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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Cultural tourism/Get to know each other

June 3, 2007, 11:00 am
SpainGironaIn personEnglish
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Hi Everybody, I’d just like to give a few details about the Powwow. The plan is to meet in the center of Girona (in front of the Post Office) on Sunday the 3rd of June at 11 am. (The date above follows the American system of writing the month first and the day second.)

We’ll take a walking tour around the beautiful Jewish quarter and visit/tour the Jewish History Museum together. (We’ve arranged free entrance and a short talk about the museum). Then we’ll have lunch together at a local restaurant.

You won’t want to miss this event! Sign up soon!

- The more the merrier / Quants més siguem, més riurem / Cuantos más seamos, mejor lo pasaremos

PS. For those of you who are interested, I'll be verifying IDs.
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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (44) / Confirmed: 11 / Tentative: 9
Name NoteWill Attend
John Cutler  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" 1st Powwow held in Girona in 5 years!  y
RominaZ  \"Organizer\" Qué bueno!  
Etienne Muylle Wallace   ...  
Maria Rosich Andreu   ...  y
Anne LJ   ...  
megane_wang   Ruth i Cía  n
abeck   Andrea Beccalli  
Lars Johannessen   ...  y
XChristian Sohl (X)   Christian Sohl  
Herminia Herrándiz Espuny   :( espero poder ir a la siguiente  n
Arturo Mannino   Ci vediamo a Girona  
Rocio Sanz-Pastor   Rocío Sanz-Pastor  n
Sergio Martín Acosta   ...  y
Lucía Marino   Lucía Marino  y
XC.Roman (X)   En principio, sí...¿Por qué no?  m
Crixx   crixx  
mumik   puedo venir a pesar de mi incostancia????  m
Maria Bernardes   It sounds really interesting, I'll definitely try to go!  m
Ines R.  \"Reporter\" Girona is a nice meeting place with all his open air restaurants  y
Cosmonipolita   Hola John, vivo en Barcelona y me gustaria mucho participar. Estoy esperando confirmación.  m
castellnou   Hola a tots! Finalment, i sentint-ho molt, no podré venir.   n
Emily Wilson   No me lo pierdo.  m
Nati Manzano   Suena bien, ¿me puedo apuntar?  n
Cristina Di Bartolo   Intentaré ir, si no me pongo de parto mientras!  m
Ana SIERRA VINUESA   Parafraseando a Mumik, me apunto a pesar de mi inconstancia y espero que hasta la fecha no surja ningún imprevisto¡¡¡Creo que va a coincidir con la exposición floral "Girona temps de flors"??  n
Irina Tomova   Me apetece venir. Espero detalles!  
Sofia Marina Christina Loddo   Have fun! Unfortunatelly I think I can't make it this time.  n
Margarita Pavón-Mestras   Definitivamente, no podrá ser en estas fechas... :( ...Espero que vaya muy bien y pronto se repita!  n
Cor Stephan van Eijden   Llegaré sobre las 11:45 am. Ya os encontraré.  y
Anabel Martínez   ...  
rosamarti17   Me gustaria ir, de momento, me apunto...  
Xlextor (X)   Al final hay alguien que va en tren??  
J-M Karsenti   I'm interested and should be able to make it  m
Berni Armstrong   Just seen this one! Hope I'll be able to make it!  m
Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà   Hope I can make it :-)  y
Daiana Heinrich   i would have liked very much to meet you, but i can't make it. I hope you'll have a nice time and i can attend the next meeting.  n
Sergio Alasia   ...  
Helena Diaz del Real   Â¡Una palamosina como yo no puede faltar! :o)) Intentaré ir, a ver si lo consigo... Aunque me iría muchisimo mejor a finales de junio. Sentint-ho molt, no podré ésser-hi aquesta vegada :o(((  n
Victoria Romero   Tenía un curso pero hoy mismo me lo han cancelado, así que vuelvo a ponerme en "maybe" esperando que sea un "yes". :) ¡VOY VOY!  y
Fernando Gasc�n   Lo siento mucho, pero finalmente no puede ser. Ya será para la próxima. Salu2 ;)  n
Timothy Barton   Una bona idea. La data és en format internacional, no nord-americana, perquè comença amb l'any. És un format que facilita posar coses en ordre cronològic, i per a evitar la confusió que hi ha amb els dos altres sistemes.  m
John O'Brien   Hi, I am called John too. I am a regular visitor to friends who live in Girona. I will be in the city on 3 June and look forward to attending the pow wow  y
Rafael Molina Pulgar   Les tengo envidia de la buena: reunirse en tan bella ciudad. Me encantaría participar, pero estoy del otro lado del charco. Ayer celebramos un Powwow en Santo Domingo y fue todo un éxito. Les deseo lo mejor y que se diviertan.  n
Frank Foley   Better late then never! I'll get me tenora...  y

