Freelance translators » English to German » Art/Literary » Aerospace / Aviation / Space » Page 1

Below is a list of English to German freelance translators specializing in translations in the Art/Literary: Aerospace / Aviation / Space field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

130 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

manfred wahl
manfred wahl
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German, Portuguese (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in Portuguese
Portuguese, German, English, French, Spanish, Auto-motive, Industry, Translations, Interpretation, Proofreading, ...
Joanna Dietinger
Joanna Dietinger
Native in Swedish , German Native in German
Markus Sieber
Markus Sieber
Native in German (Variants: Swiss, Germany) Native in German
german, english, translator, translation, translate, subtitler, subtitling, transcription, editing, proofreading, ...
Wolf Kux
Wolf Kux
Native in German Native in German, Portuguese Native in Portuguese
brazilian portuguese, german, english, IT, software, systems, ERP, formatted, mechanic, mechanical engineering, ...
Andrej Fric
Andrej Fric
Native in Slovenian Native in Slovenian, German Native in German
prevajanje iz nemščine v slovenščino, prevajanje iz slovenščine v nemščino, tehniška besedila, turistična besedila, übersetzen aus slowenisch in deutsch, übersetzen aus deutsch in slowenisch, technische texte, turistische texte, deutsch-slowenisch, german-slovenian, ...
Lorna Bleach
Lorna Bleach
Native in English (Variants: British, Irish, Wales / Welsh, UK, French, US, Scottish) Native in English
english, history, literature, tourism, travel, contracts, social sciences, medical, medicine, Archaeology, ...
Marianne Crux
Marianne Crux
Native in German Native in German
professional conference interpreter, simultaneous interpreter, consecutive interpreter, liaison interpreter, international congresses, international conferences, organisation of interpreting teams
Guido Lenz
Guido Lenz
Native in German Native in German
gps, pc, surveying, engineering, satellites, train, rail, maritime, receiver, edv, ...
Nathalie Buratto
Nathalie Buratto
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
german, english, danish, french, spanish, australian english, british english, american english, austrian german, swiss german, ...
Thomas Dihrberg
Thomas Dihrberg
Native in German Native in German
Voice-over, locuciones, hotel, gastronomia, hosteleria, gastronomie, Gastronomie, turismo, Tourismus, viajes, ...
Elisabeth Moser
Elisabeth Moser
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
tourism, menus, hotels, medical, localization, ad copy, slogans, slang, medicine, pharmaceuticals, ...
Helena Arranz Gil
Helena Arranz Gil
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
Native in Icelandic Native in Icelandic, English Native in English
DUX, Translations, North, dux, vikings, Translator, Translation, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, ...
Mary James
Mary James
Native in German Native in German, Dutch Native in Dutch
Dutch, German, Translation, Transcription, localization,
Caroline Koehler
Caroline Koehler
Native in German Native in German
Übersetzung, Traduction, français, allemand, deutsch, französisch, englisch, anglais, Translation, Marketing, ...
Thomas Gohlke
Thomas Gohlke
Native in German Native in German
aircraft, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, environment, water, business
Markus Seebauer
Markus Seebauer
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
Engineering Translation, mining, manufacturing, user manual, Software translation, UI translation, user interfaces, tender translation, IT translation, IT marketing, ...
Florian Willer
Florian Willer
Native in German Native in German
native german translator, german mother tongue, muttersprachler, english german translations, technical translations, technische übersetzungen, technikübersetzer, übersetzung englisch deutsch, fahrzeugtechnik, fahrzeugbau, ...
Native in French Native in French
AI, artificial, intelligence, artificial intelligence, predictive, machine, machine translation, MTPE, post-editing, SEO, ...
Minmin Yang
Minmin Yang
Native in Chinese (Variants: Mandarin, Wenzhounese, Simplified) Native in Chinese

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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