Working languages:
Swedish to English
Norwegian to English
Danish to English

John Kennedy
Over 20 years in translation/abstracting

United Kingdom
Local time: 05:05 GMT (GMT+0)

Native in: English 
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My areas of specialization include biochemistry, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, life sciences, medicine, the chemical industry, and alternative medicine.

I have approximately 8 years experience of freelance translation from Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian to English as well as around 30 years experience of abstracting/translation (employed then freelance) for the Royal Society of Chemistry and subsequently Elsevier Science, inputting to the Chemical Business News Base from Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish language sources. The subject matter of this data base includes all aspects of chemical-related industries, such as the pharmaceutical, food, biotechnology, biomedical, and agrochemical sectors, and includes takeovers, mergers, plant commissionings and closures, company restructuring, research and development, production, process technology, marketing, environmental issues, health and safety, financial results, marketing, legislation, litigation, etc.

The sources from which I have translated/abstracted on an ongoing basis include: Swedish - Dagens Industri, Affarsvarlden, Kemivarlden Biotech; Norwegian - Dagens Naeringsliv, Hegnar Online; Danish - Borsen, Netposten.
Keywords: medicine, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, sciences, chemical, industry, food, alternative

Profile last updated
Mar 16, 2022