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Spanish to English - Standard rate: 0.13 EUR per word / 35 EUR per hour French to English - Standard rate: 0.13 EUR per word / 35 EUR per hour French - Standard rate: 0.13 EUR per word / 35 EUR per hour Spanish - Standard rate: 0.13 EUR per word / 35 EUR per hour
Spanish to English: About Telefónica results (source unknown) General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Spanish Telefónica adelanta su compromiso de duplicar el dividendo y abonará un euro en 2008
Telefónica ha adelantado el compromiso anunciado en mayo de 2006 de duplicar el dividendo para el próximo año 2009 y abonará a sus accionistas un euro por título con cargo a los resultados de 2008, según una notificación de la compañía a la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).
Además, la multinacional aumentará sus ingresos entre un 5% y un 8% en el periodo 2006-2010.
La operadora ha cumplido con las expectativas de la mayoría de los analistas y ha decidido ante este panorama halagüeño mejorar su compromiso de dividendo. Las acciones de la compañía celebraban el anuncio y, tras la apertura de la sesión, encabezaban las compras del Ibex 35 con una subida del 2,45%.
La operadora explicó que el pago de este dividendo se efectuará en dos tramos, uno en el segundo semestre de 2008 y otro en el primer semestre de 2009.
La compañía anunció el compromiso de duplicar el dividendo y el beneficio por acción en 2009 respecto a las cifras de 2005, de 0,91 euros y 0,5 euros por acción respectivamente, durante la V Conferencia con Inversores celebrada en Valencia el pasado mes de mayo de 2006.
Telefónica realizará el anuncio oficial de este compromiso durante la VI Conferencia de Inversores que se celebra en Londres.
Previsiones optimistas
El grupo espera para los próximos cuatro años fuertes tasas de crecimiento en ventas y resultados, lo que le permitirá elevar la remuneración a sus accionistas.
Telefónica espera aumentar su resultado bruto de explotación (Oibda) entre un 7% y un 11% en el periodo 2006-2010 y estima que su cartera de abonados superará los 290 millones en 2010, frente a los 210 millones registrados a finales de junio.
En este periodo, la compañía tiene previsto incrementar su resultado neto de explotación (OI) entre un 16% y un 20%, y destinar a inversiones entre 2007 y 2010 una cantidad que no supere a los 33.000 millones de euros.
La operadora destacó entre sus prioridades para dicho periodo la remuneración al accionista; la reducción de deuda y la realización de adquisiciones selectivas para potenciar el crecimiento en los mercados actuales.
Translation - English Telefónica brings forward its commitment to double dividends, paying one euro per share in 2008
Telefónica has brought forward the commitment it announced in May 2006 to double its dividend for 2009, and will pay shareholders one euro per share charged to profits for 2008, according to information supplied by the company to the CNMV (the Spanish Financial Services Authority)
Furthermore, the multinational’s income will increase by between 5 – 8 % during the period 2006-2010.
The telecoms provider has achieved the expectations of the majority of analysts and, given this pleasing outlook, decided to improve its dividend commitment. When trading opened, the announcement was celebrated by the company’s shares topping the Ibex 35 (Spain’s Stock Market index) with a rise of 2.45%.
It explained that the dividend payment would take place in two stages, one in the second half of 2008 and the other in the first half of 2009.
The Company announced its commitment to double the dividend and earnings per share in 2009 compared with 2005 of 0.91 euro and 0.5 euro respectively, during the 5th investors’ conference held in Valencia in May 2006.
Telefónica will make the official announcement of this commitment during the 6th investors’ conference to be held in London.
Optimistic Forecasts
During the coming four years, the Group expects strong rates of growth in sales and profits, which will allow it to increase shareholder returns.
Telefónica expects to increase its operating income before depreciation (OIBDA) by between 7 and 11% in the period 2006-2010, and estimates its subscriber base will exceed 290 million in 2010 as against 210 million at the end of June.
In this period, the company forecasts to increase its operating income (OI) by between 16 to 20%, and to invest a sum not exceeding 33000 million euros between 2007 and 2010.
The company emphasised returns for shareholders amongst its priorities for this period; also debt reduction and the making of selected acquisitions to enable growth in current markets.
French to English: From Le Figaro 22.10.07 about a resistance hero General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - French Guy Môquet: la lettre qui divise les enseignants
Alors que la lettre d’adieu du jeune résistant doit être lue devant les élèves ce matin, la polémique enfle.