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Girona - Spain
John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
A few preliminary details Mar 15, 2007

Hi Everybody, I’d just like to give a few preliminary/provisional details about the Powwow. The plan is to meet in the center of Girona around noon on Sunday the 3rd. We’ll take a walking tour around the beautiful Jewish quarter and perhaps visit/tour a museum together (we’re working on obtaining free entrance to the museum). Then we’ll have lunch together at a local restaurant and, afterwards, have a short time of sharing about who we are, where from, etc.

- As I said, this i
... See more
Hi Everybody, I’d just like to give a few preliminary/provisional details about the Powwow. The plan is to meet in the center of Girona around noon on Sunday the 3rd. We’ll take a walking tour around the beautiful Jewish quarter and perhaps visit/tour a museum together (we’re working on obtaining free entrance to the museum). Then we’ll have lunch together at a local restaurant and, afterwards, have a short time of sharing about who we are, where from, etc.

- As I said, this is provisional and details will take firmer shape as the time draws nearer. You won’t want to miss this event! Sign up soon!

- The more the merrier / Quants més sigum, més riurem / Cuantos más seamos, mejor lo pasaremos

Ines R.
Ines R.
Local time: 09:21
Spanish to German
+ ...
powwow Mar 17, 2007

I would like to come ...bc I live in GIRONA

Maria Rosich Andreu
Maria Rosich Andreu  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Member (2003)
Dutch to Spanish
+ ...
powwow Mar 21, 2007

No coincideix amb l'exposició de flors, i és una pena, però així com a mínim podrem aparcar en algun lloc!

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
Data/Date/Fecha Mar 21, 2007

He triat a propòsit una data que no coincideix per aquella mateixa raó (parquing) i el fet de que seria impossible trobar lloc en un restaurant.

Local time: 09:21
English to Spanish
+ ...
Sí, sí Mar 22, 2007

tens raó: seria totalment impossible aparcar i trobar restaurant.

megane_wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Member (2007)
English to Spanish
+ ...
AH! Però... es pot aparcar i tot? Mar 28, 2007

Quan s'acosti la data ja us demanaré detalls als Gironins de mena, perquè la meva experiència en aquesta matèria és més aviat galdosa... >:)

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
Parquing/Parking Mar 28, 2007

El diumenge al matí serà fàcil trobar lloc per aparcar molt a prop d'on quedarem. Us mantindré informats.
It'll be easy to find a place to park on that Sunday morning near to where we'll meet. I'll keep everyone informed.

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
Good news/Buenas noticias Mar 29, 2007

I'd just like to confirm that as part of our cultural tour of Girona and time together that we have been able to arrange free entrance to and a short explanation, once there, of the Jewish History Museum. It's one of the most visited museums in Girona and gives a great background to the medieval history of the city of Girona.
I’d also like to let those of you who are interested know that you can use the opportunity of the Pow wow to verify your identity. If you have questions about ID ver
... See more
I'd just like to confirm that as part of our cultural tour of Girona and time together that we have been able to arrange free entrance to and a short explanation, once there, of the Jewish History Museum. It's one of the most visited museums in Girona and gives a great background to the medieval history of the city of Girona.
I’d also like to let those of you who are interested know that you can use the opportunity of the Pow wow to verify your identity. If you have questions about ID verification, just let me know.

Quería confirmar que, como parte de nuestro turismo cultural en Girona y tiempo juntos, hemos podido contactar con el Museo de Historia de los Judíos, donde se nos dará la bienvenida con una introducción a dicho museo y donde se nos ofrece la entrada gratuita. Este es uno de los museos más visitados de Girona y da un gran trasfondo a la historia medieval de la ciudad. También quisiera hacer saber a los que están interesados que pueden utilizar la oportunidad de la Pow wow para verificar su identidad. Si tienes preguntas sobre la verificación de la identificación, házmelo saber.

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
Update Apr 5, 2007

I've updated the info about the Powwow.

He actualizado la información sobre el Powwow.

He actualitzat l'informació sobre el Powwow.

