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Using ChatGPT in Kudoz
Thread poster: Marjolein Snippe
Gjorgji Apostolovski
Gjorgji Apostolovski  Identity Verified
North Macedonia
Local time: 10:26
English to Macedonian
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Rep Mar 15

Daryo wrote:

Gjorgji Apostolovski wrote:

I really don't know who is using kudoz for referencing, probably not native translators and translators that can't figure out the translation after research on Google, proper dictionaries etc.
In essence is like "translate this for me, and you will get points". Big deal, you know...

That may be true for many Askers, but Kudoz can still be a very useful tool - when Answerers know what they are talking about AND Askers know how to recognise the right answer.

Kudoz is a uniquely good tool, it only needs to be 'handled with caution'. And kept free from AI-spamming, whether direct or indirect.

Well, maybe the askers have some trust in certain answerers, but for me kudoZ is more like getting points here on this site, showing that you are participating, and geting some reputation. That's all good, but we can't just answering or asking everytime on kudoz, that's all I'm saying. Maybe kudoz should be like last resort.

United States
Local time: 04:26
English to Russian
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About references Mar 15

I understand that references or especially the context can play an absolutely crucial role but...

Somehow, when both the asker and the answerer really understand the subject, they can get by without references in more cases than one. It's often the specialists in general conversations and greeting cards who demand 5 pages of context and an array of references on automotive or well cementing. And since they can't understand it anyway, they still manage to pick the wrong answer.
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I understand that references or especially the context can play an absolutely crucial role but...

Somehow, when both the asker and the answerer really understand the subject, they can get by without references in more cases than one. It's often the specialists in general conversations and greeting cards who demand 5 pages of context and an array of references on automotive or well cementing. And since they can't understand it anyway, they still manage to pick the wrong answer.

I would trust asker's specialism (I used to check it, if I didn't know already) and ability to supply a brief explanation in his own words rather than his abilities to copy and paste. As the old story goes, "now explain it to me as if I were your 6-year old little brother."

Why does the asker have to spend more time than he can/want on an answer, sifting through many hits, which, as he knows, can be wrong or useless? Isn't it the asker's job to catch a lifeline and then spend time researching reputable sources to verify that the suggested term is indeed accepted in the industry, for example? That's how I did it. Oh well, this can only be done when, again, the asker understands his subject.

I thank everyone who helped me and suggested good references when I was working on translations, but I have never thought that the answerers were obligated to do my job. And I would still extend my verification research. On the other end, I did spend quite a bit of time on references now and then but only because the question grabbed my attention with its uniqueness in one way or another, was tricky etc. and I had time and fun to try and hunt it down.

Jennifer Levey
Christel Zipfel
Jorge Payan
Maria Laura Curzi
Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
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Using ChatGPT in Kudoz

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