get
jobs that I just can't manage to fit in a
Audrey Pate May 2, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: When is your work volume the heaviest? Friday night for delivery Monday morning! This is when I get most of my work! Or at least
when I receive the most "urgent" projects!
Audrey Pate Apr 24, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you think is the key factor that can make a website attractive to clients? Gumph-free The best web sites are those that I label
"gumph-free". There is nothing worse than visiting
a site with a lot of fancy bla-bla-bla about how
good they are at this and that when you still<
Audrey Pate Feb 8, 2013
KudoZ Google Has Broken and the Dog Ate My Dictionary Laziness In my view, it's just sheer laziness. Sometimes
it can take me ages to find the right word:
numerous searches in online dictionaries, search
engines, my trusty thesaurus, the t
Audrey Pate Jan 30, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you written a translation-related article? wonderful blog! [quote]Hege Jakobsen Lepri wrote: my blog
(slightly abandoned to itself- since I'm spending
my time on fiction writing lately) contains a few
them: http://hegelincanada.wordpr
Audrey Pate Jan 24, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: The majority of the books on my shelves are... ...dusty ...since the invention of the e-reader! Audrey Pate Dec 9, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a backup or spare computer? other...definitely I replied "other", but for superstitious
reasons...answering any of the other options would
just have seemed like inviting fate to have some
(more) wicked fun with my pc/laptop/pen drive..
Audrey Pate Nov 23, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you agree to do a free translation for a client you've known for years? yes, as an investment Once or twice I translated the (short) websites,
or brochures of some of my bigger agency clients
and although they did offer me payment, I refused
it as I see this kind of thing as an inv
Audrey Pate Oct 25, 2012
Italian Cercasi commercialista a Firenze Dopo 15 anni nella provincia di Salerno, mi sono
appena trasferita a Firenze, e ho intenzione di
aprire la partita IVA qui per dedicarmi alle
traduzioni full-time. Qualcuno che lavora già
Audrey Pate Sep 24, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you employ the services of an accountant/financial advisor? Of course I do! I live in Italy. Enough said!!! How else could
I possibly make any sense of those inflated "tax
reminders" they send me exactly 6 years after I
have paid the tax in question? In my
Audrey Pate Sep 11, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you update your profile? no-test policy Neilmac, I do know what you mean, but can't help
thinking that you might be better to tone down the
comment on your profile, as to be honest (and I
don't believe that this is the case) it
Audrey Pate May 19, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you practice yoga? Am I missing something here? [quote]Emin Arı wrote: because dogs chase you!
[/quote] ...or was this a link to today's poll
on pets?
Audrey Pate May 6, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you mix languages when talking? Yes! I speak in English at home with my girls, but
there are some expressions that just sound better
in Italian. And vice versa... I once read that
when asked to count something people alway
Audrey Pate Oct 19, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: How many monitors do you use to work? Two When proofreading, having two monitors is ideal.
For translation I have one open with the source
document/reference websites and the other with the
document I am working on. I never though
Audrey Pate Sep 10, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice "Translationism"- are you a victim? Exactly! [quote]Stephen Gobin wrote: Audrey, you could
have retorted along the lines that your friend
certainly cannot be compared to someone who works
in a bank. After all, not even the world's
Audrey Pate Aug 31, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice "Translationism"- are you a victim? Thank you, Peter! [quote]Peter Linton wrote: I have heard one
Swedish author of crime novels describe his
translators as "heroes". Quite the opposite of
your experience. [/quote] Heroes!!!! I love
Audrey Pate Aug 31, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice "Translationism"- are you a victim? I suppose this is a strange topic for a forum
subject but I am curious to know whether anyone
else has been a victim of "Translationism". The
other day I happened to be discussing a friend
Audrey Pate Aug 31, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you consider yourself a "netaholic"? well yes but a sub-species.... I'm definitely an email-aholic! Does anyone know
if there's a cure?
Audrey Pate Jun 16, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: My professional life has been most influenced for good by Other: experience [quote]Allison Wright wrote: The translation
work I have actually done has been the greatest
influence. Thoughts are shaped this way. :)
[/quote] I agree. Experience has to have a
Audrey Pate Jun 5, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: If I won the lottery and didn't need to work ever again, I'd... more money less substance?!!!! probably! [quote]keshab wrote: Money and identity are
supplementary to each other. Nobody can live and
be satisfied without identity and without money
and all these come from one's work only, not
Audrey Pate Jan 5, 2011
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: Dealing with clients not paying your invoice Debt collection fees borne by client????!!!!!! On which planet do debt collectors actually have
clients pay for their fees as well as stump up for
payments overdue?? And which method do they use?
(knee-capping? baseball bats?!!!!) I ha
Audrey Pate Oct 5, 2010
Scams feels and smells like a scam me too! I got Kathy's email too last week and replied with
a quote which she accepted with no complaints. She
insisted on paying by check (disregarding my
concerns that 1. cashing foreign checks i
Audrey Pate Sep 5, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What puts you off the most in a job offer? Business is business [quote]humbird wrote: As for me nothing ticks
me off than this. If they have definitive project
at hand, they better have clear budget with which
to hire good translator. This practice
Audrey Pate Sep 2, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What would solve your biggest concern at the moment? Great poll!!!! I LOVE this poll!!!!! It's a kind of fairy
godmother thing...... How sad that 40% said
Audrey Pate Sep 1, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: When I stay up late working on a translation I know it's time to stop when... head hits the keyboard I prefer to work at night and find that I can work
from 8pm til midnight before sleep hits and I
start to actually nod off in front of the pc. I
get up, make myself a coffee and have a 5 m
Audrey Pate Sep 1, 2010
Translator resources CAT Tools : are they really worth the investment? Thanks! Thanks to all who answered, especially Christine
and Oliver for the time spent on your
considerations. All valuable advice which I shall
take to heart. I am a little nervous about
Audrey Pate Jun 4, 2010
Translator resources CAT Tools : are they really worth the investment? Thanks Thanks Attila, I didn't know that CAT Tools
offered a free trial...this is really good news,
especially as you said in choosing which one is
Audrey Pate Jun 3, 2010
Translator resources CAT Tools : are they really worth the investment? I have never used any CAT tools and am thinking
about investing in Trados but am a little wary in
that 1. I read a poll the other day where a
high percentage of translators answered "y
Audrey Pate Jun 3, 2010
General technical issues Working with dual monitors Dual monitors (sceptic converted!!!!!) I was very sceptical about using dual monitors
before trying it out, seeing it initially as
unnecessary and more of a system adopted by
show-offs rather than something which would have
Audrey Pate Jan 26, 2010
Teaching and Learning Languages teaching foreign languages at a young age not crucial but certainly long as it is FUN! No. it's not crucial but I would think that it is
desirable. Why not? Toddlers' brains are like
sponges....they soak up everything thrown at them
and as long as they are learning in a fun
Audrey Pate May 15, 2009

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