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8 projects entered 1 positive feedback from colleagues
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 7859 words Completed: May 2014 Languages: English to Arabic
Patent translation
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4668 words Completed: Sep 2012 Languages: English to Arabic
Translation of 4 medical articles
Medical: Health Care
No comment.
Translation Volume: 25 days Completed: Aug 2012 Languages: English to Arabic
Translation of medical website
Translation of 32,676 words.
Medical: Health Care
No comment.
Translation Volume: 746 words Completed: Apr 2012 Languages: English to Arabic
Translation of a magazine article
Geology, Science (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1389 words Completed: Apr 2012 Languages: English to Arabic
Translation of a brochure
Translation of batteries' brochure & company's presentation
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4956 words Completed: Apr 2012 Languages: English to Arabic
Translation of a clinical trial protocol
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4800 words Completed: Dec 2011 Languages: English to Arabic
Translation of an Informed Consent for a new drug
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1736 words Duration: Oct 2011 Languages: English to Arabic
Translation of a drug leaflet
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
No comment.
Colleague feedback:
Mohamed Marzouk: Shimaa's excellent medical background and robust linguistic skills contributed to the success of this project
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer, Money order, Moneybookers, Western Union
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Arabic: Drug leaflet
Source text - English Entocort 3 mg
Budesonide 3.0 mg.
Pharmaceutical form
Prolonged release capsules, hard.
Hard, opaque gelatin capsules, grey/pink.
Entocort prolonged release capsules contain gastro-resistant granules with prolonged release. The active substance is not released until in the ileum and the ascending colon.
Therapeutic indications
Mild to moderate Crohn’s disease affecting the ileum and the ascending colon.
Posology and method of administration
Adults: The dose should be adjusted depending on the activity of the disease. The recommended dose in active Crohn's disease is 9 mg (3 capsules) daily for 8 weeks. The recommended dose in remission is 6 mg (2 capsules). The dose should be kept at the minimum required. Full effect is usually achieved within 2-4 weeks. The capsules should be taken in the morning. The capsules should be swallowed whole, and they must not be divided or chewed.
To replace prednisolone in steroid dependent patients, the recommended dose is 6 mg once daily. When treatment with Entocort capsules is initiated the prednisolone dose should be tapered.
Elderly: Dosage as for adults. Experience of treatment with Entocort capsules in elderly patients is limited.
Children: At present there is no experience of treatment with Entocort capsules in children.
Patients with liver disease: Impaired liver function increases the systemic bioavailability of budesonide.
The dose may need to be increased or additional systemic glucocorticoid treatment given in stress situations, fever and strain. Diabetics may require higher insulin doses during glucocorticoid therapy.
Treatment with Entocort capsules should be tapered before cessation, see Special warnings and special precautions for use.
Hypersensitivity to budesonide or any of the other ingredients.
Special warnings and precautions for use
Caution is recommended in patients with infection, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, peptic ulcer, newly created intestinal anastomoses, psychoses, cardiac insufficiency, glaucoma or cataracts, and in patients with a family history of diabetes or glaucoma.
On transfer from conventional steroid treatment to Entocort, symptoms related to a change of the systemic steroid dose may occur. During tapering the prednisolone and starting treatment with Entocort undesirable effects may appear, see Undesirable Effects.
Translation - Arabic
إنتوكورت 3 مجم
التركيب بيوديوسونيد 3.0 مجم
الشكل الصيدلاني
كبسولات صلبة، طويلة المفعول.
كبسولات صلبة، جيلاتينية مغلفة، رمادية/ وردية.
تحتوي كبسولات إنتوكورت طويلة المفعول على حبيبات مقاومة للعصارة الهضمية ذات مفعول طويل. لا تتحرر المادة الفعالة إلا في المعي اللفائفي والقولون الصاعد.
الاستخدامات العلاجية
علاج مرض كرون الخفيف والمتوسط الذي يؤثر على المعي اللفائفي والقولون الصاعد.
الجرعة وطريقة الاستخدام
يتم تحديد الجرعة تبعا لنشاط المرض. الجرعة المقترحة في حالة مرض كرون النشط هي 9 مجم (3 كبسولات) يومياً لمدة 8 أسابيع. الجرعة المقترحة بعد التعافي هي 6 مجم (2 كبسولات).
