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Source text - English A range of biomass resources are used to generate electricity and heat through combustion. Sources include various forms of waste, such as residues from agroindustries, post-harvest residues left on the fields, animal manure, wood wastes from forestry and industry, residues from food and paper industries, municipal solid wastes, sewage sludge and biogas from the digestion of agricultural and other organic wastes. Dedicated energy crops, such as short-rotation perennials (eucalyptus, poplar, willow) and grasses (miscanthus and switchgrass), are also used.
Several processes can be used for power generation. Most biomass-derived electricity is produced using a steamcycle process: biomass is burned in a boiler to generate high-pressure steam that flows over a series of aerodynamic blades causing a turbine to rotate, which in response turns a connected electric generator to produce electricity.
Compacted forms of biomass such as wood pellets and briquettes can also be used for combustion, and biomass can also be burned with coal in the boiler of a conventional power plant to yield steam and electricity. The latter is currently the most cost-efficient method for incorporating renewable technology into conventional power production because much of the existing power plant infrastructure can be used without major modifications.
Biogas for heat, power and transport
Anaerobic digestion
Biogas can be created through the anaerobic digestion of food or animal waste by bacteria in an oxygen-starved environment. The resulting biogas contains a high volume of methane along with carbon dioxide, which can be used for heating or for electricity generation in a modified internal combustion engine. The conversion of animal wastes and manure to methane/biogas can bring significant environmental and health benefits. Methane is a greenhouse gas that has a global-warming potential that is 22–24 times more powerful than that of carbon dioxide. By trapping and utilizing the methane, its greenhouse gas impacts are avoided. In addition, heat generated during the biodigestion process kills the pathogens present in manure, and the material left at the end of the process provides a valuable fertilizer.
Translation - Serbian Biomase za proizvodnju toplote i energije
Električna i toplotna energina dobijaju se sagorevanjem raznih vrsa biomasa. U izvore biomasa ubrajaju se otpaci iz poljoprivredne industrije, strnjika, stajsko djubrivo, industrijski drvna otpaci, piljevina, nepreradjeni otpad iz prebrambene i papirne industrije, gradski čvrsti otpad, talog iz otpandih cevi, i biogas razlaganjem poljoprivrennih i drugih organskih materija. Takodje se smatraju biomasom namenske energetske biljke, visegodisnje biljke kratke ophodnje (aukaliptus, topola, vrba) kao i trava i kineski šaš (miscanthus).
Energija se dobija primenom različitih procesa. Najveci deo električne energije koja nastaje preradom biomasa dobija se putem vodene pare. Biomasa sagoreva u parnim kotolovima stvarajući paru visokog pritiska koja okreće aerodinamične lopatice turbina pri čemu električni generator prizvodi struju.
Pogodne za sagorevanje su i čvrste biomase kao na primer, drveni opiljci i briket. Biomase mogu, takodje, da gore zajedno sa ugljem u konvencionalnim ternocentralama za proizvodnju pare i energije. To je, u ovom trenutku, najefikasniji vid povezivanja obnovljivih tehnologija sa konvencionalnim načinom proizvodnje energije zato sto se za njenu proizvodnju moze koristiti već postojeće elektrana koje za tu svrhu ne moraju da pretrpe znacajne modifikacije.
Biogas za proizvodnju toplote, energije i transport
Anaerobna digestija
Biogas nastaje bakterijskom anaerobnom digestijom organskog otpada u sredini siromašnoj kiseonikom. Tako dobijeni biogas sadrži velike količine metana i ugljen dioksida koji se putem digestora pretvara u toplotnu i električnu energiju. Proces dobijanja metan i biogasa iz gnoijiva i djubriva ima veoma pozitivan utican na okolinu i zdravlje. Naime, metan izaziva efekat staklenje bašte, i čak 22 – 24 puta više nego ugljen dioksid doprinosi globalnom otopljenju. Izolovanjem i korišćenjem metana smanjuje se negativne posledice staklene baste. Štaviše, toplota oslobodjena tokom digestije uništava patogene prisutne u gnojivu, dok materije koje ostaju posle tog procesa poboljšavaju kvalitet djubriva.
Italian (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified) English to Serbian (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology) Italian to Serbian (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology) Serbian to Italian (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology) English to Serbo-Croat (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology)
Italian to Serbo-Croat (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology)
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