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
ID verification Apr 10, 2007

Hola a Tod@s / Hi Everyone

La verificación de la identidad es opcional. Sirve para verificar que eres una persona “real” y que eres quien dices ser en tu perfil.
Para realizar la verificación, tu nombre real tiene que aparecer en tu perfil (no un nick) y tienes que enseñarme tu DNI y número de perfil de Proz.
Después, yo colocaré un símbolo “√ ID verified” en tu perfil, lo cual da credibilidad a tu perfil. No es un aval en cuanto a
... See more
Hola a Tod@s / Hi Everyone

La verificación de la identidad es opcional. Sirve para verificar que eres una persona “real” y que eres quien dices ser en tu perfil.
Para realizar la verificación, tu nombre real tiene que aparecer en tu perfil (no un nick) y tienes que enseñarme tu DNI y número de perfil de Proz.
Después, yo colocaré un símbolo “√ ID verified” en tu perfil, lo cual da credibilidad a tu perfil. No es un aval en cuanto a tus habilidades como traductor@ y no tiene nada que ver con tus calificaciones.

The ID verification is a possibility that is optional for those who desire it. The idea is that you show me your DNI or other form of identification with a photo and I will then place a √ symbol that will appear in your profile saying, “ID verified”. That adds credibility to your profile and shows you are not just a cyber invention. Even with a picture and name in your profile, no one really knows if you are who you say you are. As I said, it is optional and your decision. It is only a check of your ID, nothing else. It does not guarantee your qualifications or ability as a translator.

Maria Bernardes
Maria Bernardes  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
English to Portuguese
+ ...
our partners Apr 10, 2007

Hi, John.

Sice this is an informal meeting and we're gonna take a tour around the city, I'd like my husband to come with me. Does he have to sign up too? I know you're trying to arrange free entrances, I don't know if you need everybody's names...

Thanks for organising this!


John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
Partners, family, etc. Apr 10, 2007

Thanks for the question Maria. Everyone is welcome to come. This first Powwow is really meant to be a social gathering for getting to know other translators. (Future Powwows may have a more specific agenda).
Anyone can bring their partner, friends, children or whoever they would like to.
A couple/few weeks before the Powwow, I will ask everyone to confirm their attendance. At that point, I will need to know the exact number of people so we can reserve a suitable restaurant, etc. Feel
... See more
Thanks for the question Maria. Everyone is welcome to come. This first Powwow is really meant to be a social gathering for getting to know other translators. (Future Powwows may have a more specific agenda).
Anyone can bring their partner, friends, children or whoever they would like to.
A couple/few weeks before the Powwow, I will ask everyone to confirm their attendance. At that point, I will need to know the exact number of people so we can reserve a suitable restaurant, etc. Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
Just a comment/ un commentari/ un comentario Apr 11, 2007

To verify your identity, you must attend the Powwow. I have to see you in person.

Per verificar la teva identitat, has d'assistir al Powwow en persona.

Para verificar tu identidad, tienes que asistir al Powwow en persona.

Helena Diaz del Real
Helena Diaz del Real  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
German to Spanish
+ ...
La data, no es pot canviar? Apr 23, 2007

Si la data fos a finals de juny, seria per a mí molt més fàcil poder venir. Jo sóc de Palamós ;o)) i em faria molta ilusió poder esser-hi.
I pel que fa al casc antic, POTSER podría -si es vol- demanar un doctor en arquitectura, super amic meu, de la mateixa Girona, que ens ho expliqués també... TRobo que la informació que ens podría donar un arquitecte pel que fa al barri jueu pot ser molt interessant.
Salut i ... ;o))
PS. a més, a finals de mes
... See more
Si la data fos a finals de juny, seria per a mí molt més fàcil poder venir. Jo sóc de Palamós ;o)) i em faria molta ilusió poder esser-hi.
I pel que fa al casc antic, POTSER podría -si es vol- demanar un doctor en arquitectura, super amic meu, de la mateixa Girona, que ens ho expliqués també... TRobo que la informació que ens podría donar un arquitecte pel que fa al barri jueu pot ser molt interessant.
Salut i ... ;o))
PS. a més, a finals de mes és la Festa Major de Palamós ;o)) (Per St. Joan)

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
Data Apr 23, 2007

Hola Helena, espero que puguis venir el dia 3. Ja és massa tard per canviar la data i el programa, però tindré molt en compte el teu suggeriment de l’arquitecte pels propers Powwows. Tinc pensat organitzar més trobades més endavant. Potser tindrem l’opportunitat de col•laborar!

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