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Poll Discussion Poll: Has it ever taken you a few months or even a year to send in an invoice? No Invoices go out together with a translation,
unless it's a regular client, in which case the
last day of the month, each month.
M. Anna Kańduła May 23, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: How many messages do you usually keep in your inbox? 0-10 But usually not more than 5. Anything else, after
being dealt with (a finished project, a finished
conversation, etc.) is moved to appropriate
folders or deleted. My inbox is my "desk".
M. Anna Kańduła Mar 13, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Has your age ever played a role in landing a client? No Number of years of experience is included in my
CV, not my age. My clients don't know how old I
am. It's irrelevant.
M. Anna Kańduła Aug 27, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use more than one internet service provider in case of outages? Other I don't pay for two providers, because
interruptions in Internet service are very rare
and last for a short time. In case of power
outage, my router would not work anyway. In
case o
M. Anna Kańduła Jul 21, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Why can't people call translators "translators"? Which of these have you seen most frequently? "People" who? People call translators "translators". They also
often call interpreters "translators". The poll
answers would suggest the asker meant agencies and
project managers, a very specific gro
M. Anna Kańduła Jul 9, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you make exceptions and translate into your source language? Only under certain conditions Which means it happened once: a client explicitly
requested a native of the source language. The
translation was not for publication, and they
wanted to make sure all colloquialisms and id
M. Anna Kańduła May 30, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you familiar with "post editing"? Familiar Familiar, yes, I know what it is. Do it? No. M. Anna Kańduła May 2, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a backup plan for power or internet outages? Other Internet: yes. Power: as long as my laptop
lasts, so at least to warn clients of delays, if
the outage takes long.
M. Anna Kańduła Apr 11, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever had a work-related nightmare? (please share!) Other Work-related dreams, yes. A few times. Nightmares?
M. Anna Kańduła Feb 9, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you do when your computer starts slowing down? What does it mean exactly... "slowing down"? Working slower due to new
software/versions with higher hardware
requirements? Slowly failing hardware due to old
age? Unable to run new versions/new
software? Depen
M. Anna Kańduła Oct 29, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you listen to the radio while working? No I don't listen to radio at all. But, like
Teresa, I need background noise, so either You
Tube or a CD is on.
M. Anna Kańduła Sep 24, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: On average, how many books do you read? Other I have no idea what is my average. I have a period
when I read a lot, and then a period when I don't
read much, followed by a period when again I
swallow books whole. "A period" may last a
M. Anna Kańduła Aug 30, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you experienced any of these work-related ailments? No Where's the answer for "None"? M. Anna Kańduła Jul 8, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you give a discount on an overdue payment to ensure it is made? Exactly [quote]Helen Hagon wrote: If you do it once,
you'll probably find yourself doing it again. It
sends the customer a message that it's ok to pay
late, and even encourages them to delay pa
M. Anna Kańduła Jul 4, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you speak any of these constructed languages? I don't But I love that Klingon was included in the list!
M. Anna Kańduła Jun 20, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: How many of your clients do not require the use of CAT tools? Only one [quote]Chris S wrote: Because it's fewer than
half, not less than half. And in my case,
none. Some would like me to, but I
refuse. Even though I do actually use CAT for
M. Anna Kańduła May 25, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever lost progress of your job by pressing the "Don't Save" button? "Don't save" button? I don't think I've ever heard of such a button,
let alone have or press it. I often press
CRTL+S to save my work, and have all kinds of
auto-save on in my software, so at worst I lose
M. Anna Kańduła Mar 24, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you like someone to work for your clients in your place while you go on vacation? Agencies I work with agencies, and they already have a
number of translators in my language pair. If I'm
not available, someone else is.
M. Anna Kańduła Mar 17, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you accept to do an unpaid test translation if you were offered a large translation job? It depends But most likely no. I used to do tests, then heard
6-12 months later from the client that I passed,
and never again. I think only once it brought a
new client/project.
M. Anna Kańduła Mar 2, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever forgotten to send a finished translation to a client? No My project emails are marked red as "work in
progress". My email client pops up a reminder, if
words like "attachment" are present in the text,
but no file is attached. I remove the red
M. Anna Kańduła Feb 19, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you work with a CAT tool even if it is not required by your client? Yes I chose "Yes, always", but in fact it should be
"usually" or "often" for me. The CAT tool helps
with the layout, and that's why I like using it,
but it's more trouble than worth (takes tim
M. Anna Kańduła Feb 1, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a hard time fully understanding the meaning of song lyrics in your source language(s)? Sometimes The same applies to my target language. They
mumble in some songs, so it's hard to recognise
M. Anna Kańduła Jan 23, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Has luck/destiny/fate played a role in your translation career? No I don't believe in any destiny. I made a decision,
I became a translator. It's as simple as that.
M. Anna Kańduła Dec 27, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you generally check your business emails on weekends? Same [quote]Ian Jones wrote: All my emails arrive in
Outlook, so I'll look at whatever comes in. Having
said that, I don't receive offers of work at the
weekend or those that I do what to pa
M. Anna Kańduła Dec 7, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever worked past midnight on a project? Once I voted "occasionally" but it happened only once
as an exception. I don't work past 6-7 PM. My
productivity work-wise is so low that the next
morning would be spent on cleaning up all t
