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German to English: Kristine Schneider, Willkommen Widerstand - Ein Konzept und sein Verstandnis in der Gestalttherapie, 2008
Source text - German Im Rahmen der therapeutischen Haltung, zu der Fliessenlassen, Selbstverantwortung, Unterstutzung, Intersubjektivitat zahlen, ergibt sich eine Arbeitsatmosphare von Freiheit und Experimentieren. Schwierigkeiten, die sich aus dem Verstandnis und Befolgen von Anweisungen oder Beantworten von Fragen ergeben konnten, werden moglichst umgangen durch Einfachheit, Eindeutigkeit und Vollstandigkeit der Sprache. Der Therapeut spielt sich ganz auf die Sprache und die subjektive Wahrnehmung des Klienten ein.Die Haltung des Gewahrenlassens, die darauf verzichtet, Veranderungen herbeifuhren zu wollen, und so moglichen Gegensteuerungen des Klienten aus dem Weg geht, begunstigt das paradoxe Erlebnis, dass Veranderungsanstrengungen fruchtlos sind. Die Paradoxie besteht im Verandern durch Aufgeben der Absicht, sich andern zu wollen (Beisser 1970).
Translation - English Within the parameters of the therapeutic attitude, which include flow, self-accountability, support, and intersubjectivity, there arises an atmosphere of freedom and experimentation. Problems that arise in comprehending and following instructions or answering questions are avoided as much as possible through simplicity, precision, and completeness of language. The therapist becomes completely attuned to the language and subjective perception of the client. The validating attitude, which eschews imposing demands for change and thus avoids possible counter-maneuvers on the part of the client, lends support to the paradoxical experience that efforts to change are fruitless. The paradox consists in achieving change by giving up the intention of effecting change (Beisser, 1970).
German to English: Heidi Schoeller, Die gestalttherapeutische Haltung und die Begegnung mit dem Boesen, 2008
Source text - German Gestalttherapie ist phanomenologisches Erforschen in der Begegnung. Der Mensch ist ein bezogenes Wesen, und wir arbeiten mit dem tiefen Wollen des Einzelnen, sich zu beziehen, anzugehoren. "Kontakt findet an der Grenze statt" war einer der ersten Satze, die ich uber Gestalt horte, aber lange nicht begriff. Zur Grenze gehort beides: Beruhrung und Abgrenzung.Und beides brauchen wir: Abgrenzung ohne Beruhrung ist keine Begegnung, Beruhrung ohne Abgrenzung ist nur in bestimmten Verschmelzungssituationen gut fur uns (gesunde Konfluenz). Und damit beides gelingt,damit die Bezogenheit ge-und erlebt wird, braucht der Mensch ein Gegenuber, ein "Du."
Translation - English Gestalt therapy is phenomenological exploration in encounter. Human beings are by definition relational,and we work with the deep desire of the individual to relate, to belong. "Contact takes place on the boundary" was one of the first statements I ever heard about Gestalt, but it was a long time before I grasped it. A boundary needs two things,contact and separation. And we need both. Separation without contact is the absence of encounter; contact without separation is good for us only in certain fusing situations (healthy confluence). And for both to succeed, for the relatedness to be achieved and experienced, we need an other, a 'thou.'