La lecture aujourd’hui dans tous les lycées de la lettre d’adieu de Guy Môquet, ce jeune communiste fusillé par les Allemands en 1941, continue de faire des vagues.
L’initiative du président Sarkozy, prise au lendemain de son élection afin d’exalter l’esprit de résistance, rencontre l’hostilité croissante des enseignants. Les uns affichent ne pas vouloir se plier à une opération de « récupération politique » en sortant « un seul personnage de son contexte », les autres refusent d’obéir à une injonction présidentielle. Embarrassé, le ministre de l’Éducation a promis de ne pas sanctionner les réfractaires. Mais la polémique continue d’enfler. Après les historiens, qui contestent l’utilisation du martyre de Guy Môquet comme symbole de la Résistance, le socialiste Jack Lang a mis en garde, hier, contre toute interprétation de cette lettre comme l’adieu d’un adolescent qui va au suicide.
« Camarade » contre « compagnon » : la guerre des mots
Le « camarade » des communistes a-t-il volontairement été remplacé par le « compagnon » des gaullistes ? Polémique dans la polémique, la question était hier sur toutes les lèvres à la lecture du libellé de l’hommage devant être rendu aujourd’hui au jeune fusillé. Dans le bulletin officiel envoyé aux lycées, le ministère de l’Éducation écrit : « 22 octobre : commémoration du souvenir de Guy Môquet et de ses 26 compagnons fusillés. » Or, les historiens rappellent que Guy Môquet parlait bel et bien de ses « camarades » dans ses lettres. L’intitulé « a toujours comporté le terme de compagnon », répond le ministère, qui suppose que le mot « camarade » n’a pas été retenu parce qu’il était « peut-être connoté ». Voire « ringard », selon Henri Guaino, qui a affirmé dans Libération n’avoir découvert la chose qu’ « après coup ». Hier, ce sont bien Guy Môquet et ses « camarades » qui ont été honorés par le Parti communiste à Châteaubriant. Lieu de leur exécution.
Translation - English Resistance hero’s letter splits France’s teachers
Arguments develop over farewell letter to be read out to all pupils this morning.
Today’s reading in all schools of a farewell letter written by Guy Môquet, a young Communist shot by the Germans in 1941, continues to create waves.
The initiative taken by President Sarkozy following his election to honour the spirit of resistance, is meeting growing hostility from teachers. Some have flagged up that they have no wish to submit to a political recovery operation by taking a single individual out of his context. Others refuse to obey a directive from the President. An embarrassed Minister of Education has promised not to punish the objectors. But the debate continues to grow. Following upon historians who dispute the use of Guy Môquet’s martyrdom as a symbol of the Resistance, socialist Jack Lang yesterday warned of any interpretation of this as a farewell letter from a youth on the point of suicide.
“Comrade” or “companion”: a war about words
Was the use of the word “comrade” – associated with the Communists, deliberately replaced by the Gaullist term “companion”? A debate within a debate. But this was the question on everyone’s lips yesterday when the wording of the homage, to be rendered today to this young man who was shot, was read through. In the official bulletin, the Ministry of Education writes “22nd October – remembrance of Guy Moquet and his 26 companions who were shot”. And yet historians recall that Guy Môquet definitely spoke about his “comrades” in his letters. This word “has always included the concept of companion”, the ministry replied, considering that “comrade” was not retained because “it has, perhaps, a connotation”. “Out-of-date” even, according to Henri Guaino, who asserted in the newspaper Libération that he had not discovered the point “until later”. Yesterday it was quite clearly Guy Môquet and his “comrades” whom the Communist Party honoured at Châteaubriant, the place of their execution.
Spanish to English: From Los Tiempos 28.02.03 about turmoil following internal migration General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Spanish Comunarios dan un plazo
Los comunarios de Pampa San Miguel después de los hechos de este jueves, dieron a los autoridades departamentales el plazo de 24 horas para solucionar este problema de ocupación ilegal y desalojar a los asentados en los terrenos de su comunidad.
Caso contrario, y debido a que esperaron pacientemente tres días a que las autoridades hagan algo, advirtieron que ellos tomarán acciones para hacer respetar sus terrenos.
Uno de los dirigentes de los comunarios manifestó que por esperar que las autoridades impongan la ley, ocurrió lo de ayer, fueron atacados violentamente por los loteadores y uno de sus compañeros perdió la vida.