M. Anna Kańduła Oct 3, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever been disappointed when meeting clients in person? Other I never meet my clients in person. M. Anna Kańduła Sep 23, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a blog? Yes But not about translation. M. Anna Kańduła Sep 5, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you accept projects outside of your areas of specialization? Yes, sometimes If I feel I can do it, then why not. If I feel I
could mess it up, definitely no. Usually, though,
I stay within my specialisations.
M. Anna Kańduła Aug 31, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you most enjoy about your work? Other Being my own boss, and working from home during my
own hours.
M. Anna Kańduła Aug 23, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you feel that you will someday get bored of your job as a translator? Other The answer is "I don't know". I refuse to play
"you may regret this in the future" games.
M. Anna Kańduła Aug 9, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever delivered a project to the wrong client? No I always open the files after attaching them to
make sure they are what they are supposed to be,
and I send them replying to the client's email, so
no mistakes happen. I hope those precaut
M. Anna Kańduła Aug 5, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use a laptop or a desktop computer for work? Always a laptop My laptop has been customised for my work needs,
so I find it comfortable and sufficient. And if I
need to be mobile, I still can, although generally
the laptop serves as a desktop compute
M. Anna Kańduła Jul 27, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: How many emails do you currently have in your inbox? 0 My inbox is like my desk: only projects in
progress (marked red), and other emails that need
to be taken care of are in there. After they are
dealt with, they are moved to an appropriate
M. Anna Kańduła Jul 4, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Has working as a translator affected your eyesight? No My eyes are still fine, and I hope they'll stay
that way as long as possible, but certainly age
will change that some day. Translation? No.
M. Anna Kańduła Jun 11, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you ever offer free translations for regular clients? Other I don't mind translating a sentence or a few word
for free for regulars. Anything bigger than that -
M. Anna Kańduła Apr 27, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Your usual translation workplace is best described as... Other I live in a studio, so my workplace is my room, my
bedroom, and my kitchen at the same time. I like
small, cosy places :)
M. Anna Kańduła Apr 22, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you consider yourself a compulsive Internet user? "Compulsive" As the others, I'm not sure what that means. I
use Internet often, usually every day (work). Does
playing an online game count? Then then too. I
also watch shows/films/programs online,
M. Anna Kańduła Apr 19, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: It's a popular belief that every freelancer has at least one pet. Do you? Popular belief? Never heard about that "popular belief"
before. But yes, I do. Two cats.
M. Anna Kańduła Mar 22, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Huge loads of emails may cause important messages to be overlooked. Does this ever happen to you? No, never My mailbox is kept very tidy, with colours marking
emails "to do", "work", and other classification.
I also checked my spam folder to make sure no
valid emails were sent there by the syste
M. Anna Kańduła Mar 7, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you request that outsourcers acknowledge the receipt of your finished project? Yes Most of my clients do that anyway, but I do ask
for confirmation if they don't have such a habit.
M. Anna Kańduła Mar 3, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think that freelance translators are mostly introverts? Other This: [quote]Teresa Borges wrote: I hate
generalizations and stereotypical thinking in
general. [/quote]
M. Anna Kańduła Feb 15, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you willing to provide potential clients with references or letters of recommendation? No If they ask for references, I send them the link
to my WWA here at
M. Anna Kańduła Feb 13, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you find yourself mentally translating everything you read/hear in your source language? No Fortunately no. I live in the country of my source
language. Besides, the level of fluency it
requires to be able to do this jobs means for me
that you must think in that language, not<
M. Anna Kańduła Jan 31, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Has your investment in CAT tools paid off? Yes, definitely Especially since my lovely CAT isn't as expensive
as some on the market, and it doesn't require
payment each year for a licence. I paid once, I
use it.
M. Anna Kańduła Jan 30, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use voice recognition software for your translation work? No Even if I wanted, I don't think there is one in my
M. Anna Kańduła Jan 27, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: How many projects does a client have to assign you before you consider them a regular client? Other It's not a matter of a number of projects but
frequency over a span of time.
M. Anna Kańduła Jan 17, 2015
Business issues XXX Ha ha ha! That's the only reaction it deserves. ;) But
yes, at least they took the moment to write in
your name, instead of another XXX.
M. Anna Kańduła Jan 15, 2015
Business issues XXX Just to make sure These "XXX" were in the email you received,
they're not a part of "redacted", are they? I
need to ask, even though your note is clear,
because it's just too hard to believe someone
M. Anna Kańduła Jan 15, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you receive work from regular clients on a Friday evening due for the following Monday? Pretty often However, not on Fridays evenings; on Friday
mornings or Saturday mornings. But then, I work on
weekends if there's work, and can take another
weekday off, so it's not a big deal for me.
M. Anna Kańduła Jan 12, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do your clients ever remind you to submit your work before the deadline has passed? Other None of my regulars do. Once I had a new
client, who kept sending me emails asking if I was
going to deliver on time every day (a 4-day
project). And then... they were late with the
M. Anna Kańduła Jan 10, 2015

Translation industry discussion forums

Open discussion on topics related to translation, interpreting and localization

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Translation Office 3000

Translation Office 3000 is an advanced accounting tool for freelance translators and small agencies. TO3000 easily and seamlessly integrates with the business life of professional freelance translators.

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Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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