يجب الحفاظ على الجرعة عند أقل المستويات المطلوبة. يتحقق التأثير الكامل في غضون 2-4 أسابيع. يجب تعاطي الكبسولات في الصباح. يجب بلع الكبسولات كاملة بدون مضغ أو كسر.
لكي تحل محل البريدنيزولون لدى المرضى المعتمدين على الستيرويدات، فإن الجرعة المقترحة هي 6 مجم مرة واحدة يوميا. عند بدء العلاج بكبسولات إنتوكورت، يجب إنقاص جرعة البريدنيزولون تدريجياً.
كبار السن: الجرعة مثل البالغين. تجربة العلاج بكبسولات إنتوكورت محدودة مع كبار السن
الأطفال: حاليا، لا توجد تجربة لعلاج الأطفال بكبسولات إنتوكورت
مرضى الكبد: اختلال وظائف الكبد يزيد من التوفر الحيوي النظامي للبيوديوسنيد
يجب زيادة الجرعة أو تعاطي جرعة إضافية من الجلكوكورتيكويد في حالات التوتر، وارتفاع درجة الحرارة، والإجهاد. قد يحتاج مرضى السكري لجرعات أعلى من الأنسولين أثناء العلاج بالجلكوكورتيكويد.
يتم تقليل الجرعة تدريجيا قبل وقف العلاج باستخدام كبسولات إنتوكورت، أنظر إلى التحذيرات والاحتياطات الخاصة بالاستخدام.
موانع الاستخدام
الحساسية المفرطة تجاه بيوديوسونيد أو أيا من المكونات.
التحذيرات والاحتياطات الخاصة بالاستخدام
يجب أخذ الحيطة مع المرضى الذين يعانون من عدوى، أو ارتفاع ضغط الدم، أو السكري، أو هشاشة العظام، أو قرحة المعدة، أو من قاموا بإجراء عملية حديثة لتحويل الأمعاء، أو من يعانون من اختلالا ذهنيا، أو قصور في القلب، أو الجلوكوما (المياه الزرقاء)، أو المياه البيضاء، أو من تعاني أسرهم من تاريخ مرضي مع السكري أو الجلوكوما.
قد تظهر الأعراض المتعلقة بتغيير الجرعة النظامية، عند الانتقال من العلاج بالكورتيزونات التقليدية إلى العلاج باستخدام إنتوكورت. قد تظهر بعض الأعراض غير المرغوبة أثناء الإنقاص التدريجي في جرعة البريدنيزولون وبدء العلاج بعقار إنتوكورت، انظر الآثار غير المرغوبة.
English to Arabic: Vostok Lake General field: Science Detailed field: Geology
Source text - English Polar Research
Russians celebrate Vostok victory
Team finally drills into Antarctic subglacial lake.
After two decades of chilly drilling and fiery debate, a Russian team has finally broken into Lake Vostok. The largest of the lake hidden under Antarctica's ice, and the most deeply buried, Vostok has been isolated for millions of years and may contain specially adapted microorganisms. "I am sure they are drinking Vodka this week," says John Priscu, an Antarctic researcher at Montana State University in Bozeman, who has been in contact with the Russian team.
Translation - Arabic
بحث متعلق بالقطب
الروس يحتفلون بإنجازهم في بحيرة فوستوك.
أخيرًا نجح الفريق في التغلغل إلى أكبر بحيرة مغمورة تحت جليد القطب الجنوبي
بقلم نيكولا جونز
بعد عقدين من الحفر البارد والجدال المحتد، تمكن أخيرًا الفريق الروسي من التغلغل إلى بحيرة فوستوك وهي أكبر البحيرات المطمورة تحت جليد القارة القطبية الجنوبية (أنتاركتيكا)، والأعمق على الإطلاق، فقد انعزلت فوستوك لملايين السنين بما احتوته من كائنات دقيقة نادرة نجحت في التكيف مع هذه البيئة. ويقول جون بريسكو " أحد باحثي القطب الجنوبي في جامعة ولاية مونتانا بمدينة بوزمان، والذي كان على اتصال بالفريق الروسي " :أنا متأكد من احتساءهم الفودكا هذا الأسبوع. " كناية عن احتفالهم بهذا الانجاز.
