Dilation vs dilatation
Thread poster: Emily Scott
Emily Scott
Emily Scott  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 02:16
Member (2018)
French to English
+ ...
Oct 14, 2019

This is a debate that I always have with myself when translating medical texts and which I've never really gotten to the bottom of. I can't really find a definitive answer as to whether these words mean the same thing or if there is perhaps a slight difference in meaning. What is your general rule when using these terms? Is there a difference in meaning?

Liviu-Lee Roth
Liviu-Lee Roth
United States
Local time: 21:16
Romanian to English
+ ...
one explanation Oct 14, 2019

Dilatation is defined as a region of dilation, an area of abnormal enlargement, or the surgical enlargement of a region (noun describing the verb). Dilation is defined as the act of dilating (stretching out), the state of being dilated, and confusingly: dilatation. Both definitions cross-refer to one another.

Kevin Fulton
Kevin Fulton  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:16
German to English
Sometimes used interchangeably, unfortunately Oct 14, 2019

There are various medical articles on the topic, but unfortunately they are not freely accessible.
Below is a page that offers an opinion on the difference and gives a detailed explanation.
Dilation: passive process
Dilatation: active process


Doubtless many may dispute
... See more
There are various medical articles on the topic, but unfortunately they are not freely accessible.
Below is a page that offers an opinion on the difference and gives a detailed explanation.
Dilation: passive process
Dilatation: active process


Doubtless many may dispute the categorization.

DZiW (X)
United States
its very simple Nov 25, 2019

In the simplest terms and most convenient way; dilation is physiologic whereas dilatation is pathologic.

Liviu-Lee Roth

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Dilation vs dilatation

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