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Spanish to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 13 - 20 EUR per hour German to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 13 - 20 EUR per hour Portuguese to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 13 - 20 EUR per hour
¿En cuántas palabras
Nos entrelazamos
Con clandestinidad,
Suponiendo que nadie nos oía?
Decirse con diáfana melancolía,
Tú eres mi madre
Yo soy tu hija
Y a carcajadas desprenderse
De las palabras, pues
No son más que el comienzo
De esa eterna presencia de ti,
De mí…
Recojo el último verbo
Que pronunciaste,
Pues en él estaba mi nombre
Y con él, todo lo vivido.
Entrelazados nuestros nombres,
Sin palabras, sin distancia,
Con diáfana melancolía.
Translation - English Translucent Melancholy
In how many words
Did we intertwine ourselves
With secrecy,
Imagining that nobody heard us?
Saying to ourselves with translucent melancholy:
You are my mother
I am your daughter
And laughing joyfully, peel away
From those words, since
They are nothing more than the beginning
Of your eternal presence
And mine.
I absorb the last verb
That you spoke,
Since within it was my name,
And with it, everything that we lived.
Our names intertwined,
Without words, without distance,
With translucent melancholy.
Spanish to English: Commentary on Moroccan photographs
Source text - Spanish Fumador de Kif.
Algunos creen que la variedad índica del cáñamo es el mismísimo nepente de Homero, capaz de envolver el corazón desdichado en un velo de olvido y bienestar.
Preguntaron a un hombre:
-¿Cuántas ventajas tiene el kif?
Y respondióles:
-Sus ventajas principales son tres: que el que lo fuma no envejece nunca, que no puede morderle ningún perro y que tampoco puede robarle nadie.
-¿Por qué?-le volvieron a preguntar.
Y contestó:
-Sencillamente, porque no puede llegar a viejo; como tiene que llevar siempre bastón en la mano, no hay perro que pueda acercársele, y como se pasa la noche tosiendo, no hay ladrón que le crea dormido
Calle Trankats y alminar de la Mezquita Grande en la medina de Tetuán.
La calle Trankats huele a hierbabuena cuando, al atardecer, los cafetines encienden sus quinqués y los muecines convocan a oración. A veces suena el lamento de un guembri en la serena placidez de la tarde […] se llena el aire de una luz dorada cuando un último resol va dibujando destellos en los altos alminares. Y las primeras sombras se abren paso entre los resplandores del ocaso y la amarilla luz de los bazares.
Translation - English Kif smoker.
Some believe that this variety of hemp is the very same nepenthe that Homer spoke of, capable of swathing a miserable heart in a veil of peaceful oblivion and sense of well-being.
They asked a man:
“How many advantages does kif have?”
And he told them:
“Its main advantages are threefold: he who smokes kif will never grow old, no dog will be able to bite him and nobody will rob him.”
“Why?” they asked again.
And he answered:
“Simply because he cannot reach old age; since he must always carry his walking stick in his hand, there is no dog that can draw near him and as he spends all night coughing, there is no thief who believes him to be asleep.”
Trankats street and minaret of the Great
Mosque in the medina of Tetouan.
Trankats street smells of grass when, as afternoon falls, the little cafes light their oil lamps and the muezzins summon the faithful to pray. Sometimes the lament of a gimbri resonates in the serene tranquillity of the afternoon [...] the air fills with a golden light when the last glare of the sun casts sparkles on the high minarets. And the first shadows make way between the brilliance of the sunset and the yellow light of the bazaars.
German to English: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - The Sorrows of Young Werther Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - German Am 10. Mai
Eine wunderbare Heiterkeit hat meine ganze Seele eingenommen, gleich den suessen Fruehlingsmorgen, die ich mit ganzem Herzen geniesse. Ich bin allein und freue mich meines Lebens in dieser Gegend, die fuer solche Seelen geschaffen ist wie die meine. Ich bin so gluecklich, mein Bester, so ganz in dem Gefuehle von ruhigem Dasein versunken, dass meine Kunst darunter leidet. Ich koennte jetzt nicht zeichnen, nicht einen Strich, und bin nie ein groesserer Maler gewesen als in diesen Augenblicken. Wenn das liebe Tal um mich dampft, und die hohe Sonne an der Oberflaeche der undurchdringlichen Finsternis meines Waldes ruht, und nur einzelne Strahlen sich in das innere Heiligtum stehlen, ich dann im hohen Grase am fallenden Bache liege, und naeher an der Erde tausend mannigfaltige Graeschen mir merkwuerdig werden; wenn ich das Wimmeln der kleinen Welt zwischen Halmen, die unzaehligen, unergruendlichen Gestalten der Wuermchen, der Mueckchen naeher an meinem Herzen fuehle, und fuehle die Gegenwart des Allmaechtigen, der uns nach seinem Bild schuf, das Wehen des Alliebenden, der uns in ewiger Wonne schwebend traegt und erhaelt; mein Freund! wenn's dann um meine Augen daemmert, und die Welt um mich her and der Himmel ganz in miener Seelen ruhn wie die Gestalt einer Geliebten - dann sehne ich mich oft und denke: Ach koenntest du das wiender ausdruecken, koenntest du dem Papiere das einhauchen, was so voll, so warm in dir lebt, dass es wuerde der Spiegel deiner Seele, wie deine Seele ist der Spiegel des unendlichen Gottes! - Mein Freund - Aber ich gehe darueber zugrunde, ich erliege unter der Gewalt der Herrlichkeit dieser Erscheinungen.