Como medida de presión bloquearon desde el miércoles al medio dia el acceso de los carros basureros al relleno sanitario de K’ara K’ara, pero la mañana de ayer levantaron el bloqueo ante el compromiso de la Policía de poner fin a esa invasión.
Y para resolver, definitivamente, el derecho propietario y posesión sobre esos terrenos, reclamado por la comunidad y la Universidad Mayor de San Simón, se acordó agilizar el proceso de saneamiento de oficio de esos terrenos que está en trámite en el Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria (INRA).
Dentro de este conflicto no entran los nuevos asentados, por no tener ningun derecho propitario, los cuales deberían abandonar esos terrenos.
Translation - English Locals set a deadline
After Thursday’s events, the inhabitants of Pampa San Miguel gave the local authorities a 24 hour deadline in order to solve the problem of the illegal occupation and get rid of the squatters from their community’s land.
If not, and taking into account their three days of patient waiting for the authorities to do something, they warned that they would take action to have their land rights respected.
One of the local leaders declared that yesterday’s events took place as a result of having waited for the authorities to impose the Law. They were violently attacked by the land grabbers, and one of their friends lost his life.
As a way of applying pressure, they have since midday on Wednesday blocked the access of dustcarts to the landfill site at K’ara K’ara, but yesterday morning they suspended the blockade when the Police promised to put a stop to the invasion.
In order to determine once and for all the ownership claimed over this land by the community and by UMSS, it was agreed to speed up the official legalisation procedures which are being dealt with by INRA (National Institute for Agrarian Reform).
The new squatters are not involved in this conflict as they have no property rights and should therefore get off this land.
French to English: Education sample from the website General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - French VOS DROITS ET DÉMARCHES
Associations de parents d'élèves
Associations ministériellement habilitées :
• la Fédération des conseils de parents d'élèves des écoles publiques (FCPE),
• la Fédération des parents d'élèves de l'enseignement public (Fédération PEEP),
• la Fédération nationale des associations de parents d'élèves de l'enseignement public (FNAPE), particulièrement présente dans les lycées d'enseignement professionnel.
• l'Union nationale des associations autonomes de parents d'élèves (UNAAPE).
Il existe d'autres associations non adhérentes à l'une de ces fédérations, mais habilitées par les recteurs.
Dans l'enseignement privé
L'Union nationale des associations de parents d'élèves de l'enseignement libre (UNAPEL).
Rôle des associations
Les associations ont pour rôle :
• de défendre les intérêts moraux et matériels des parents d'élèves,
• d'informer les familles sur la vie scolaire de leur enfant,
• de représenter les parents d'élèves en participant aux conseils d'écoles, aux conseils d'administration des établissements scolaires et aux conseils de classe.
Interventions des associations
Les associations interviennent auprès du chef d'établissement ou par le biais de leurs représentants élus dans les différentes instances éducatives.
Ils sont consultés sur l'organisation de la vie scolaire (projets pédagogiques, règlement intérieur, aménagement du temps scolaire...) et périscolaire (assurances, transports scolaires, restauration, loisirs...).
Droit à l'information
Dans chaque école ou établissement scolaire, un lieu accessible aux parents permet l'affichage de la liste des associations de parents d'élèves, avec mention des noms et coordonnées des responsables.
Les associations de parents d'élèves peuvent prendre connaissance et obtenir copie de la liste des parents d'élèves de l'école ou de l'établissement scolaire mentionnant leurs noms, adresses postale et électronique sous réserve d'obtention de leur accord.
Les associations de parents d'élèves doivent bénéficier d'une boîte aux lettres et d'un panneau d'affichage situés dans un lieu accessible aux parents.
Droit de communication
Les associations de parents d'élèves sont autorisées à faire connaître leur action auprès des autres parents d'élèves aux moyens de documents distribués aux élèves en nombre suffisant, sauf disposition contraire arrêtée par le conseil d'école ou le conseil d'administration.
School Parents’ Associations
Government approved associations:
• FCPE – Federation of parents’ councils in state schools,
• Federation PEEP – Federation of parents with pupils in state education,
• FNAPE – National federation of parents’ associations for pupils in state education, mainly in vocational training establishments.
• UNAAPE – National union of independent parents’ associations.
There are other associations which are not members of one of these federations but are approved by senior education officials
In private sector education
UNAPEL – National union of parents’ associations for pupils in private education.