German to English: Hans Vogt, Johann Sebastian Bach's Chamber Music. Amadeus Press, 1988
Source text - German Unavailable
Translation - English In the face of such inconsistencies it seems essential to define the characteristics which a work must exhibit in order to belong unquestionably to the category of chamber music. There has been agreement since about the time of Beethoven: a piece in which each instrumental voice is performed by one player is called chamber music. To this may be added, since the late 19th and early 20th centuries: a piece is termed chamber music if it is rehearsed and performed by a team rather than under the direction of a conductor. A conductor/director is not involved, so that during a performance the individual players provide the necessary leads and cues. This holds true from Beethoven's to about Reger's time; it is not yet wholly true for Mozart, for his wind serenades, although scored for soloists, today frequently are conducted. And although works since Hindemith's
Chamber Music #1 (1921) or Schoenberg's Serenade, at the latest, are indeed chamber music,they cannot be performed without a conductor; - not to mention contemporary music, in which it is not uncommon for a group of only three players to require a conductor. Contemporary works typically diverge from traditional categories. The umbrella term 'chamber ensemble' thus has become commonly accepted in contemporary music. (Page 14)
German to English: Hans Magnus Enzensberger, A Theory of Tourism, New German Critique Nr. 68, Spring-Summer, 1996
Source text - German Zu sich selbst kommt die Sehenswuerdigkeit endlich in der Abstraktion, wo sie, aller fremden Kontingenz enthoben, zum Touristischen Absolutum wird. Im Norden des amerikanischen Bundesstaates Kansas, unweit der Bundesstrasse Nr.281, befindet sich ein kleiner, wohlgepflegter Hain, der um einen Stein herum angelegt worden ist. Auf dem Stein steht:Hier ist das geographische Zentrum der Vereinigten Staaten. Auf der Strasse, die zur Erreichung dieses Steins angelegt wurde und nur zu ihm fuehrt, draengen sich die Wagen der Touristen, zu deren Norm seine Besichtigung gehoert.
Translation - English The tourist sight finally comes full circle in the abstraction that makes it into the absolute tourist experience far from any foreign contingencies. In northern Kansas, not far from State Highway 281, there is a well-tended grove planted around a stone. Written on the stone is: "This is the geographical center of the United States." The road leading to this stone was built exclusively to get there; it is crowded with the cars of tourists whose visit entails paying their respect to this stone. (with Gerd Gemuenden, Dartmouth University)
French to English: L'eternite par les astres, Louis Auguste Blanqui
Source text - French Je defie qu'on sort de cette dilemme: "Ou la resurrection des etoiles, ou la morte universelle." Or, le monde sidereal est vivant, bien vivant, et comme chaque etoile n'a dans la vie generale que la duree d'un eclair, tous les astres ont deja fini et recommence des milliards de fois.
Translation - English I defy you to extricate yourself from this dilemma: Either the resurrection of the stars or universal death. No, the sidereal world is a living entity, and even if each star has only the duration of a spark in the totality of life, still all the stars have already perished and been reborn millions of times.
Years of experience: 50. Registered at Nov 2008.
English to German (Portland State University/Deutsche Sommerschule am) English to German (University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT., Ph.D Candi) English to German (University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, Ph.D.Candidate, )
Claremont-McKenna, University of Washington, Portland State (B.A.,German)
Graduate School:
Portland State University (M.A, German; Master's Thesis "R.M. Rilkes Begriff der besitzlosen Liebe" (German) - "R.M Rilke's Concept of Non-Possessive Love"
University of Salzburg, Austria; Austrian Government Study Grant, 1972-3
University of Connecticut (Ph.D Candidate, German)
University of Oregon (M.A. Comparative Literature, Ph.D Candidate, Comparative Literature; M.A., Foreign Language Teaching, German)
Translating Work:
2008 "Welcome Resistance: A Concept as Understood in Gestalt Therapy," for The Gestalt Project (Kristine Schneider, "Willkommen Widerstand: Ein Konzept und sein Verstaendnis in der Gestalttherapie.")
2008 "The Gestalt Therapeutic Approach and the Encounter With Evil," for The Gestalt Project (Heidi Schoeller, "Die gestaltterapeutische Haltung und die Begegnung mit dem Boesen.")
Hans Vogt, Johann Sebastian Bach's Chamber Music: Background, Analyses, Individual Works. Amadeus Press, 1988.
With Gerd Gemunden, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, A Theory of Tourism, in New German Critique, 1992.
Numerous commissions as as free-lance translator 1975-2007: academic, business, industry. legal, incl. English-German (Conference on Meat Irradiation Technology), English-French (legal/liability case); translations for Dr. Henry Andrews, The Fossil Hunters; numerous dissertations and articles in German and Comparative Literature.
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