Translation glossary:

Showing entries 151-200 of 2,234
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alturas cabo-solocable height above ground level..Minimum Ground Clearance 
Portuguese to English
alvará de folha corridapolice arrest record. 
Portuguese to English
alvenaria de blococoncrete block masonry..Cinder block masonry..concrete block construction..cinder block construction.. 
Portuguese to English
alvenaria portanteload-bearing masonry 
Portuguese to English
always near a gas stationfound in a convenience store 
amarrarwire in..attach..connect 
Portuguese to English
AMBIENTE DE MANIPULAÇÃOhandling environment 
Portuguese to English
amount per accountone amount per account 
amount tonão serão considerados como fazendo parte do montante dos fundos dos jogadores 
English to Portuguese
amusement rideBrinquedo de Parque de Diversão 
English to Portuguese
an all-out slugfestuma pancadaria geral... 
English to Portuguese
an auger for a mincing-mixing wagonrosca sem fim para um carreta de picagem-mistura 
English to Portuguese
anéis distribuidores pelos eixos e filas dos prédiodistribution rings between the rows and columns of buildings 
Portuguese to English
anchor packageComponentes para Ancoragem.. 
English to Portuguese
and busting a cap up their assesshooting them (in their ass or other body parts) 
and get them off the BODtirá-los da diretoria.. 
English to Portuguese
and the market rallied $13.50 per thousand board feeto mercado deu uma alta de USD$ 13.50 por mil pés lineares 
English to Portuguese
annual copCut-Off Point (COP) 
English to Portuguese
any one ... several ....together.should include one or more of the following materials 
após o cumprimento de cada evento gerador de pagamentoafter fulfilling each payment generating event (condition).. 
Portuguese to English
apelic clothpano que não solta fiapos, pêlos ou microfiapos... 
English to Portuguese
apesar deeven though.. 
Portuguese to English
aphidesafídios, afídeos, pulgões ou piolhos-das-plantas... 
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
Aportando os autosannexing the documents 
Portuguese to English
aprovado/comissaprovado/Commissionado => passed/Commissioned 
Portuguese to English
aproveitam (in this contex).that they have no use for such discussions.. 
Portuguese to English
aproximação de estolapproaching stall 
Portuguese to English
Arame de selagem galvanizadogalvanized sealing wire.. 
Portuguese to English
Arc chambercâmara de arco 
English to Portuguese
ARCHIVAL TISSUE BLOCKbloco para o arquivamento de tecido(s) 
English to Portuguese
arco de serrahack saw... 
Portuguese to English
are perceived to followque seguem, aparentam seguir, ou não seguem 
English to Portuguese
are perceived to followque seguem, aparentam seguir, ou não seguem 
English to Portuguese
area array configurationthe configuration of an ordered arrangement of elements over a specific area 
argamassa pré-fabricadapremixed mortar 
Portuguese to English
argilamentoclay spreading 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Armazenador de barra falsaDummy bar storage..false bar storage.. 
Portuguese to English
around is fedquando um cartucho for colocado 
English to Portuguese
arquibancadaarquibancada => grandstand(s)..stands 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Arranjos Produtivos Locais - APLsLocal Producers..Local Production Arrangements 
Portuguese to English
arrematante de mercadoria importada e apreendidawinning bidder on imported and seized goods 
Portuguese to English
Arruadaparade..street fair 
Portuguese to English
arterial stickpunção arterial ou venopunção. 
English to Portuguese
as a person with diabetesum diabético 
English to Portuguese
as a person with diabetesum diabético..como diabético 
English to Portuguese
as galdérias agora estão piores que o bacalhausão mais caras do que o bacalhau... ou cheiram pior do que o bacalhau 
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