The role of the associations
The role of the associations is to:
• Defend the moral and material interests of parents with schoolchildren,
• Keep families informed of their child’s welfare and progress at school,
• Represent parents by taking part in the work of school governing bodies and pupil progress review committees.
How the associations get involved
The associations communicate with the head-teacher or through their elected representatives on the various educational governing bodies.
They are consulted about the organisation of the school (educational projects, school rules, management of the school day…) and associated matters (insurance, school transport, school meals, leisure activities).
The right to be informed
In every school, there is a place accessible to parents where a list of school parents’ associations can be put up with the contact details of its officers.
School parents’ associations can see and take a copy of lists containing the names, postal and e-mail addresses of parents with children at the school, providing permission is obtained.
School parents’ associations should have use of a letter box and notice board situated somewhere accessible to parents.
The right to communicate
School parents’ associations are authorised to make their activities known to all parents by means of documentation distributed to pupils in sufficient quantities unless decided otherwise by the governing body.
Translation education
Master's degree - Leeds University, England
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Dec 2008.
French (University of St Andrews, verified) Spanish (University of St Andrews, verified) Spanish to English (University of Leeds) French to English (University of Leeds)
ITI, Syndicat national des traducteurs professionels (sft), ASETRAD
Comment of recent ongoing client:- “I was reading the translation by Peter again on Mo… and it was so smooth. I love it.”
In December 2009, I graduated in Applied Translation Studies at the University of Leeds (England) and have been operating as a freelance translator since that time. This follows a career as a qualified accountant which was itself preceded by studying French and Spanish and extensively visiting countries that speak these languages.
I have three main specialisms (in both French and Spanish into English):-
1. International issues:-
This includes translation of reports, articles, press releases, interviews, presentations, minutes etc. dealing with social, political and public health matters.
Clients are principally charities and NGOs.
Examples of my work include a series of reports I have translated over two years for a Human Rights NGO.
2. Business documents:-
This includes translation of commercial contracts, accounts, business letters, company websites, administrative practices and procedures, promotional material, etc.
My work in this area has been mainly supplied to me by translation agencies.
Examples include contractual terms and conditions for service provision, employment, leasing, construction, house sale/purchase; minutes of company meetings; presentation slides; statements and notes to accounts; accounting procedures; texts destined for use on the websites of some well-known companies; letters of complaint.
3. Tourism
In 2014, I began working via one translation agency on the translation of many documents destined for use by French Tourist Offices and businesses in the holiday and leisure sector. I find such material both challenging and interesting and I now consider it another field in which I have some specialist knowledge to offer potential clients.
To further broaden and deepen my skills and experience, I would welcome literary, journalistic, and academic pieces, especially if dealing with international affairs, politics, or history. On a pro-bono basis I have translated from French to English the biography entitled "Louis Dalle - Un Homme Libre".
Besides translation, I also do proof-reading, English to English transcription, and editing of documents written in English by non-native speakers.
• M.A. (Hons) in French and Spanish at the University of St Andrews (Scotland);
• M.Phil. in Latin American Studies at the University of St Andrews (Scotland);
• M.A. in Applied Translation Studies at the University of Leeds (England);
• Qualified as an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants with more 30 years’ experience as an accountant working in auditing (4 years), transport (2 years), telecommunications (12 years), and school management (18 years);
I aim to provide you with translations delivered on time and of a quality that abides by the professional standards of the industry as set out by the translation body of which I am a member, namely the Institute of Translation and Interpreting.
I am also a “membre correspondent” of the Syndicat national des traducteurs professionels (France) and a “socio profesional” of the Asociación Española de Traductores, Correctores, e Intérpretes (Spain)
Likely lowest £0.063 €0.085 $0.10
Likely highest £0.095 €0.130 $0.145
Likely lowest £16.00 €22.00 $25.00
Likely highest £25.00 €35.00 $38.00
1500 – 3000 (dependent on nature of text and availability of glossaries / reference material available)
SDL Trados Studio 2014; STAR Transit NXT.
Writing reports in good English is a skill I have acquired over many years as a manager.
I have learned both Quechua and German although I do not offer these as part of my translation service.
I am acquainted with Bolivian as well as peninsular Spanish.
Keywords: Spanish, French, English, translation, transcription, business, finance, commerce, accounts, charities. See more.Spanish, French, English, translation, transcription, business, finance, commerce, accounts, charities, development, South America, Spain, Bolivia, France, education, biography, history, tourism, international affairs, politics, history. See less.