Translation glossary: Legal Terms. French > English

Showing entries 1-50 of 517
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ab intestatDeath without a last will and testament 
French to English   Law (general)
French to English   Law (general)
abattement de salairewage reduction 
French to English   Human Resources
aboutir à un accordreach an agreement 
French to English   Law (general)
aboutir un litigesettle a dispute 
French to English   Law (general)
absence de faculté d\'acquisition ou d\'attributionexception to the right of acquisition or assignment 
French to English
abus de confiancebreach of trust 
French to English   Law (general)
abus de droitabuse of rights 
French to English   Law (general)
abus de procédureabuse of process/violation of due process 
French to English   Law (general)
accepter la succession purement et simplementaccept the inheritance purely and simply 
French to English   Law (general)
French to English   Law (general)
French to English   Law (general)
accord amiableamicable agreement 
French to English   Law (general)
accord collectifCollective agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord collectif d\'établissementWorks agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord collectif sur les salairesCollective wage agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord communmutual agreement 
French to English   Law (general)
accord de confidentialitéconfidentiality agreement 
French to English   Law (general)
accord de crédit fournisseurSupplier\'s credit agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord de partenariatPartnership agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord de principeagreement in principle 
French to English   Law (general)
Accord des facilités de crédit à l\'exportationExport Credit Facility Agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord d\'escompteDiscounting Agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord d\'exploitationOperating agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord d\'utilisationUser agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord en forme simplifiéestandard agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
Accord forfaitaire de fourniture clés en mainLump-sum Turnkey Supply Agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord interprofessionnelMulti-industry agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord postérieursubsequent agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
Accord sur les aspects des droits des propriétés intellectuelles qui touchent au commerceAgreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights 
French to English   Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
accord-cadreFramework agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
accord-cadre de coopérationframework cooperation framework agreement 
French to English   Law (general)
accuse de réceptionacknowledgement of receipt 
French to English   Law (general)
acquiescementagreement, approval 
French to English   Law (general)
French to English   Law (general)
Acte authentiqueNotarial deed/official record/authenticated document 
French to English   Law (general)
Acte authentique de venteDeed of Sale 
French to English   Law (general)
Acte constitutif et statutsMemorandum and Articles of Association 
French to English   Law (general)
Acte contenant procurationPower of Attorney 
French to English   Law (general)
acte de cessionDeed of Transfer 
French to English   Law (general)
Acte de DieuAct of God, \"Force Majeure\" 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
acte de francisationcertificate of registration as a French vessel 
French to English   Law (general)
acte de missionTerms of reference 
French to English   Law (general)
Acte de naissanceBirth certificate 
French to English   Law (general)
acte de notoriété supplétifDeclaration in lieu of civil registry documents which have been destroyed or lost. 
French to English   Law (general)
acte de propriététitle deed/ deed of ownership 
French to English   Real Estate
acte de reconnaissanceLegal recognition of a child, recognition of the legal rights of a child 
French to English   Law (general)
Acte de sociétésCompanies Act 
French to English   Law (general)
acte de témoignagewitness report 
French to English   Law (general)
Acte des sociétésCompanies Act 
French to English   Law (general)
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