Boost Your Productivity Now!

Format: Videos
Topic: Business skills for translators

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

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Available courses can be found below:

Succeed at
Making More Money: Present Yourself Professionally to Attract Clients
Making More Money: Negotiation & Communication Skills
Making More Money: Translate More, More Easily
Making More Money: Build Win-Win Relationships with Clients
Starting Out as a Freelance Translator
Train the Trainer
Advanced Train the Trainer

Summary:Learn how to get more done in less time.
In this presentation, Konstantin Kisin will show you how to get more done in less time and shares his experience of learning to do twice the work in half the time.

Attend this presentation if you want to:

• Translate faster
• Maintain and improve your mental and physical health while getting more done
• Cut out procrastination
• Stay focused and improve the quality of your work

The presentation will be followed by a live Q&A.
Created by
Konstantin Kisin    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Konstantin Kisin is a highly successful legal, financial and video games translator. Since joining in 2004, he has made full use of the website to propel his business to new heights and build long-term relationships with clients and colleagues. A regular contributor to on the business side of translation, Konstantin has extensive training in the psychology of communication and human behaviour. Sharing his attitude to doing business with his customary passion and enthusiasm, Konstantin's mission is to assist freelancers the world over in establishing professional relationships with clients, making more money, working less and having more fun.
General discussions on this training

Boost Your Productivity Now!
United Kingdom
Local time: 16:42
English to Norwegian
+ ...
Highly recommended!Oct 25, 2011

Practical, easily implemented advice on how to boost your productivity and end procrastination. An excellent presentation by Konstantin Kisin.


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