Translation glossary: Legal Terms. French > English

Showing entries 201-250 of 517
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chômage techniquetemporary lay-off, technological unemployment 
French to English   Human Resources
chef du personelleHuman Resources Manager, Personnel Manager 
French to English   Human Resources
cheque postalpost office cheque 
French to English   Finance (general)
cherté de la vieHigh cost of living 
French to English   Economics
citationsummons to appear in court 
French to English   Law (general)
civilementlegally, have civil liability 
French to English   Law (general)
clause attributive de juridictionjurisdictional clause, choice of jurisdiction clause 
French to English   Law (general)
clause de non-responsabilitéDisclaimer 
French to English   Law (general)
clause de réserve de propriétéretention of title clause 
French to English   Real Estate
clause non-concurrencenon-compete clause 
French to English   Law (general)
clause pénalepenalty clause 
French to English   Law (general)
clause résolutoirecancellation clause 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
French to English   Law (general)
French to English   Law (general)
code éthiquecode of ethics 
French to English   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Code civilFrench Civil Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code Civil SuisseSwiss Civil Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code de commerceCommercial Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code de la consommationConsumer Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code de la construction et de l\'habitationBuilding and Housing Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code de la Santé publiquePublic Health Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code de l\'action social et des famillesFamily and Social Action Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code de l\'environnementEnvironmental Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code de l\'organisation et de la compétence judiciaireCode governing the organisation and competence of courts of law 
French to English   Law (general)
Code de l\'urbanismeTown planning and development code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code de procédure civilCivil Procedure Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code des assurancesInsurance Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code du patrimoineFrench Heritage Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code du procédure civileCivil Procedure Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code générale des impôtsGeneral Tax Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code monétaire et financierMonetary and Financial Code 
French to English   Law (general)
Code pénalPenal Code 
French to English   Law (general)
collège électoralelectoral college, constituency 
French to English   Government / Politics
collectivité publiquepublic authority, public institution 
French to English   Government / Politics
collectivité territorialelocal authority 
French to English   Law (general)
comité arbitralarbitration board, arbitration body 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
comité d\'entrepriseworks council, workers\' council 
French to English   Human Resources
commis magasinierstorekeeper, warehouse clerk 
French to English   Human Resources
Commissaire du GouvernementPublic Prosecutor 
French to English   Law (general)
commission de médiationconciliation office, mediation board, mediation commission 
French to English   Law (general)
commission de médiationconciliation office, mediation board, mediation commission 
French to English   Law (general)
commission de surveillanceSupervisory commission 
French to English   Law (general)
commission des sanctionssanctions committee 
French to English   Law (general)
commission paritairejoint committee 
French to English   General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
communauté des bienscommunity of property 
French to English   Law (general)
compétence exclusiveexclusive jurisdiction 
French to English   Law (general)
Compromis de ventePreliminary Sales Agreement 
French to English   Law: Contract(s)
conciliateurconciliator, arbitrator 
French to English   Law (general)
conciliationarbitration, conciliation 
French to English   Law (general)
condamnation définitivefinal sentence 
French to English   Law (general)
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