Translation glossary: General

Showing entries 51-100 of 161
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dans les délais dewithin the time frame of, (on time, timely) 
French to English
date limite de validitécut-off date, expiration date 
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d’une manière habituelleon a regular basis 
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de manière à ce queso that 
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de sériestandard 
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dégâts des eauxwater damage 
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déséquilibrageloss of balance 
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French to English
donnant suroverlooking 
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EADremote learning 
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en abrégéabbreviated 
French to English
En conséquence de quoiAs a result 
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en défaveur deagainst 
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en majeure partiemainly 
French to English
en nous appuyant surdrawing on / based on / from 
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en temps masquéconcurrently 
French to English
énumérerto list 
French to English
ERP (établissement recevant du public)public opened building; open-to-the-public building 
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exposition universelleWorld's Fair 
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facilité d'entretienmaintainability, serviceability, ease of maintenance 
French to English
facilité d'utilisationusability, ease of use 
French to English
faire montreto show, to display, to demonstrate 
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faux-semblantsfalse pretenses, false signs, false images 
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fiche d'évaluationevaluation form 
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fosse sceptiquesceptic tank 
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gravissimeextremely serious 
French to English
guérite d’entréeentrance post 
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guetterto watch (out for) 
French to English
Il doit veiller à ce queHe/it must ensure that 
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il est souhaitable queit would be greatly appreciated if; it is (deemed) desirable that 
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Il revient àIt is the responsibility of 
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immeuble de grande hauteurhigh-rise building 
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inconsciemmentunconsciously, unwittingly 
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infailliblementinevitably, without fail 
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influer suraffect 
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French to English
French to English
inquiétantdisturbing, worrisome 
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insectes nuisiblesdangerous/poisonous insects 
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insurmontableinsurmountable, undefeatable, unbeatable, overwhelming 
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la glisseboardsport; board sports 
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lamentablementmiserably, piteously 
French to English
langue néerlandaiseDutch language 
French to English
le bon plaisir (de quelqu'un)(someone's) wish OR desire 
French to English
linger (un bébé)to change (a baby's) diaper 
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French to English
Maître de plongéeDivemaster 
French to English
matériaux recherchéscarefully selected materials 
French to English
mettre en conformitéto bring in line, to bring into compliance; to retrofit 
French to English
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