My name is Shimaa Ezz, and I am a professional English-to-Arabic translator with 13 years of experience. As a native Arabic speaker, I have specialized in medical, pharmaceutical, and scientific translations. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy, which has given me in-depth knowledge of medical terminology and scientific concepts.
I have worked with several prominent companies, including Novartis, Pfizer, JAMJOOM, MESSM, and GILEAD. While working with Novartis, I translated various protocols of new drugs, patient leaflets, clinical trial documentation, model patient information, and informed consent. I also worked on patient leaflets and drug inserts for Pfizer. At JAMJOOM, I translated parts of their website, books, and brochures about immunology and wrote several scientific and medical articles.
I handled a large project for MESSM about women's health, pregnancy, and sexual health. At GILEAD, I translated patient information about hepatitis C treatment. I also participated in a significant project for the Ministry of Education in Dubai, which involved translating and localizing educational software. I handled the translation of scientific material, especially chemical and biological matter, technical documents, contracts, and the teacher's guide on how to use the software. The project involved translating more than 200,000 words.
I have extensive experience in translating dental topics and sexual health-related material, translating over 25,000 words on these subjects. My attention to detail, excellent communication skills, and proficiency in English and Arabic make me an asset to any translation project.
Be sure that you will get excellent quality on time every time.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Arabic
Specialty fields
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Medical: Health Care
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Science (general)
Other fields
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Keywords: English to Arabic medical translator, pharmaceutical Translator, English to Arabic translator, chemical translation, Arabic translator, biological translation, general science translator, Professional Arabic medical translator, Agriculture, Medical copywriter. See more.English to Arabic medical translator, pharmaceutical Translator, English to Arabic translator, chemical translation, Arabic translator, biological translation, general science translator, Professional Arabic medical translator, Agriculture, Medical copywriter, Cosmetics translation, cosmetics, beauty, Chemistry, Arabic copywriter, writer, Technology, Promotion, Biology, Chemistry, pamphlet, protocols, leaflet, patient information, English>Arabic, En>Ar, Translator, Proofreader, Editor, Medical Representative, Representative, In-Country Investigator, In-Country, Investigator, Translation, Proofreading, Editing, Website Localization, Localization, Questionnaire, Patent Translation, Patent Translator, Patent Proofreader, Patent Editor, Patent, Patents, Proofreader, Editor, Medical Representative, Representative, Hi quality Medical Arabic translation, Technical Arabic translation, Manuals translation, Material Safety Data Sheet, Material Safety Data Sheets, Material, Safety, Data, Sheet, Sheets, Software translation, Patents translation, Pharmaceutical Arabic translation, Pharmaceutical Arabic translator, Medical Arabic translator, Business Arabic translator, Financial Arabic translator, Chemistry Arabic translator Telecommunication Arabic translator, Hardware Arabic translator, Engineering Arabic translator, Arabic translator, medical translation, science translation, pharmaceutical translation, Arabic translation, patent translation, financial translation, hotels translation, tourism translation, marketing translation, Food Labels, IT, Computer, Software Localization, aesthetic website translation, ترجمة طبية, ترجمة علمية, ترجمة طبية متخصصة, food labels translation, Trados, wordfast, SDLX, CAT tools, Travel, tourism, fashion, Food & Dairy Technology, كتابة مقالات طبية, Medical writing, Medical translation, Scientific writing, Health communication, Healthcare documentation, Medical terminology, Clinical research, Medical publications, Regulatory writing, Medical editing, Pharmaceutical industry, Clinical trials, Medical literature, Patient education materials, Medical manuscripts, Healthcare marketing, Transcreation, Medical journalism, Health information, Medical writing, Medical translation, Scientific writing, Health communication, Healthcare documentation, Medical terminology, Clinical research, Medical publications, Regulatory writing, Medical editing, Pharmaceutical industry, Clinical trials, Medical literature, Patient education materials, Medical manuscripts, Healthcare marketing, Transcreation, Medical journalism, Health information, Biomedical research, Evidence-based medicine, Medical communication, Medical education, Medical device documentation, Medical ethics, Medical copywriting, Medical marketing materials, Healthcare guidelines, Health technology assessment, Medical coding, Pharmacology, Medical case reports, Medical conferences, Health policy, Medical regulatory affairs, Medical review articles, Medical ghostwriting, Medical research papers, Medical journalism, Healthcare software localization. See less.