Translation - English 10th May
A wonderful bliss has infused my whole soul, like these sweet spring mornings in which I take pleasure with all my heart. I am alone and enjoying my life in this place, a place created for souls such as mine. I am so happy, my Dearest, so immersed in the sensation of peaceful existence that my art is suffering for it. I could not now draw, not even a stroke, yet was never so great an artist as in this very moment. When the haze of the dear valley rises around me, and the rays of the lofty sun rest on the surface of the impenetrable shadows of my forest, and only lone shafts of light steal into the inner sanctum, then I lie in tall grass by the tumbling brook, and closer to the earth perceive a thousand different little grasses; when I feel the miniature world teeming between the stalks, the countless unfathomable shapes of little grubs and tiny gnats close at my heart, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who created us in his own image, the wind of the All-Loving who cradles and sustains us in floating eternal bliss; my friend! When dawn breaks before my eyes and heaven and the earth around me rest in my soul like the body of a loved one – then I often yearn and think to myself: oh, could you but only describe this feeling which lives so full, so warm in you, could you but only breathe it onto the paper, so that it might become the mirror to your soul, as your soul is the mirror to the everlasting God! – My friend – But I am crushed under the weight of these splendorous visions, I succumb.
Spanish to English: Don Quijote
Source text - Spanish Todo lo confirmó el barbero, y lo tuvo por bien y por cosa muy acertada, por entender que era el cura tan buen cristiano y tan amigo de la verdad, que no diría otra cosa por todas las del mundo. Y, abriendo otro libro, vio que era Palmerín de Oliva, y junto a él estaba otro que se llamaba Palmerín de Ingalaterra; lo cual visto por el licenciado, dijo:
- Esa oliva se haga luego rajas y se queme, que aun no queden dell alas cenizas; y esa palma de Ingalaterra se guarde y se conserve como a cosa uncial, y se haga para ello otra caja como la que hallo Alejandro en los despojos de Dario, que la diput’o para guarder en ella las obras delpoeta Homero. Este libro, señor compadre, tiene autoridad por dos cosas: la una, porque él por sí es muy bueno, y la otra, porque es fama que le compuso un discreto rey de Portugal. Todas las aventuras del Castillo de Miraguarda son bonísimas y de grande artificio; las rezones, cortesanas y claras, que guardan y miran el decoro del que habla con mucha propiedad y entendimiento. Digo, pues, salvo vuestro buen parecer, señor Nicolás, que éste y Amadís de Gaula queden libres del fuego, y todos los demás, sin hacer más cala y cata, perezcan.
Translation - English The barber was in complete agreement and took the priest’s every word as good and true, for he understood that such a good Christian and friend of the truth would never speak anything less, not for anything else in the world. And opening another book, he saw that it was Palmerin of Olive, and next to it, another called Palmerin of Engelond; which the other noticed and said:
“Let that Olive splinter and burn until nothing remains of it, not even a cinder. And let us see to it that Engelond’s Palm is kept safe like the precious jewel it is; we will have a small chest made for it, like the one unearthed by Alexander as he plundered the treasures of Darius, which once safeguarded the works of the poet Homer. This book, good friend, is very highly ranked for two reasons: firstly because it is very good, and secondly because by all accounts it was a prudent Portuguese king who wrote it. All the adventures at the Miraguarda castle are most excellent and conceived with great artistry; the messages courtly and clear, forms of speech well observed with much propriety and understanding. My notion, then, notwithstanding your own good opinion, my good Nicolás, is that both this and Amadis of Gaul escape the fire and all the rest perish without further ado.
Spanish to English (University of Kent at Canterbury) German to English (University of Kent at Canterbury) Spanish to English (University of Exeter) German to English (University of Exeter)
MA in Literary Translation (German/Spanish to English) from the University of Exeter (UK). Awarded Distinction.
Coursework included translating extracts of texts by both classic and contemporary authors such as Theodor Fontane, Theodor Storm, Guenther Grass, Birgit Vanderbeke, Adalbert Stifter, Miguel de Cervantes, Miguel Mihura and Carlos Fuentes.
Experience as a freelance translator for a number of agencies and private clients since 2008.
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