Corso sulla traduzione legale

Formats: Webinar presentations
Topics: Getting established in the translation industry
Legal translation

Course summary
Start time:Jan 11, 2013 17:00 GMT     Add to calendar

Duration: 60 minutes.

Check what time the course is running in your local time here.

Even if you do not attend the online session you will still have unlimited access to the video recording and training materials within one working week after the course.

Useful links:

If you have a credit to redeem please feel free to purchase this training with your credit by clicking on a "Purchase for $ (Use purchase credit)" button on your right as it is suggested on this screenshot.

Once uploaded, the video will be available from the video centre. training cancelation policy.

Summary:Gestire la traduzione legale al meglio, per migliorare la produttività e la professionalità in questo campo.
Questo webinar, della durata di un'ora, servirà a migliorare la vostra produttività, illustrando il mondo della traduzione nel campo legale. Si prenderanno in considerazione i concetti fondamentali, necessari per la produzione di un lavoro svolto con professionalità e ci saranno esempi di traduzioni. Si analizzerà la traduzione di contratti, contratti d'acquisto e anche di cause legali ecc...
Target audience
Il webinar è indicato per chi vuole iniziare a lavorare nel campo della traduzione legale.
Learning objectives
Il corso mostrerà come lavorare su una traduzione in ambito legale, quale terminologia usare nella traduzione dei documenti legali, la ricerca dei termini. Alla fine del corso i partecipanti saranno in grado di lavorare in modo più professionale in questo ambito di traduzione. Saranno forniti, alla fine del corso, la presentazione e gli esempi di traduzione analizzati durante il webinar.
Traduttori alle prime armi.
Click to expand
I contenuti del corso saranno:
- conoscenza dell'ambito legale
- la terminologia nei contratti, nei contratti d'acquisto e nelle cause legali
- esempi di traduzione
- glossari e link utili
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
Click to expand
To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. Available slots are limited and will be assigned to registered and paid participants as soon as payment is reported. Early payment is advised in order to secure participation. Allow some time for payment processing if you are paying by wire transfer.

After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and your spot for the session will be secured. An invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records.

How do I access the online platform?

72 hours before the webinar takes place, you will receive an invitation to join the session. Please, click the registration link or button provided in the invitation email and complete the registration form.
Software and system requirements (click to expand)
Click to expand

For PC-based Users:

• Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
• Required: Internet Explorer® 7.0 or newer, Mozilla® Firefox® 3.0 or newer or Google™ Chrome™ 5.0 or newer (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
• Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection
• Recommended: Dual-core 2.4GHz CPU or faster with 2GB of RAM (recommended)

For Mac®-based Users:

• Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 – Leopard® or newer
• Required: Safari™ 3.0 or newer, Firefox® 3.0 or newer or Google™ Chrome™ 5.0 or newer (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
• Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection
• Required: Intel processor (1GB of RAM or better recommended)

To Use VoIP (microphone and speakers or headset):

• Required: Fast Internet connection (384 kbps or more recommended)
• Required: speakers or headset (USB headset recommended)
• NOT required: Microphone - attendees can communicate with the trainer through incorporated chat.


• For the visual section of the training course, we recommend that you have a 64kbps link. This means using an ISDN line or Broadband. Wireless connection is NOT recommended.
• For the audio section of the training course, we recommend that you have a headset or speakers.
• We recommend that you log in 30 minutes in advance of the start time to prepare for the training course.

Courses will be open half an hour before the start time. Please login before the start time to ensure that everything on your system is working correctly.
Created by
 Sabrina Leone    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: After working for several years in translation and as language and translation trainer for private institutes, now she is a professional translator who wants to teach what she learnt.

She graduated in foreign modern languages and followed a master on Translation in 2004. She works with the most professional CAT tools.
General discussions on this training

Corso sulla traduzione legale
Local time: 19:29
Romanian to French
+ ...
ExpensiveDec 10, 2012

The price for this 60 minutes session is quite expensive...

Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member for the following reason: Feedback is one of the most valuable tools to measure the quality of a training course and a trainer. Please leave feedback about this training course at

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